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South Korean Firearm Transfer Banned

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I thought the article was "fair and balanced"....

the government was given every opportunity to make their case....

State Department spokesman referred questions to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. ATF representatives said they would look into the question Monday afternoon, but on Wednesday they referred questions to the Justice Department. DOJ spokesman Dean Boyd referred questions back to the State Department.

The White House referred questions on the issue to the Pentagon, which referred questions to the U.S. Embassy in South Korea, which deferred back to the State Department.

That's their response.

And this is why President Reagan was right when he said "government isn't the solution to the problem, government is the problem"

Resources wasted and rights infringed upon, all via. government bureaucracy. Heaven forbid we have a little democracy in this country. You know, open debate and a vote.

It's not that the Obama admin. doesn't understand guns (that was a generous statement imo.) but rather they understand perfectly well that there is absolutely no sound argument to support banning the repatriation of these M1s and they want to use the black hole of federal bureaucracy to accomplish what they could never due in the light of day.

They know full well that gun control is a failed policy and an irrational argument that doesn't hold water. They will not go on the record with any public statement to defend their policy, as they know they will get shouted down, and made to look stupid.

So they play the same ol' game.... shifty, sneaky, backroom, under the table decisions.

This ban is being driven exclusively by the State Dept. and we all know what devious lawyer (remember White Water) is manipulating the system to stroke her political donors.
I wrote my senators and congress critter yesterday. Hate to see these firearms ending up as a Hyundai!!!
A High capacity M1 Garand!!! All 8 rounds of it!! We need to ban those high capacity 8 round clips that clang and ping when you fire them!
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