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Sound Shots

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Aug 10, 2008
I just spoke with someone who was told a number of years ago while they were at deer hunting camp that an "out-of-stater" had told them that he didn't see any deer so far but had taken several "SOUND SHOTS."

When the person asked what a "sound shot" is, the guy calmly told him that he heard rustling in the woods and took shots at the rustling!:uhoh: I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

If those kind of people are in the woods, I'd just as soon STAY HOME, thank you!:eek:

A couple weeks ago, a local hunter was moose hunting and a guy from out of state shot at what he thought was a bear, only to shoot the local man in the hip. The man is still in critical condition, they may have to amputate his leg and he may never walk again without the aid of some walker or wheelchair, let alone the possibility of not surviving this ordeal!:what:


As always, people need to watch what they are shooting at, and be certain of what it is and certain of the backstop!

Hunters need to wear at minimum an orange hat and vest! I realize some states require hunters to wear so many square inches of international orange.
Anyone taking "Sound Shots" other than an outer perimeter sentry on duty in a hostile country deserves an immediate smackdown. High school hunting budd got very seriously wounded by a "Sound Shooter"...during SQUIRREL/RABBIT season. Deer season was still more than a month away.
That's a sad story and I knew there were idiots in the woods, but idiots like that just need to stay in the city where they obviously belong.
Shooting at a sound (who may well be armed, may be a better shot than you, and may be able to see you even though you can't see it/him) isn't the best way to achieve your normal life expectancy.
I hate hunting on public lands for that very reason.
Good reminder. Unfortunately, those idgits you see walking around in everyday society - there is no magical anti-idgit barrier ad the edge of the woods, so some of them come in with a gun. :mad:

Rule #4, Rule #4, Rule #4 - applies in the woods just like everywhere else.

I say, the punishment should fit the crime: Once a year, take all the people in a particular state who admit to taking a sound shot. Put them in an enclosed (fenced) heavily wooded 5 acres tract with one deer and no food, water, or shelter. As soon as one of them kills the deer, that person get the deer and they all get let loose. See how they like that situation with all their fellow "sound shooters."
"Stupid is as stupid does"
Forrest Gump

You NEVER point a gun or shoot what you can't see. Imagine another hunter squating in the bush to take a dump?
Unfortunately there's no excuse for stupid!

When I was a kid growing up in Central Wisconsin, we often had "CITY FOLK" from Milwaukee and Chicago that would come up to our area to deer hunt. All the local folks had their own hunting areas and everyone respected another groups area. Except the "city Folk". Of course they would never have known the unwritten rules of local hunting areas. So when we were on stand and one of them came through, they'd always ask if we'd seen anything. Our response would always be " No, but I had a couple sound shots over this way." Usually got rid of them pretty quick.

I have never heard it referred to as a "sound shot", but I have heard of a "scattering shot" as in to "scatter them out." It goes without saying that no matter what you call it is an ignorant idea and I firmly believe anyone who would do such a thing should not even be allowed to own a cap gun or water pistol. I've been carrying a strobing light for public lands in edition to my blaze orange. I wear it in and out, no such thing as too safe in my book... that said, I should probably use it on my private lands as well!
Maybe it's true, but the whole concept sounds like an urban legend to roast and serve up "city folk."

In my neck of the woods, growing up 100 miles west of here, in a very rural environment, I heard many stories involving "big city" hunters bragging about the "trunk-full of quail" they'd harvested. The story always involved the city hunters then opening the trunk to a local, only to find all the harvested birds were meadowlarks.

While it's true one can never be too safe in the woods, take stories passed along from second and third party sources with a hefty grain of salt.
Now, there is ONE way where sound shots are useful, and that's in discussion in camp. I'll explain :D.

Years and years ago, my father wound up being invited to a hunt on a 10,000-acre ranch, and the only other hunters who'd arrived were obvious newbies. Brand new Abercrombie & Fitchly-equipped types.

In the course of the usual BSing around the campfire, the subject of "How to hunt?" came up. My father allowed as how he'd always found that "sound shots" were quite productive. "Sound shots," one asked, "What are those?"

"Aw, you hear a sound, you just shoot into the brush and see what runs out."

"Where you gonna hunt, tomorrow?"

My father said he had about 9,900 acres to hunt on; the other guys stayed within about 100.

My father, never in his life, ever took a sound shot.

i WOULD NOT HUNT anywhere near that person!!!!! NO WAY, NO HOW!!! if you got up to strech, and he heard you, you could very well take a bullet. that person HAS NO BUSINESS hunting! EVER! he WILL kill someone if he keeps doing that. and chaces are, that hunter has a family to provide for.
Man reading the title I was expecting a story about shooting inside your comfort level as a sound shot. I have heard of these types of folks before but fortunately haven't encountered one.
I would have kicked his tail right then and there.

On our lease, my father would have kicked their tails right then and there.
I hear a lot of talk about them crazy 'city folk' (as I'm farmgirl in the city now) but back at my parents place - there more than enough local morons doing that same crap. Sound shots, poaching, spotting. There are plenty of rural folks that I know personally that I don't trust with a gun.
The local moose hunter lost his leg above the knee this morning. They had to amputate it, infection was set in.

Poor guy (mid-50's) goes out for a leasurly hunt and nearly gets killed.:what:

He's still in CRITICAL condition. His blood pressure is real low for some reason. My prayers go out to his family, friends, and most importantly, TO HIM!
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I heard a story like that from a guy when I first moved to NM. He was dead serious. And that's why I never deer hunted on public land in southeast New Mexico.
:cuss:ing out of staters 99.99999999% of them in my area don't know S@#t they shoot cows for crying outloud a cow looks NOTHING like a deer jezz they should make a law against out of staters or at least make them take some tests to qualify to hunt weed out the itiots.
The clown who will do a sound shot is about as bright as the guy who will use his scope to look around with. I heard of a guy who got shot doing that. The shooter thought he was aiming at him. Realistically he was.
this is just one of the reason I have not, do not, and will not hunt public land ever. Think about how stupid the average person is...now realize that 50% of the population is even dumber.
Oh thats why I no longer hunt turkey,, had to many jerks walk right up to me, pointing the shotgun my way.
And I only hunt Deer from a tree stand, 25 feet up a tree,
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