Support Oregon CHL Privacy bill - OR 2727

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Nov 25, 2006
Central Oregon
Yesterday on the radio (OPR) I heard about a new Oregon House bill that would help prevent a Trejbal debacle here in Oregon. Today I sent the following to my State Rep and State Senator. If you are an Oregon resident, you can find your state legislators here if you need to.

I am providing the text of my letter to inspire you too to write to your legislators in support of this bill.

Dear Senator Telfer --

I am writing to encourage you to support House Bill 2727 protecting the privacy of those Oregonians who hold state-issued concealed handgun permits. I was pleased to hear about this bill on OPR yesterday.

Concealed carry permit holders are not criminals. As we have seen in other jurisdictions that have recently published the names and home addresses of permit holders, it is simply a way to abuse, endanger, and harass law-abiding citizens and to make life difficult for them.

Furthermore, several of the people in my permit class were women fleeing stalkers, abusive ex-boyfriends or husbands, and my wife noticed at least one such case in her class as well. The names and addresses of these and all permit holders should not be freely distributed. Legitmate law enforcement efforts already have access to these records, and bill 2727 would support that access.

Even as a Democrat, I see this as a nonpartisan, commonsense issue to protect the privacy and safety of the most law-abiding of Oregonians. Again, I urge you in strongest terms to support bill 2727. I will await your vote with utmost interest.

<my real name>
<my real address>
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