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Surplus Ammo Ban?

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Nov 11, 2004
While browsing in a local gun shop today, the two "Gunshop Commandos" behind the counter were telling another customer about the ban on surplus ammo that had been slipped into a bill by the Democrats in Congress and then signed by the President. According to them, you can only import newly manufactured ammo, and not surplus ammo. They then proceeded to tell the customer how gutless and spineless the President is for not standing up for us.

However, I've never heard of such a ban being attached to a bill or signed into law. If something like this had happened, you would think the internet would be abuzz with the the news and commentary, but I coudn't find anything.

Has anyone heard about this, or is this another "latrine rumor" to sell more ammo at higher prices?

Im sure they are thinking of the regulations against US selling new unused Surplus out of Lake City..it was a Clinton deal tho, not Boosh.. They are morons..

Our gunclub I heard guys saying Wally workd didnt sell ammo anymore either, next day I went and bought 8 boxes,lol.. fools.
Considering most "gun shop commandos" suffer from an identity complex, I wouldn't put much weight into what they tell you about politics.
Im sure they are thinking of the regulations against US selling new unused Surplus out of Lake City..it was a Clinton deal tho, not Boosh.. They are morons..

They specifically mentioned this one as well. However, I had heard about it years ago.

Yep, those two are morons. I don't think i'm going to be spending any more money in there. I left the shop shaking my head.

They are perhaps 13 years behind the times. Clinton destroyed millions and millions rounds of ammo and did his level best to cut us off (VCCA '94, VRA with Russia, getting all those M14s to the Baltic States, Chinee cut off, inter alia, ad naseum).

Warren, you learned a valuable lesson about the nature of the gun bidness today. It's full of you know what.:D
All it would take for Bush to undo the ban on surplus ammunition is an Executive Order, the stroke of the pen.

Or to do a ban. Could be one of his last "good-bye" letters as he leaves
office as a further "thank you" to those conservatives he turned his back
on after getting into office. Gun-owners can collectively cry into their
beers in the bar right next to the church where religious conservatives
are praying in the pews wondering why their values were betrayed over
the last 6 years......

No need to worry, Obama has taken up the conservative religious torch
lately thanks to the promos by a mega-Church (and member of the CFR)
pastor. All he needs to do now is moderate his stance on guns a bit more
and he's guaranteed to pacify the masses. After he gets into office, he
can pull the same "Commander in Chief during a time of War" manipulations
like what we've seen over the last few years and start issuing as many EOs
and signing statements as he wants.

The Hill has shown they will not act against the President and are even less
likely to do so after 2008. But really it doesn't matter who gets elected, the
destruction of domestic freedoms is slated to continue.

Our priorities are effective enforcement, better controls and regulation, safer stockpiling, and weapons collection and destruction. Our targets remain unscrupulous arms brokers, corrupt officials, drug trafficking syndicates, criminals and others who bring death and mayhem to our communities

I thought the ban on US surplus was part of a passed military appropriations bill?
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