So you've tried 3G, IDPA, USPSA, check this out

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Feb 20, 2018
Yeah, I've shot all them before but nothing grabs my interest like this-

It's North South Skirmish Association competition. We compete with Civil War era weapons up to and including artillery. Can you shoot a 12lb Napolean at your local 3G match? No? We DO!! At our Nationals, we have the largest gathering of live fire Civil War era artillery and weapons anywhere in the country. Check it out, I promise it's quite addictive.
Looks cool, but probably not for me. If I wanted to shoot slow, I'd be a bullseye shooter or benchrest or the like. I like USPSA because I like to go fast!

I had an ancestor/relative who commanded a battery of "flying artillery" in the civil war, with 4 12-pdrs during the last phases of the war (mix of 6 and 12 earlier), so getting to touch off one of those beasts is appealing...
Fast is relative. I've shot USPSA 3G and it's nothing like this. In 3G its just you and a horde of cardboard zombies and poppers. In NSSA, you shoot on a team. You win or lose as a team. Again fast is relative, I can usually get off the wartime standard of 3 aimed shots a minute and with the clock running and your team mates shooting, it can get the adrenaline pumping. We also have a saying on my team- you can't miss fast enough to hit anything.
Yeah, but I like to shoot, not reload, fast! ;p

Seriously, though, that's a great idea for a game. I love all the different ways people can figure out to have fun.
Sadly nada down here in Texas every time I've looked into. I'd love to be able to try it out, but going out of state for it isn't going to happen.

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