Stunning numbers

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Jan 3, 2003
From the DUF report: Voting with their wallets.

The Beat Goes On: In just the last three months of 2008 Americans bought approximately 4.5 million firearms -- enough guns to outfit the entire Chinese and Indian army’s [sic] combined and then some. You also bought 1.5 billion rounds of ammunition in just the single month of December 2008. Yeah that is right, that is billion with a “B”. This is an evaluation of overall firearms and ammunition purchases based on low end numbers per Federal NICS instacheck data base. The numbers presented are only PART of the overall numbers of arms and ammunition that have been sold. The actual numbers are much higher…

View the video too.
4.5 million firearms just the last three months of 2008.

Seem to me a lot of people are waking up
and are NOT buying the rhetoric of the grabbers.

Let FREEDOM ring. :)
Seem to me a lot of people are waking up
and are NOT buying the rhetoric of the grabbers.
Instead they are buying wholesale into the rhetoric of the dealers who say that Obama is going to take away all your guns.

"Buy now while you still can! The price is only going to go up and up! These are the last ones at this price! Who knows if we'll ever see another Taurus .38 in the shop! I'd sure like to hold it for you, but I have a lot of people coming in looking at these."
Let Freedom Ring.

That Report at the range is a wonderful sound.

The tinkle of falling brass is same as ka-ching in the great american enterprising small business owner.. uhh.. reloader yes! That's it...

Let this Great Nation roll on armed properly and able to use it properly.

I myself intend to triple the ammo stocks on hand. If the rest intend to do the same (Pricing be damned) then we are gonna be fine.
You are dangerously naive if you believe Obama will not eventually get to the gun issue.
Did I say he would never do anything regarding guns?

But I certainly haven't bought into the hysteria that any day now, he will pass an executive order banning all guns and send UN peacekeepers door to door to round them up.
So are you saying there is no need to prepare for a future gun ban?
I think it is more important to work to prevent a future gun ban thought activism and education, than it is to "prepare" by purchasing large quantities of guns and ammo in a seller's market. I find taking a couple of new folks shooting is much for effective and satisfying than sitting in my basement looking at 5000 rounds of .223 bought at 50 cents pop mumbling, "Yes, my preshuss, nasty Obamas will never gets you!"
If they came into my home and took our guns because suddenly there are more police recruits in need of these guns, there is going to be a problem.
This is pure fantasy.

I'm afraid I've got better things to do with my Sunday afternoon than indulge this kind of nonsense. Please disregard my comments and continue to pat each other on the back for buying as much as possible. That'll show them.

Good day, gentlemen.
If they came into my home and took our guns because suddenly there are more police recruits in need of these guns, there is going to be a problem.
Expecting such a thing to come to pass is well past rational and displays a profound misunderstanding of how our society functions.

But this is a sad and unecessary thread veer. The thread was started with a post about how much of a run on firearms-related stuff has occurred lately. The number is certainly staggering.
Ok, activism is all well and good, and encouraging new shooters better. But the fact remains that the majority of Americans aren't single issue voters. Just because someone may now enjoy taking the occasional trip to the range, doesn't mean they'll support pro RKBA politicians.
So are you saying there is no need to prepare for a future gun ban?
There is a high likelihood of a future effort to further restrict guns and/or ammo.

Our answer to this threat lies not just in stocking up - although that is prudent - but in actively working to expand an acceptance of the RKBA. Writing your CongressCritters, taking newbies shooting - these are all activities that can help PREVENT the next ban from being realized.

And that's a far better solution that just sitting back and waiting for it.
HS - keep at it, and you'll get the whole thread locked down. If you want to discuss that specific piece of trash, go to APS. Better yet - go research the claim in that article that 'it (as described) has been passed into law' before you go to APS.
Back to the original topic before it veered off, did the site give a breakdown of the sales i.e. bolt action rifles, semi-auto rifles, shotguns, side arms, etc.? Same thing on the ammo, was it shotgun, full size rifle, intermediate rifle, pistol rounds? Just curious.
That's pretty impressive! I like that. Someone has to be taking note of those numbers along with the surge in members to RKBA groups.

I think those numbers will in effect nullify any ban that may actually take place. They will be a "day late and a dollar short". :)

Hungry Seagull start a new thread on the swine flu. If the moderators allow it I will jump in with you so as not to hijack this thread.
Let me fix that: (part of my post #2)

Seems to me a lot of people are waking up
and are NOT buying the rhetoric of the grabbers and
maybe a few gun sellers.

Better? :)
remember, every person who buys a gun and stocks up on ammo in fear of a potenial ban is one less person who will say 'it won't affect me, so I don't care' when the issue gets heated
I have a different take on this.

I understand there have been over 7 million guns sold since Nov '08. This number doesn't include private party sales.

My question is; Where is the huge corresponding spike in crime? Haven't we been conditioned to believe that more guns = more crime? If so, where is it?

Surely the anti's haven't lied all these years.
That would probably be the reason the media hasn't talked about it much. Now if there was this kind of demand and a spike in crime, they'd report on the huge increase in sales. But a story that doesn't confirm their bias, that's not news.
All those guns sold mean many new gun owners, most of whom are voters. More gun owners is the surest defense against more gun control.
Doesn't surprise inside source tells me the NRA will soon announce it's membership will exceed 5,000,000.
If your gonna blame the gun dealers you might as well throw in the NRA, GOA, JPFO and every other organization like them.

It seems they got the ball rolling during the primaries and the dealers ran with it in November.

So whos' really to blame?

Me I don't care. I see it as a boone for the gun industry that otherwise during this economic meltdown could be gasping for air.

It seems to me a healthy gun industry is better for us shooters anyway you look at it.

Just like oil, its a in demand commodity right now. And like gas was last summer, so goes guns now.

And like gas the only ones complaining were those who can't seem to put more than 5 dollars in their pocket at any one time.

You can either spread the joy or spread the blame.
....This is an evaluation of overall firearms and ammunition purchases based on low end numbers per Federal NIC instacheck data base.

There will be more accurate numbers on guns and ammo when the Fed's disclose the Pitman Robertson tax money that has been collected. Third quarter was up 20% from the year before.....and that was before the election.
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