Surplus Rifle supply

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Oct 10, 2006
I was reading an assigned handout on how nations have stock piles of guns and eliminating them will help bring about world peace:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: (this was the 6 sane class mates out of 60 vomiting in unison at his hippie-dippie pipe-dream comments)

So here's the numbers in millions of guns;
Latin America 37-72 civilian, 9 military/police
United States of America 238-276 civilian
European Union 51 civilian, 16 military/police
Noe EU Europe (and Russia) 13-14 civilian
Sub-Saharan Africa 4.5 civilian
South Africa 4.5 civilian
Iraq 7-8 civilian
Yemen 5-8 civilian
India 40 civilian, 7.7 military/police
Pakistan 20 civilian, 3.4 military/police
China 0 civilian, 30 military/police

So after I recovered from the nausia, I thought it interesting the lack of guns in the rest of the world, and the fact that if they do eliminate their fire sticks:banghead: that will just help our surplus market:D , probably too optimistic.

Any thoughs?

I've had to bite my tongue nearly every lecture because of this socialist's anti gun retoric:cuss:

I need to finish school (which involves passing his class) so I can afford to buy more guns.:D Wonder if it would tick him off to know he in a small way helped me have more guns?:evil:
call me slow, but I don't quite get how other countries' decision to destroy millions of firearms will somehow help our milsurp market, unless by help you mean drive prices up. :scrutiny:
I'm about to finish school, and when I hear hippie propaganda in class, I am the first to raise my hand and explain why I think the teachers view is wrong. That is what school is for... to hear ALL of the dissenting opinions and using your own critical thinking skills to determine which is "more correct". If one of my teachers got offended that I offered a logical opinion to their argument or position and they proceeded to hold it against me to influence my grade, I would get them removed from teaching at that school. Most grades are determined by tests and homework that you submit, and the only real leeway the teacher could have was on essay type questions and if you got an "F" on an essay, I would probably take it to the department head for their review.

I take great pride in the fact that I speak up at school against things I think are BS. Don't be so scared. Of course, don't raise your hand and be like "You're dumb, that's not how the world works"... be prepared to offer logical alternatives and back them up. If you just sit there and let him spew his socialist propaganda you're just as guilty as he is.
275 million guns in the hands of Americans! Go USA!

...notice they didn't recommend getting rid of the US military firearms, just civilian. Hmmm....:barf:
Ain't no 3rd world country going to destroy guns. Sell them mabey, destroy no.

Only ignorant, liberal, pc pucking, welfare state, 1st world counties do that.:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
I guess I need to reply to everyone. It's a political science class (general ed requirement). No we don't hold hands as we sing that could be deemed sexual harrasment:neener:

I do speak up in other classes where 100% of my grade is not determined by opinion essays but instead actual knowledge and imperical proof, I've voiced my opinion before in similar classes to this one and here in Kommifornia, at a state school, you might as well take to a wall than to these sheep. By speaking up in a class, where probably no one else has seen a gun up close (not exagerating) I wouldn't even be allowed to make my point before being shut down by class mates and Mr. hippie-dippie professor. Using the right situations to educate people and avoiding traps like these does not make me scared, it makes me smart.

And no third world country will destroy firearms, they sell them, that's why we have a surplus market beyond springfields and garands.

On monday I got to point out the idiotic theories behind global warming in a highway engineering class. Now I don't see what roadway design has to do with global warming, except I was told that "it is our job as civil engineers to incourage people to drive less and use public transportation":scrutiny: Some professors listen to NPR too much!

I asked the professor if he had stock in grey hound or something:evil: , and that the only thing practical to reduce polution was make more, wider roads to cut down traffic jams, people will drive what they want as often as they want. Freedom like that makes America great. When Global warming was brought up again (10 minutes later) I stated that anyone who worries so much about that stuff choose the wrong major.

Civil engineering is about building infrastructure and developing land for the benefit and use of man, that simple, yes we do things to hopefully prevent pollution but that shouldn't be high on our list. Just one of many important factors, I've been working in the field for 8 years now and I've seen way too many tree hugger situations that were completely rediculous.

