Tactical or LE types, tell me what I saw go by my house today.

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Dec 31, 2002
We stopped for groceries after church, and as I'm unloading the car I hear one siren blast at the intersection up the stree abt 1/2 mile. Shortly thereafter, one county sheriff's dept car goes by, followed by 2 Ga State Patrol cars. Light's going, no siren, going abt 4o mph, definitely below the speed limit. I'm thinking, maybe they're leading a funeral for some politico, maybe a local officer was killed I hadn't heard abt .

Then seconds behind them, 2 dk blue pick-ups go by with the open beds full, and i mean full, of SWAT types in full load-out: camo, black tactical vests, some in helmets and most armed with ARs, both rifles and what looked liked M-4's. Prob 14-16 guys total, some standing and some seated. Then, another cty deputy and a coupla more State Patrol boys go by, followed by a Suburban (obligatory black tinted windows) and a coupla sedans, followed by 2 more deputies and some more State Patrol. Then a school bus from the local district, a "short bus". Then, another darkened SUV and more State Patrol. Then a Ga State Patrol helicopter goes overhead, low. Then a minute later 2 Ga Dept Nat Res LEO vehicles, followed by 3 Animal control trucks and then a small convoy of flat-bed tow trucks, lights flashing. So I've seen close to 20 marked LEO cars, a half-dozen SUVs and sedans, a bus, 2 trucks full of tactical-types and a whole caravan of other stuff.

Now, I live in a small rural county, and we have at most 5 deputies on patrol at any one time. There's no Ga State Patrol post w/in 30 miles. Local police and sheriff have a small tac team, but there's not this many deputies in the entire county and I'm outside the "city" anyway. And we definitely have no dark tinted Suburbans in the local inventory. I'm standing there with my wife, seriously confused and weirded out by the whole scene. The only analagous thing I've seen has been in DC when a foreign dignitary or fed politician is being transported somewhere thru town, and the convoy of Suburban's with MIB armed with all kinds of cool stuff can be seen thru the open windows on some of the SUV's.

I'm thinking perhaps a DEA or INS raid (lotsa migrants), but at 2 p.m.? I'm guessing Animal Control perhaps to corral dogs and the tow trucks to haul away impounded vehicles and the bus for illegals or BG's, but again, at 2 in the afternoon? And why the DNR? Maybe a drill of some type? But then why Animal Control? And why no fire/rescue if it's a drill? The local paper only comes out 2x a week, so it'll be Wed at least before I have a clue.
Escapee search? It sounds like somebody may have come across a working meth lab. The tac unit responds for security. The officers are probably a multijurisdictional task force. The task forces are now crosstrained in haz-mat and drug lab clean-up. A clean-up operation is a circus parade. It could have been a major raid and seizure of property, cars, houses and other items of value that could be traced back to drug profits. DNR officers are LEOs and do respond to back up requests.
I think they were busting up a dog fighting ring. Could be a meth lab also as allready suggested.
I hadn't thought of dogfighting as being part of the mix. Something abt the sedans and SUV's says feds, but could also be GBIl, I s'pose.

Martha - good one.
Beer Run!

Probably got wind of a reported nut-case with an "arsenal" in his house and survialist gear. You know the kind, 5 or 6 firearms, 1,000 rounds of ammunition, and enough canned goods in his pantry to last an entire 2 weeks. I hear about this whackos on the news from time to time.

Meth lab sounds about right, depending on which kind. Sounds like one of the old kinds, from the descirption of your area (rural). Multi-jusidictional, local, state, feds (DEA). The school bus was probably some kind of mobile chem evidence processing unit.

Just an idea, you got alot of biker/hells angels/pagan types around your area? lots of remote barns and out lying houses and such right?

Some kid went parking early in the afternoon with the mayor's daughter and Daddy found out about it? :evil:

My friend, you just fell witness to the "War on Drugs." All these resources to do something that you and I could have probably done with a couple of shotguns.

Could be that you all have a "Terrorist Response Team". With all thats going down right now, I would not be suprised, anyway, looks as if whatever it was yall got some serious protection `round those parts.

:uhoh: .......:cool: .......:scrutiny:
Sounds really interesting. It'd have half tempting to follow them a bit:D One surprising thing was all the ninjas in open P/U trucks. I'd have thought they'd have been in vans or Suburbans or something. Anybody shed any light on why they were so exposed? If I drove from the ballpark to the Dairy Queen w/ the Little League team in the bed, would (quite properly) be cited for reckless endangerment or somesuch.
What you saw was a graphic example of the militarization of our domestic police force, which conforms exactly to what America's Founders called a "standing army."


Today the nations of the world may be divided into two classes - the nations in which the government fears the people, and the nations in which the people fear the government. -- Amos R. E. Pinochet
Sounds like a methlab or weed-grower bust. They're in pickups because A.they're probably available and B.they're faster to get out of (bail out over the sides) in some cases.
Turns out it was a dog and cock fighting event! A big one. I heard it this a.m. on the radio. So, Norm357 had it. A family affair, apparently, as a bunch of kids were taken in by DFACS.


There's a bigger story on the Atl Journal-Const website, but you need to register:


Not real close to me, but I understand using my road vs. the more direct route where they might be spotted way ahead of time. By the time they got to where my road and the major one intersect, they were w/in a mile or so of the place and prob scooting along pretty quickly. I really don't know the types who attend these things (tho I know immigrants are often involved, so I'm guessing INS may have been there after all) but that was a lot of firepower I saw.
Here ya go treeprof.

link here

More than 200 men, women and children, some from as far away as California, were arrested during a raid at a property in Barrow County Sunday where they had gathered to drink and bet on roosters and pit bulls as they fought one another to death.

Eight hours after the 2 p.m. raid at the 11-acre property on Hancock Bridge Road in Winder, officials were still processing the suspects on the scene and taking them to the county courthouse.


There, they hoped enough of them would be able to make bond so as not to further overcrowd the 90-bed county detention center which already houses 160 inmates.

Officials from the Division of Family and Children Services were called in to help place the children whose parents would spend the night in custody.

The raid, one of the biggest in the county's history, was the culmination of an eight-month investigation into a gambling event that met on most Sundays.

A single-wide mobile home stood at one end of the property. Elsewhere, a ring had been set up where some participants let loose their roosters and pit bulls while others slapped down big money to wager which animal would win.

In Sunday's raid, officials rescued more than a dozen animals while several others lay dead or injured around the property. Ninety-three cars, some with tags from Florida, South Carolina and California, were seized.

Authorities still don't know how much money they recovered.

"We're still counting," said Sheriff's Maj. Murray Kogod at 10:30 p.m.

It took six hours for law enforcement officers from 10 agencies to flush out the dozens of people who fled into the woods. The participants face cruelty to animal charges along with others.

The raid was the second major gambling-and animal-fighting bust in Georgia this year. In January, more than 100 people were arrested during a raid at a Newton County house where pit bulls fought to a winner-take-all pot of $50,000.
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