Some people belong in padded rooms

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Dec 26, 2002
People's Republik of California
(NOTE: not trying to start a forum war, but some of the stuff in this thread is entirely too funny to keep to myself. So, only post here if you must, otherwise, read, laugh, and pity the idiots... plus, there are a few RKBA folks there already)

Eyez0nme said:
Guns Are For Cowards


That is why San Francisco banned all guns from American citizen. You will be fined, and brought to justice, if you don't turn in your guns.

Cause I own a gun, and some days I rob homes when I'm broke, and I expect you all to die like a man, not trying to stop me like a little girl, alright?
Is this true?

I am a California refugee (thank God i evacuated to Texas). I knew it was bad but had no idea to the extent.:cuss: :banghead: :barf:
Got about half way thru the thread before it started to get repetitive.

Surprisingly, if one looks past the total lack of knowledge concerning firearms by every single poster on the thread, quite a few actually are closet gunnies without even knowing it. They feel - literally - feel and don't know how to express the actual emotion - that the gun ban is wrong. Some take a stab at it without much success.

My impression is that most of the posters on that particular board are probably youngsters 14 to 18 years old with a sprinkling of adults. Youngster's heads are pretty much filled with the crap spewed by the media, they don't know how to filter out the BS yet. Toss in zero experience having to deal with real life, crappy schools that don't teach critical thinking and do teach leftist BS and you've got some confused young people on your hands. That's what I saw in the OP's linked to thread.
Mot45acp said:
I am a California refugee (thank God i evacuated to Texas). I knew it was bad but had no idea to the extent.:cuss: :banghead: :barf:

A LOT of the people over there are Euros, (outpostnine is originally a site by a dude over in Japan, an American who is teaching english to Japanese kids, but he set up a webforum for his 'fans' to discuss things.

There's quite a few shooters on the board, but alas, there's also quite a few morons.
Werewolf said:
Got about half way thru the thread before it started to get repetitive.

Surprisingly, if one looks past the total lack of knowledge concerning firearms by every single poster on the thread, quite a few actually are closet gunnies without even knowing it. They feel - literally - feel and don't know how to express the actual emotion - that the gun ban is wrong. Some take a stab at it without much success.

My impression is that most of the posters on that particular board are probably youngsters 14 to 18 years old with a sprinkling of adults. Youngster's heads are pretty much filled with the crap spewed by the media, they don't know how to filter out the BS yet. Toss in zero experience having to deal with real life, crappy schools that don't teach critical thinking and do teach leftist BS and you've got some confused young people on your hands. That's what I saw in the OP's linked to thread.

No doubt. I tried explaining it in terms they'd get, but the worst ones are the Swedish / Holland types, those that don't see any real need for firearms, since they're so "safe" over ther. :banghead:

Even asked Oleg for permission to post one of his images there, which of course, was answered by "but rapists carry guns too!"

I take it you didn't get to the post where that one kid said "I wish your cat would get shot" or some crap like that?
Looks like somebody slept through civics class...

OK here are my thoughts. The goverment should never be able to pass laws banning guns, only the people themselfs should beable to pass these kinda of laws. Since the right to bear arms is ment so that we can protect ourselves from the goverment, I don't think its their place to tell us that we don't need them anymore. If the people vote that they don't have a need for guns anymore then I'll find that exeptible. But the goverment telling us that we don't need guns any more is akin to a criminal saying he doesn't need to be in jail anymore, essentially its not their call.

Wow, so close to offering a novel perspective... but not quite there.
I just did a user name search for "coward" on this forum. There doesn't appear to be one. I think I saw some kind of error message about contacting a forum administrator about it. hahaha
Got REAL tiresome to read. The almost complete lack of real information seems fairly par - always frustrating to see when the interest is so obviously high. These people are willfully ignorant ... it's not like it's hard to find real information/data. I'd have to agree with Werewolf on the age bracket that is posting there. Lots of red-press soundbytes, etc.

But - many of them actually do get it. Some, get it and understand why. Hopefully, the ones that don't understand will stick with it until they do.

If it doesn't work, it will atleast serve as good supporting evidence for NOT adopting such a silly policy at the state and national levels.
Violence isn't a problem you can solve by simply making more laws. Murder and mayhem is already illegal. They should stick to enforcing existing laws.
Well guns could be useful to say a frail 90 pound girl that couldn't defend herself from an attacker.
that's sad
guns are fun
San Fransico banned Hand Guns.

So if you want to blast someone with a shot-gun go right ahead.

setxcypress said:
He just needs someone to take the lad shooting and show him what he will give up. And how it's not like the video games.

He aslo neds too lurn hwo two us a spill chicker.
Anyone who tries and protect themselves with guns deserves to die;
The guy who wrote this is probably a little thieving c**t who doesn't understand the concept of mine vs yours...of course he doesn't want people to own guns, he might get shot while burglarizing to score money for his next little bag o' fun...
Leftists are all that way. They have no concept of right or wrong. They admire and respect and put convicted murderers like Leonard Peltier, Tookie Williams and Mumia Abu Jamal on pedestals as paragons of integrity and model citizens. Just listen to that NPR and Hypocrisy Now BS to get a taste of it. Heck they wanted to give Tookie Williams a Nobel Peace Prize. Nevermind that he brutally murdered 4 innocent people during a crime spree. Don't even get me started on the idjits wearing Che 'I shot 10 kids today' T-shirts.

Meanwhile regular everyday non-murderous non-felons that have to keep their records clean, pass a background check everytime we add to our collection, go through FBI and state background checks for carry licenses... we're the ones that can't be trusted.

'Progressives' must be defeated by any means necessary. They ARE the reason the Founders put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution in the first place. No wonder they work so hard to remove it.
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I am a California refugee (thank God i evacuated to Texas). I knew it was bad but had no idea to the extent.

And we thought you moved because of the lower cost of living and no state income tax.:D
Phyphor said:
an American who is teaching english to Japanese kids, but he set up a webforum for his 'fans' to discuss things.

I am one of that guy's fans. I enjoy his writing, anyway. I didn't know he started a board.
Kass the moderator did a super job. Someone should link the DOJ defensive gun use stats and the FBI crime stats.
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