Almost forgot, that U.S.A. and other countries only listed civilian numbers because it choose not to disclose how armed it's military is. And don't forget these are estimates, who thinks they're accurate? If a guy were to call my house and say, "Hi I represent NATO. Do you have any firearms in your possesion?" what do you think I'd tell him? "Oh I've got five evil guns! please come confiscate them!"
Mea culpa. If they sell the guns, that good news. IIRC, the whole global "illicit gun" crackdown idea was to destroy surplus guns rather than resell them (thus 'contributing' to the flow of "black market" weapons). I hope that I am mistaken in that regard.
If one of my teachers got offended that I offered a logical opinion to their argument or position and they proceeded to hold it against me to influence my grade, I would get them removed from teaching at that school.

You know what? I really don't think you would.
Doubt the numbers

I really have to question some of those numbers on your hand out.

The Soviets shipped an incredible number of AK's and even old M-N's into Africa during the cold war period since Sub-Saharan Africa was a major area of conflict with a revolution and/or military coup about every other month it seemed.

And China with only 30 million guns for the police and military? My math may be fuzzy but that's about one gun for every 12 - 15 soldiers in the Chinese army.

That makes me question the honesty of all the numbers. Seems like the piece was designed to make America look wild and well armed, more than anything else
Wild West America

Well, first off professors get tenure very quick and then getting fired is nearly impossible. Students with bad grades always blame the teacher. Administrators are constantly hearing the "he didn't like me" defense. So complaining doesn't work. The only time it did was when a first year (not tenured) spanish teacher I had that didn't teach much and only talked politics and pop culture in english:confused: was let go. I was setting the curve in that class and I complianed, that is when administrators listen.

Most worthless professors are either given early retirement (the golden handshake) or are given the easy classes to lecture that don't require much teaching skill (my advanced surveying professor that only taught 1 class a week and supervised like 4 or 5 labs)(your tax dollars hardly at work):fire:

And yeah the numbers were citing a book, I'll try to see where the book got it's numbers (next week). But the thing I was looking at was the fact that the country with the most freedom (except California:cuss: ) has the most guns. Falls back on the thought that the 2nd amendment is to protect the first. When the first amendment is used to remove the 2nd it is just suicide.
Inane numbers. I like how they pull these gun numbers out of the air.

My favorite is the "7-8" million in Yemen.:D Is that only one town?:D

Only 236 million in the USA? That's counting only Indiana, right?:D

kungfu, when surplus stocks are "destroyed" it is exactly like the public "destruction" of guns in LA or NYC. The cops take a select few and publicly destroy them. The police then resell the surplus guns to wholesalers with distance restrictions on them, after cherry picking the nice ones for themselves.

Governments do the exact same thing. E.g., the "surplus" AKs of the DDR (East Germany). The united German government came out and said (publicly) that these eeevil guns were destroyed. However, in reality, the AKs that were not stolen (by DDR secret police) were sold to loyal German ally Croatia during the civil war. (If you are a true gun nut and watch old footage of the Soufslav War you can distinguish the DDR AKs with their distinctive stocks and grips).

At least in the CIS and Eastern Europe things were more honest, weapons were flat out stolen by the Armenian mafia and smuggled off to Africa, Asia or Yugoslavia.

Publicly the German government was lightning candles, singing, and wearing sandals decrying the breaching of the "arms embargo" *snicker, snicker* and then turning around and pocketing the geld made off a civil war.

When any government, foreign or domestic, talks about destroying guns, they are talking about your guns, not theirs. The government will always be armed, always, as government operates on violence. They just want to disarm you.:)
I wonder what the figures are really like, but I wouldn’t be surprised if most black-market guns hadn’t been officially destroyed somewhere.

~G. Fink
I'll never forget a certain Knob Creek machine gun shoot circa mid-'90s. We stopped at Kiesler's in Jeffersonville, Indiana to buy guns and we found a "bag of guns" deal from New York City and New Orleans. One bag of guns for $100 (the bag was opaque and you did not know what you had). I bought two bags (not all junk, a got a Ruger Service Six which my dad has now).

