Take this, cover me!

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Mar 17, 2015
Nostramo (in absentia), Segmentum Ultima
So heres the scenario...one which comes up a lot at my workplace as we have a handful of well armed gun nuts and a bevy of clueless sheep people:
In an urban unrest situation, where you may have to hunker down in place or run n gun to the nearest defensible position, you have two guns; one long, one short; and a trusted, but unarmed and untrained, coworker with you.
Do you (the trained, ex-SEAL, ninja warrior you are) keep the handgun, knowing that you will likely be more effective with it than your yuppie-scum lunchroom buddy, thereby giving him the more powerful, longer ranged weapon which he/she MIGHT actually hit with- or do you hand them the pistol/ revolver figuring that least they will make enough noise to keep the bad guys heads down while you eliminate them with the rifle.
Keeping in mind your "backup" probably has no idea how to reload or clear a jam in whichever gun you equip them with, would you go with simpler, jam-proof revolvers and bolt/ lever guns or high-cap semiautos?
What guns would you pick and who gets what?
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I think in your scenario you probably stand a better chance going for it on your own than entrusting one of your weapons to someone totally in the dark as to how to use it. That or you end up getting shot by your co-worker because they didn't know the gun was loaded!

I think in your scenario you probably stand a better chance going for it on your own than entrusting one of your weapons to someone totally in the dark as to how to use it. That or you end up getting shot by your co-worker because they didn't know the gun was loaded!
Danged if ya do, danged if ya don't......true. But when the hostiles are numerous and could approach from any direction, I think it would be useful to have a second set of eyes watching the back door- and you may not be able to leave your position to support him/her if danger is close on both fronts. Also, the baddies may think a little harder about pressing their attack if they are taking fire from multiple defenders. But yes, the Keep Both Guns Yourself answer does come up at work sometimes....
My own answer, and I shudder cuz there isn't a good one, is keep a wonder 9 pistol for myself as I am effective enough at city-fighting ranges with a pistol and hand my beloved 9mm carbine to the noob- large capacity so reloading is less of an issue, both guns can be fed from the same ammo supply, low recoil/ flash, and (with a red dot) even a total greenhorn has a chance of putting some rounds on target.
Some of the downsides (and there are many) to this approach would be neither of us would have much cover penetrating power or rooftop sniper/ counter-sniper capability.....
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Absolutely not. If I have 2 firearms, that is how many I have. The circumstances I would have to find myself in to lend a firearm to another person I don't know would be extreme. One possible scenario would be if I were severely injured or facing imminent death. Entrusting a firearm to a family member or someone I have conscious knowledge of firearm experience would be a different story.
If you are moving you are probably best having the second person keep physical contact with you and provide a second set of eyes for 360 degree vision so to speak. You can't give a completely untrained person a loaded firearm and expect them to be able to handle it safely on the move. They WILL sweep you and have fingers on triggers etc.

Hunkered down you probably have time to train them a bit and are in a more controlled circumstance.

Now in my world if things are so bad that I am transiting under fire then my next "defensible position" will be a bar where I can get drunk and figure out which of my friends drugged me and dropped me in Syria as a joke.

Yes it would be useful to have a second set of eyes looking for the bad guys but it's something else entirely to spend valuable time and effort trying to give them the Cliff Notes version of how either gun works, let alone expecting them to use it properly and in a timely manner.

Still think you're better off going the "every man/woman" for themselves route to protect and preserve your own assets.
[QUOTE="NIGHTLORD40K, post: 10630033, member: 229289]"yuppie-scum lunchroom buddy"[/QUOTE]
Hah. Gotta keep both guns. That guy is no help. Scared crapless of both the situation and the gun? Worse than a hang fire.
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[QUOTE="NIGHTLORD40K, post: 10630033, member: 229289]"yuppie-scum lunchroom buddy"
Hah. Gotta keep both guns. That guy is no help. Scared crapless of both the situation and the gun? Worse than a hang fire.[/QUOTE]
I think it would depend, in part, on how incompetent the other party is in general. Our office girls, God bless them, would be worse than useless in a fight, so ya, I'd keep both guns. But our warranty administrator is a very professional, calm and detailed oriented middle-aged woman with two grown children who I doubt is afraid of much- l think I would take a chance on her to watch my six. Same could be said of our male coworkers: Some are worthless at their not-so-difficult jobs already, so no gun- but there are some others who I think would at least stay cool and do their best.
In an urban unrest situation, unless you work in a booze or TV set store you really have nothing to worry about. Rioters don't assault factories.
"...untrained, co-worker..." No guns for anybody who doesn't know how they work. They'll be more of a danger to you and themselves than anybody else.
"...ninja warrior..." No such thing. Except on TV.
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But when the hostiles are numerous and could approach from any direction, I think it would be useful to have a second set of eyes watching the back door- and you may not be able to leave your position to support him/her if danger is close on both fronts.

I guess I should start off with I have never been in a firefight at work during a urban unrest situation; however, while a 2nd set of eyes is often useful that doesn't mean I need them to be armed.

Especially when the person is a "clueless sheep people". It would be my luck they would kill a guy that despite his one wrong decision was working on a cure for cancer and they used the firearm I supplied to kill him or even worse was "clueless" enough to kill me with my own gun because I was dumb enough to give it to them. If I had the luck for the above to happen, it would likely happen in some other less friendly "firearm used for self defense" State and the person would also be a minor so now I am responsible for whatever they do with the gun I gave them.

Yeah, on second thought, I would hang on to whatever I came with.
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They can get behind me and watch my back, but they aren't getting any of my guns unless I have shot with them before. If I am not convinced that they know The Rules, have the maturity, common sense, and discipline to safely use a firearm, they are not getting one of mine. Maybe in the movies that works. In real life I am with those who believe they are more of a danger to themselves and others.

I realize guns aren't that complicated and gun safety is pretty straight forward, but this isn't the square range either. If you've ever been in the military you've done and seen done some pretty ridiculous stuff training to clear rooms-- people getting gear snagged on stuff, running into things, muzzles going everywhere-- it takes hrs of practice to be able to do the basics in a coordinated fashion. It's just not something you can teach in 30 seconds while you're showing someone where the safety is on this firearm...
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