Suppressor Paperweights...

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Dec 23, 2012
On the subject of monocores,

Do you think the BATFE would consider a monocore (without the center hole for a bullet to pass through & no threading) a paper weight, therefore subject to no regulation?

I understand the best way to get answers is to contact the BATFE, but I would like opinions before I contact them.
If there is no hole for the bullet to pass through, the ATF would consider it a piece of scrap iron, or aluminum, or whatever.

But they actually wouldn't consider it at all.
Because it isn't a suppressor, until it can be used as one.
And it can't be used as one until it is drilled for the bullet to pass through, and drilled more ways for the gas to pass through to cool it and diminish the sound.

Maybe. You ever see them Maglite "cups" on Amazon?

But is it worth it? If they wait for you to do a production run and then change their minds, you could be in a heap of trouble.
Those Maglite "cups" look pretty flimsy, I'll wager they develop holes in the proper location the moment the trigger is pulled. I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole. A monocore block of metal is bit more sturdy.
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