Tactical Movie Review: The Hunted

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Dec 23, 2002
OK now I normally don't see movies, but my shooting buddies went, and I don't see them much.

So, Benecio del Toro (that's Benecio of the Toro, for those of you who don't hable espanol), is some shell shocked Rambo gone bad. Throw in a government conspiracy or three, some dialogue from Bambi, some public service announcements from Sarah Brady, and some knifefighting. Plot synopsis: Benecio kills a pair of hunters, kills a few more guys, and some other stuff happens. Roll credits.

The good:
1. Feds keep their fingers off the trigger. Gee, imagine that. Actors acting with some credibility.
2. Feds use Harries technique. Good technique for shooting and whatnot, but not always the best for going around some corners and they leave their lights on the whole damn time. Shoot me! But at least they tried to look convincing and did a pretty decent job at it.
3. No love scene. It's an action adventure movie (with some action and little adventure) and thankfully the powers that be left them out. Action adventure movies with irrelevant mush scenes make me want to puke. Case in point, the Matrix. Now that we've gone and hour and twenty minutes with a girl in black tights and no nookie, the least we could do is throw in some cheesy line, like "But you can't die, I...LOVE you!!!" :rolleyes:
4. Fight scenes (quite a few) were fun, and since I don't know enough about knifefights (other than don't get into one) to let Hollywood ruin it, I found them entertaining.
5. In all fairness, watching the stalking scenes were pretty fun. Maybe I've been playing too much Splinter Cell? Some were pretty well done and thought out.
6. Johnny Cash made me stay for the credits.

The bad: Lots of it. All the characters sucked. And where were the Asian-American actors? Where's the ACLU and NAACP in all this?
1. Benecio del Bambi's corny dialogue. "Bla bla bla, humans are evil. Those weren't hunters! Did you see their SCOPES?!?! They deserved to die. Your rifles against my knife? Har har har. Why do we eat chicken? Imagine if that were you. Bla bla bla. Hunting bad. Bambi good. I'm thumpin'...that's why they call me Thumper. Man bad."
2. Tommy OJ Brady's corny dialogue: "I don't like guns. They're bad. I coulda taken this mofo down a few times and saved a few lives with one if I had one, but instead, guns are for weenies. I like to gut people with knives! Yeah! Oh, by the way, snares are bad and harm the innocent wolves. Did I mention guns are for weenies? If I had one, the movie would have lasted 20 minutes and the producers would have had to leave out all those scenes that would make OJ proud."
3. The played-out Hollywood spunky female FBI agent. Lady cops rule, but ever since Silence of the Lambs, about every chase movie has them. She was about as predictable as a country love song, but at least they didn't name her Clarice. And the time she Israeli draws on Benecio was tres untactical. But that's the foley guy's fault, not hers.

In short, don't see it. For a real action movie, save your $9 and rent 5 John Woo movies.
I went to see "The Hunted" last night because the previews were so cool. About halfway, I snuck into another theater and watched the remainder of "From Cradle 2 Grave"...
And this is like, what, the 7th or 8th movie Tommie Lee Jones is chasing someone for the Feds?

Why hasn't he been hired by the IRS?

This is getting old, I think he should hijack a battleship again or something....

I gothca. I also used to spend money on other things before I got into firearms...but I cannot remember what they were.

Saw it last night too.
(may be a few minor spoilers in this. Just FYI)

"Hunters" in the beginning did have obnoxious scopes ... especially considering they were hunting in a dense forest. Made me think maybe Benecio's character wasn't just being paranoid when he said that they were "sweepers". Of course, the fact that when they were being pursued by a knife weilding psychopath, they didn't remove their hunter orange. Plus, one of them looked like he was trying to play uber-tactical and sweeping his scoped bolt-gun back and forth while in a low crouch.

Brutal fight scenes. Very brutal.
Well, the knife fighting is Asian at least.

It is Sayoc Kali. Some really wicked stuff and it is real.
One other good thing is you only have to suffer for an hour and a half. I thought the movie had potential just went in the wrong direction. I think it would have been better if they had developed the conspiracy theory. Oh well it only cost me $5.

Spoiler, but who cares, if you have $5-9 to blow, send it my way instead of watching the movie.

Six yeah, the conspiracies would have been neat. You think they would have follwed up on:
1. All his black ops, more flashbacks
2. Sooper secret agents trying to kill him. Maybe the guy in the black helicopter was? But they don't really say.

Not much character or plot development. Just starts and goes. Even John Woo movies have character development for crying out loud! JOHN WOO!!!
I havent seen the movie yet but was hoping that it would be at least somewhat okay, because I pulled security for it here in Portland while they were filming. The movie that you are seeing is a little bit different that the one I read the script for. I had a good time working on the movie and the pay was okay, but watching them film the opening "Kosovo" scenes was AWESOME!. They built up an abandoned factory/industrial site that is just below the University of Portland, and thru the magic of hollywood turned into an urban battlefield. Weeks of highly detailed work and then they blew it all up in a few days. I remember watching an F/X girl work for hours on a couple of sections of broken concrete wall that had rebar coming out of the top at crazy angles. Painting it the exact right shade, adding dirt and moss, making bullet holes. When the concrete had been aged just right, I asked here why didnt they just use some other broken concrete walls that were nearby and already aged and beat up. She said "Because then we couldnt do this" and she laughed as she lifted the whole damn section up! It was all fake, made outa plywood. Completely fooled me and I then learned to keep quiet so I wouldnt look like more of a dunce. BTW - The light rail train cars you see on the bridge werent real either. The train was made out of two buses that were attached to each other and made to look like a train. I know cause I spent a week and half sitting in it all night long when it was stored under the bridge in Portland when they werent shooting. Froze my butt off too. I still want to see the movie.... I think.

Michael in Sandy, OR
This looks like First Blood all done over. Even some of the one-liners are similar from what I have seen in the trailer.

The most unbelievable part...

The most unbelievable part of the entire film is when they show del toro making a knife out of a solid piece of steel and a camp fire in an hour or so. Now I'm not an expert in knife making or anything, but this was just a little over the top for me. The flashbacks of Tommy Lee Jones teaching the students how to kill a man efficiently with a knife were awesome though. Wish I would have went and seen Tears of the Sun instead.
From the description I've read (haven't seen it) what he did is possible, but barely. He found some leaf spring, made a fire, and forged the knife out of one piece of leaf by using another as a hammer, right?
Well, without an air source, that campfire would take a LONG time to get the heats right, and if the knife he made is the one that's in all the commercials, he must have had a grinder out there too, or at the very least a lot of files and emery cloth. And it sure looked like it had micarta scales pinned on, or something similar, that would be next to un-possible out in a junkyard. There are ways to make solid, workable grips without drills and such, but pinning on slabs is probably the worst way to go about it.

The concept, though, is sound. You could certainly, with the right mindset and knowledge, make a workable knife with a campfire and some steel. It just wouldn't look like that one. ;)

I heard Tommy Lee knaps his own flint knife. I'd probably pay to see that.
Oh look here is a wounded wolf, I think I will help it out of this snare. there there wolf, nice wolf let me just take hold of this paw... ah... ahh let go of my arm... ah... my throat... ah.. gurrgglle.
The End. (if you see the movie you will understand) (if you don't consider yourself lucky)

and Skunk I could have lived with a love scene under the right conditions.
:D Connie Nielsen :D ggggrrrrroooowwwlllll :D

Maybe I've been playing too much Splinter Cell?

Let me guess it isn't an addiction? right wait till you beat it and begin jonesing for more! :)
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