Springfield 2020


Dec 19, 2011
Tucson, Arizona
Any observations on the accuracy of Springfield 2020 rimfires? Does it meet its guarantee of one-inch accuracy for three shots at 50 yards with match ammo? How accurate would you call that?
A 2moa group, with match ammo is a pretty low bar for a rifle costing over $1k is what I'd call it.

Considering a $500 ruger american will usually shoot into a group half that size.

I'm sure they're nice rifles, but that's not much of a guarantee.

Edited to add: I missed the part about this being the rimfire rifles. I was thinking of the way point center fire rifles.
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The ones i looked at were all the synthetics, seemed decent. Cost was 500ish, and imo fit and finish at least afforded that. No idea as to how accurate they would be, i havent seen one in use yet.
No experience with one personally. But I have heard good things. LGS owner sold one to a friend about as soon as he could get one. That guy is shooting golf balls off of fence posts at 300+. I’m sure not gonna complain about that. But they’re definitely “priceyish”. 2 moa isn’t much for the money imho. I believe @marksman13 has more than one of them if memory serves me right.
No experience with one personally. But I have heard good things. LGS owner sold one to a friend about as soon as he could get one. That guy is shooting golf balls off of fence posts at 300+. I’m sure not gonna complain about that. But they’re definitely “priceyish”. 2 moa isn’t much for the money imho. I believe @marksman13 has more than one of them if memory serves me right.
Mine are all centerfire, but my experience has been so positive that I want to try one of the rimfires. I’ve got my name on another No. 1, so the Waypoint rimfire is on the back burner, but I’d like to buy one this year.
I'd surely be disappointed with 2MOA. I just imagine that accuracy guarantee was a safe bet contrived by the marketing team that is biting them in the rear. Because 2MOA is a pretty low expectation for what is priced as a semi-premium rifle.
No experience with one personally. But I have heard good things.
Me either... However, I have heard not one single thing good about them. we must subscribe to opposite ends of the spectrum?
Me either... However, I have heard not one single thing good about them. we must subscribe to opposite ends of the spectrum?
Ha ha :) I did a little more review and asked a few more questions, several of the ones that I was thinking of were actually centerfire. That may explain some of the difference.
I don't have one, never shot one, but the reports over at RFC seem to indicate that accuracy is hit or miss (as it were).
I bought one about 2 weeks ago even after reading all the many negative reviews. I wanted to try one out for myself and see if I could get the rare accurate rifle you hear about. I'm a glutton for punishment.
Tried nearly 10 different brands, Eley 10X, Eley Match, SK long range, Lapua long range, Lapua Center X, Eley Team, CCI standard velocity, CCI Mini Mags, Norma TAC 22, and a couple other brands that I don't remember the name. Results?? I was able to get the guaranteed 1 inch at 50 yards with a couple of the ammos. Eley Team surprisingly did the best.
The testing was done at an indoor range using bi-pod and rear sandbag with a 3-15x 44 Sig Sauer Whiskey 5 scope. I brought my torque wrench with me and tried different settings and none of them resulted in smaller groups, just moved the POI a bit on the target. I shot rimfire benchrest for a number of years and am a competent shooter, not a champion but competent, so I think I meet the cited guarantee requirements set by Springfield. Pretty disgusted as I have a Ruger American Rimfire with the pencil barrel that will beat that.

The Pros of the rifle, a few. I like the looks of it, the stock is rigid and the ergonomics of it work well for my hands. The trigger is a bit heavy even after tinkering with it, but Remington pattern triggers are available. The trigger is flat and wide, which I like, and I had no problem with the heavy pull.
If Springfield would use a better quality barrel they will have a definite winner. I'm going to send it down the road to another glutton for punishment as it will require an aftermarket ($$$) barrel to be accurate.