Strangest GB auction I have ever seen....

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Pretty daring to put it up for 0.01 without a reserve. Looks like it will pay off for him though.
I'm confused. Why is that so strange? I've seen lots of auctions start like that. Gets lots of people interested and into a bidding frenzy.
chevyman097 I'm confused. Why is that so strange? I've seen lots of auctions start like that. Gets lots of people interested and into a bidding frenzy.

Look at the bids. The first bidder made 23 bids, one right after the other.

Not many auctions with 23 bids and still $0.01
Pretty daring to put it up for 0.01 without a reserve
Maybe if he was putting up a 4 hour auction in the middle of the night. There are enough people scouring gunbroker for deals that any lowball auction is going to approach market price long before the bidding ends, especially with a 13 day auction.
Also, you can filter out reserve price items using Gunbroker's search feature. Which means you might be losing potential customers if you have a reserve.

I think for anything fairly common and not too obscure having no reserve is just fine (granted the auction goes for at least a few days).

It is weird though; the guy outbid himself (23 times no less)? Must be very forgetful.
Pretty daring to put it up for 0.01 without a reserve.
Not strange at all.
When I used to sell on eBay I started many auctions at .01 cent with no reserve.
Auctions always rise to the highest value of the item or more, regardless of where you start it.

The first bidder made 23 bids, one right after the other.
Robo-bid software.

Robo-bid software.
Maybe, although the timing is a bit weird for that. It almost makes me wonder if he kept submitting and the bid was timing out on his browser but going through to GB and he just hit refresh each time.
He also could have been increasing his maximum bid incrementally rather than all at once. I did that once. Decided to increase my max bid and it showed me bidding twice, but the Current Bid amount did not change.
Maybe a little off topic, but why are all the markings on the gun in English? Are these made for export?
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