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johnny blaze

Mar 2, 2006
I see that Cleveland is challenging the state removing their assualt weapons band.
I recently had the privledge of speaking to a fairly high ranking memeber of law enforcement in the Cleveland area.
Getting back to challenging the weapons ban in Cleveland, I am really getting tired of the term - We must protect the children. The mayor of Columbus Ohio used the same song and dance about protecting the children when he was talking about banning guns in parks.
The official that I was talking to agreed to let me ask him some questions about the assualt ban and some crime statistics.
I asked if there has been many assualt weapons taken from the criminals over the last few years. He said that he could speak from the last 20 years. There was 1 ar15 type weapon taken from criminals, and 1 other assualt type taken. That is 2 out of 20 years.
According to him, there were a handful of Colts and Smith and Wessons, a few Rugers. Most of the weapons that were used would be referred to as Saturday Night Specials. The really crummy, cheaply made revolvers and autos. The criminals are just not interested in an assault rifle or the quality made extended round automatics. They want something cheap that they can easily dump.
I also asked about arrests in the Cleveland area. He told me that there are approximately 10,000 OPEN ARREST WARRANTS IN THE CLEVELAND AREA. He said that the jails are so full that you have to have an appointment to take a felon to jail. Imagine that. They serve warrants with the muder and voilent offenders being top priority. The drug warrants are way down the list.
He also told me that the law enforcement is way under staffed.
It sounds to me like Cleveland is losing the war on crime.
I would think that since the crime is out of control, that spending the money to try and restore the assault weapons ban in Cleveland, (which coes not work to reduce crime or children getting shot) it could be spent on other problems. He agreed with me on the subject.
He said that it is the criminals and gang members that are using guns to settle disputes that is the problem. He said that alot of innocent people are getting shot when they are caught in the line of fire.
Very interesting talk with the gentleman.
We both agreed that something must be done with the gangs and voilence in this country, as right now it is critical. Just imagine what it will be like in the next 10 years.
Makes a person wonder.:eek:
If you can't fix the problem, then make the people feel good by banning things, having meetings, curfews, night time basketball, whatever.

Nothing new.

I don't think any of the statistics you learned are a real surprise are they?
They know assault weapons bans etc don't really do any good, they are smarter than we give them credit for I think (the antis).

All that matters is that the regular Joe and Mary soccer parents FEEL like things are being taken care of while American Idol is on and their kids are sneaking out the window.

TSA is making old women take their smelly shoes off while Delta employees use their badges to sneak guns and drugs onto planes.
It's all for show, and there's nothing the average American likes better than a good show.
I work on E. 80th st.

I work on the east side, on E 80th and Kinsman. Really nice neighborhood. Alright, so I'm being sarcastic, it's a crappy place. If Cleveland wanted to take care of some of the crime, they could start with cleaning up the projects, hiring more officers, training the entire department up to acceptable levels and teach officers what stop lights and signs mean. All this could be done with the money earmarked for A) filing this idiotic lawsuit and B) computers and internet access for the HUD housing.
Maybe they should work on the children before those children become drug dealers, car thieves and armed robbers. But then it is probably a lot easier to pass a feel good law than to actually accomplish something.
He said that alot of innocent people are getting shot when they are caught in the line of fire.
I wish you had ask him to define "a lot." Cincinnati has similar problems, but it has not progressed as far as it has in Cleveland. I'll bet that "a lot" actually means "a few." That doesn't mean it's not a problem, but it deflates some of the emotional hype use to support feel-good bans.
I am not sure they have any real way to challenge it. I am closest to Dayton, and I think they are just letting it go (I havent heard them mention fighting it). Dayton had a FID card, which was a pain because the law didnt mention anything about a non-resident 'safe passage'.

Having all the cities as practical different countries was dumb as hell. Even if I dont like the law, I dont think a city should have a law OPPOSITE the state.

I also had the oppurtinity to speak to a Toledo officer at a museum event, he told me that the conviscated assault weapons and 'assault weapons' (yes, they had real ones, and the ahem, clinton-esque AS), most had been in their storeroom for decades. I recall, the number of semi auto 'Assault weapons' was under 5, and the full autos was a whopping 9! This is going back over 30 years though. (or so he said) was all old stuff that used to be cheap - one PPSH41, two MP44s and a couple AR18s. nothing fancy, and no big numbers.
When they spew that garbage about "the CHIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLDREN", it is intended to muster up all the little warm fuzzy emotions.

Kumbaya, Kumbaya!!!
Lucky for us, Mayor Frank Jackson has decided to ignore the new state preemption laws and continues to enforce the stricter and safer laws that the city of Cleveland has in effect. Afterall his arguement is, that it is for the safety of the children. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell the 16 year old kid who put a hand gun up to his head yesterday evening to prove to a friend that the gun simply could not be fired because the safety was on. That was the last stupid mistake this kid will make. I am curious as to how the Mayor's stance against statewide preemption helped him? The problem with Mayor Jackson is, he has all the answers. Unfortunately, no one has ever asked him all the questions. Typical politician.
The problem with Mayor Jackson is, he has all the answers.

Too bad his answers don't fit the questions.....

At first, I though Hizzoner Mayor Frank had good ideas. However; the more he says, the less I think that way.
Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell the 16 year old kid who put a hand gun up to his head yesterday evening to prove to a friend that the gun simply could not be fired because the safety was on. That was the last stupid mistake this kid will make. I am curious as to how the Mayor's stance against statewide preemption helped him?

This will sound cold and heartless, but the kid should have known better, and probably did, but simply chose to look cool and ended up being stupid. It takes real effort to violate those two safety rules. I haven't read the articles on it, where did he get the gun? Where was the nearest adult? Was the gun stored properly?

Frank Jackson is trying to score points in a place that has had mayors that were slightly effective at best. Most of them have been useless.
We ran an article on this earlier in the week. Steve Loomis, the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association, made it clear the police are not interested in enforcing illegal laws.

Tell Mayor Jackson That Cleveland Is NOT Above State Law!

On March 14th, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson announced that he would defy the law by continuing to enforce Cleveland's strict local gun laws.

Do you want to tell Mayor Jackson that he should comply with the law and not infringe on the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of Cleveland?

Do you want to tell Mayor Jackson that the City of Cleveland should focus on REAL criminals instead of trying to turn honest citizens into criminals?

Do you think Mayor Jackson should avoid wasting taxpayer money on yet another failed lawsuit to defend Ohio's antiquated Home Rule provision?

If so, call his Office of Communications at 216-664-2220

Remember to be POLITE!
How about a take your son or daughter to a range day? My father taught me to shoot when I was about 10, and gun safety since before I can remember. I still go shooting with my dad often, sometimes we even compete with AR's and other SCAW's. It has given me hands on experience with an american tradition, with variations of notable arms used throughout our history, afterall Its for the children and their future.
According to the FBI, Ohio had 549 murders in 2005. Guess how many involved rifles of ANY type.


All rifles COMBINED accounted for only 13 homicides in the entire state in the year 2005, or way less than 3%. 58 homicides were committed with knives, 53 were committed with fists and feet, but all rifles combined accounted for only 13.

Rifles are not a crime problem in Ohio (or anywhere else) and never have been.
E-mail that to the mayor. And everyone on the city council. And to signmakers so that you can stick that fact in your yard.
Mayor of Cleveland has other problems - namely that is a complete DUMP and the blight of our whole state! The most ugly city in the state, most crime-ridden, and some phony gun ban (illegal) wont help anything.

At least the other cities got the message.
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