Social Media

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Spats McGee

Staff member
Mar 15, 2012
I use Facebook on a daily basis. Social media are a very powerful force in public opinion these days, and we should not overlook those outlets as a means to sway the "fence sitters." (We'll never get the hardcore antis to jump the fence, so attempting to do so is wasted energy, IMO.) Nonetheless, I thought I'd share my social media plan here.

In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting, it quickly became apparent that something's coming down the pike. FB lit up like a freakin' Christmast tree with posts on both sides of the fence. I kept my mouth shut for the first few days after the Sandy Hook shooting while I "took the pulse" of my FB friends, all of whom I know in real life. Then I composed a long post containing my thoughts on Sandy Hook, the 2A, and the RKBA. I had several requests to repost, and all I asked was that they "tag" me in it with something like "Thanks to Spats McGee" so that I could track my own post. This has allowed me to reach out and engage in several "conversations" outside my own cirlce of friends about these matters. That was several days ago, and I have not been called a "whackjob" yet.

I don't use MySpace or any of the other various social media, but if you use any of the social media, I'd encourage you to get out there and start trying to get some of the fence sitters to understand the realities of responsible gun ownership. We've got to show the country that we're not all nutjobs, we're not all paranoid, we don't own guns just for the sake of destroying stuff. We have to show the country that we're parents. We have to show them that we want our kids, and their kids, to be safe. We have to show them that those things are entirely compatible with private gun ownership.
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