As we were crossing the Ohio into Kentucky, I caught a news story on a Louisville station about how NYPD was destroying piles of confiscated firearms. I laughed all the way through Louisville to West Point.

Anywho, here in Indiana, we get all kinds of guns from LA, DC, NYC, even New Orleans for sale. I always get a kick when your politicians stage an event like steamrolling their junkers or dumping "guns" (snicker) into the ocean. The cops pick the cherries, send us the run of the mill and then destroy the nonfunctional junk.:D
I don't hear much hippie-propaganda in class, but I have heard it on occasiona and I am never afraid to disagree with a prof. What I do hear a lot of is just misinformation and incorrect assumptions on the part of my classmates, which I try to correct, and to whom I am always open to discussing firearms with. There was a point that I tried to keep my interest in guns low-key, but at some point I just realized that it is my right to own them, and if some hippy wants to disagree with me, fine. His disagreement doesn't mean that I can't share my side of the story.
I take great pride in the fact that I speak up at school against things
Bravo! and that should be for everything, not just school. Too many sheep in this country content to let other people tell them what is good , bad, true or false without questioning.
It's liberal crap like this that makes me afraid to go back to college. I'm afraid that one day the professor will say something anti-gun and then I will have to verbally destroy them with facts......but then I won't enjoy being in the class anymore.

Ok, so here's what happened, my hippie-dippie professor made a comment about Christians being as dangerous to america as islamofacists:fire: (Can you say rosie odonell talking point!) That's too much for me, Talking crap on guns is bad, but this guy just started to walk down the list of Civil RIghts.:cuss: It was time to stop it, I didn't want him to think I was jsut being combative so I waited until after class and explained that I've kept my mouth shut but he far too often is stating his opinions as fact and he had crossed the line with me today bad-mouthing Christianity, aparently several other students stayed behind to do the same. A girl made the comment that she paid to learn political science, not the world according to Professor Hippie-Dippie:evil: He apologized:what: We were all in shock.

I don't know if it will get better in the class but according to Michael Savage, when you confront a liberal loud mouth they get scared and retreat.:D He probably though what he was saying would just be accepted and not challenged.

Anyway, most of my professors don't get on their soap box. I have a homosexual chem professor who doesn't say a word about it. He does his job, teaches chemistry, that's it. Don't let liberalism scare you away from college. That's what they want. If they can keep the conservatives away from college they will have an advantage of credability in debate and politics. Go to school just remember that some majors (politics, history, earth sciences, law, journalism, and English) are fully of liberals so if that's your thing you'll have to grin and bear it!
He apologized We were all in shock.

You might be suprised to learn how often college profs will say things to get a reaction. One of my favorite poli-sci profs from when I was in college, ended the first day of class with a rant on eating meat (it was right before lunch time). After class, I complimented him on the leather shoes he had on. He was hoping someone would notice.
I don't know if it will get better in the class but according to Michael Savage, when you confront a liberal loud mouth they get scared and retreat.

He apologizes, so he's scared and afraid? If he hadn't apologized, would you have been happier? Why do I get the impression that no matter what he did, because you dislike his politics you'd have found fault?
"Don't let liberalism scare you away from college. That's what they want. If they can keep the conservatives away from college they will have an advantage of credability in debate and politics."

Wow. Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

First time I ever heard a college conspiracy theory. Guess that is why I went to a college in "liberal" Washington state and had lots of shooting buddies on campus. And yes, some professors said some pretty stupid things, but you call them on their s%&t and they usually laugh.
(politics, history, earth sciences, law, journalism, and English) are fully of liberals so if that's your thing you'll have to grin and bear it!

History, really? all of my history profs were conservative, libertarian, or 'Old School' Democrats. Most of them did a good job of keeping their personal opinions out of class discussion. Politics, journalism, languages, English, and art are an entirely different matter.

Which school you go to also can make a BIG difference in the type of proffessors you get. I went to the U of Idaho in Moscow and even the liberal teachers were a lot more level-headed (it might help that they deal with hundreds of conservative students every year).
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