Surrendering Your CCW Piece to a LEO

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Hmmm my dream if this ever happens (off duty cop with no weapon and bad guy doing bad things) is that the cop turns to the CCW holder (me) and says "SHOOT HIM FOOL!"

Yea in a "mr. T" voice. ROTFLOL
Oh yea, to answer your question let me state it like this, If I find myself in that situation with a uniformed officer and his malfunctions or such then yea I'll toss him mine only if I am able to retreat without taking a round myself. Now if a plain cloths or off duty officer, nope, not gonna do it. I saw him first and I'll take the shot :neener: .

Now if I'm close enough to get to my backup I keep in the SUV (I hate that word) then I'll let him have my backup but I'm keeping my primary.
To be fair, I guess I'd tell him that we'll have ta take turns, seein's how there's only one gun. Since it's my gun, I get to go first.

Laugh at him and tell him to go get his own ?
+1 for that. If he's got a badge, he's got his own piece or at least he should. I'd also ask how many Cracker Jack proof of purchases were required for the badge.
I would never surrender my weapon to a supposed LEO in a situation like this. Their are just too many variables including whether he is a real cop or not. I believe that most people who believe in self reliance should be armed and if they are not, that’s their loss.
Now if I'm close enough to get to my backup I keep in the SUV (I hate that word) then I'll let him have my backup but I'm keeping my primary.

There is a man after my own heart! :D Currently driving the lil 4 door car and haven't got the hide out gun rack, but in my previous vehicle I had a 12 ga pump, an old rough rem 700 in 30-06 with a 3x9 scope and an old model 10 S&W 38 sp. under the seat on a gun rack. I firmly believe in the old adage about a hand gun only being fit to fight your way to your long guns. In that case I would "share" with an uniformed LEO, no weapon, out of uniform...... out of luck! :p
If I felt the need to draw my weapon, I would probably be firing before the off-duty LEO could finish his demand for my weapon.

I'm not giving up my handcannon to anyone who just tells me he's a cop...
This is a great theoretical question. Nevertheless I don't think any law in the US will require a citizen to give up their firearms in an extremis situation. Regarless of the law I wouldn't be giving my weapon in the situation described for many of the reasons others have given: familiarity with the weapon, the possibility of false credentials, etc...
In a shoot out, I am getting me and mine out of danger. Will not hand off my weapon to anyone under those conditions.

Uniformed officers show up and stablize the situation and they want my firearm, that is another question. I will comply with the law with known law enforcement officers.

Some joe off the street, never. One of things I never want to happen is to be shot with my own gun.
How would you know the guy is LE? I wouldn't give my gun to anyone who claims to be LE unless I am very convinced that that is what he really is. Convinced, like he looks like a cop, is in a uniform that's normal for my area, and is in or just got out of a regular patrol car that is normal for my area.
% wise A trained shooter is MUCH better than a cop.

If A cop isn't professional enough to carry his own gun... He's NOT getting mine.

I MIGHT give him my BUG (.357) MIGHT!
Guess it would depend on if I could hear him between my shots or not :neener:

Seriously , nope , not gonna do it. I brought mine , they should have brought theirs .
Supreme court says police have no direct resposibility or legal requirement to protect any individual from violent assualt/immediate danger.

So why would i hand my only gun over to an unarmed cop, when a violent person is trying to kill me when I KNOW for a fact the now armed LEO has no legal responsibility to protect ME from that knife wielding sociopathic psycho killer wearing a hockey mask and a big machete?

they have no legal responsibility to protect people from violent crime, i have no responsibility to arm them if doing so compromises the safety of me and mine.
Agreed with Bezoar and DoubleTapDrew. I'd even imagine that nationwide the CHL holders are better shooters than the police.
Hand over my What !!!

Failure to be prepaired on his or her part does not mean I should put me/mine at risk for someone who has head up their 6.
Beside most of mine are custom or issue so sol.
Besides I knock over bowling pins at 100 yds with my glock . Why should I give up mine to someone who may or may not manage to pass qual.?
NO I'd NEVER give my gun to anyone. Maybe a uniformed officer who has shown ID or gotten out of a police vehicle but like others I'd be moving the other direction leaving trouble far behind. If trouble followed I would be in my rights to defend myself.
Since some cities have LEO's traveling in pairs, I might have to surrender both my primary and my back up gun, so I guess from now on I have to carry three guns!
I was thinking about this the other day in relation to that incident that happened in the mall.

I tend to agree with the "we shoot better" theory...I know the LEO's I've spoken with generally go to the range MUCH less than I do...that, when combined with the trouble identifying if a badge is real or not would make me not give up my weapon.
An individual in street clothes would have to do more than simply flash his badge. Anybody can buy a local PD badge if you look hard enough. I've got a small collection mounted on my wall myself. Most LEOs can and do have duplicates of their badges made by badge suppliers. Some even place their originals in a safe deposit box or some other secure location and never wear them. They do this b/c the department holds them responsible for lost badges. Lose a department issued badge and it can mean disciplinary action as well as a considerable sum of money (I know of a department that docks their officers $1000 for lost badges). When the officer retires, he turns in the original and keeps the duplicates. These turn up a gunshows, flea markets, etc. So if the officers have the authority to requisition my weapon for immediate use during a crime, they'll have to show a department issue identification card. These are quite a bit more difficult to forge. I know what Chesapeake's (my home city) and Norfolk's (city in which I work) ID looks like. Would I hand my gun over? Probably. I don't want this officer coming back at me with charges if I don't. But if all he has is a badge, I'll tell him I can't be sure that he is a genuine sworn officer b/c he lacks sufficient identification.

BTW, if this ever happens, I'll be remembering the officer's name and will have a lengthy discussion with his commander on this matter.
If an off-duty cop isnt carrying, I doubt he bothered to put his badge in his wallet either... And without proper credentials, I dont know this guy from anybody else.
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