Splitting powder

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Sep 12, 2006
Memphis, TN
Hey guys,
A friend and I are going in on a pretty big keg of powder. What would be the best way to split this up? Old 8lb kegs if I can find them? Even if they are different powder, just label them right?

Just trying to work out some ideas.
Thats a great idea. To top that off they sell plastic ones at our local store for like 98 cents or something.
CLEAN/DRY detergent and bleach bottles please. Use a sharpie to label the can/bottle with date and what is inside it. Find the detergent bottles at the laundromat in the trash can by the washer.:D
For years and years the "Surplus Powder Dealers" would repackage in paint thinner cans. Aside from the hassle of prying out a gallon can lid then having to pound it in with a mallet, the paint cans are certainly a good option.

Of course one could also go to the local gun club and see if any other reloaders have an empty 8# jug or two they haven't thrown away yet. I've got two I'd gladly give to anyone local in the same circumstance.

I'd avoid any container that previously held any liquid of any kind. Even cleaning with "gasoline" isn't going to assure the old product is gone and may well introduce a new problem. I'd rather use an empty "Scoopable Cat Litter" jug. Just blow the residual dust out with a compressed air hose.
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