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Tasco Warranty

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Jun 23, 2011
Just tried to get some warranty work done on a Tasco scope and found out if it's pre-2002 you're kinda out of luck. :fire: In their reorg they sold off the warranty part of the old company. The new warranty center (ABO) charges a minimum of $48 for a repair, this is the replacement for the original $10 fix or replace policy. I did some searching and found Bushnell now markets Tasco so I wrote them asking them to honor the original warranty. I got a 'polite letter' stating ABO was the correct place for repairs of older warrantied Tasco's for the 'NEW' minimum price of $48 but........as a sign of good will they'd sell me a new scope at 30-40% off MSRP. Looking on their website for MSRP's and prices at mainstream internet stores it would be cheaper to buy without the discount :banghead: I just sent them a reply tonight stating I now have another reason never to buy a Tasco product or for that matter a Bushnell for their support of Tasco's bad Customer service practices. :cuss:
I used to use nothing but Bushnells but in the past several years I have gotten away from them after several failures. Spending a few bucks more on a Nikon Prostaff is a worth while investment IMHO
It sucks, but it's kind of unfair to fault new owners of a business that was ran into there ground by there prior owners.
Don't worry about it. Just go buy a new Redfield.

Your title was hilarious by the way.

"Tasco Warranty"
You better be sure that Redfield is new, because they don't warranty or even repair ones made before 2010.
Well, if my 10 year old truck broke down, I'd be pretty happy if another company offered to sell me a new truck at 40% off.

Due to the change of Tasco ownership several times, lack of old parts inventory transferring to the new owners, etc, it seems like a fair offer to me.

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While the Bushnell Elite Tactical is the only line of Bushnells I like. I always had liked the SWFA (Tasco) and hate to hear this. It seems like they should be able to do something. It sucks that in the buyout that the warranty is still held by another company. But on a brighter note the Elite Tactical is one of my favorite scopes for the cash, and does a great job holding up to my big rifle...
I tried the lesser-expensive scopes, then I learned that I was having to put too much time into trying to get the things on-target, let alone hit the center! It was always like a game of cat-and-mouse, my chasing bullet holes all over the target, just to sight the darn thing in!

After realizing I was burning up my premium catridges in doing this, and all the time and frustration it was taking me, I decided in the long-run, it is more efficient and cost-effective for me to just purchase a more expensive scope, mount and rings from the beginning.

The difference is between night and day. Now, I can sight the rifle in less than about ten rounds, then fire two more just to be sure I am in the same hole at 100 yards. I pack up and go home. I know, whenever I pull that rifle out, exactly where it will hit, there is no wondering "gee, I wonder if the scope is going to be right-on this time or whether I will need to go back to the range again."

When one has a quality rifle and they reload quality, accurate ammo, one expects to be able to take the rifle out and shoot and hit what they are aiming at! Anything LESS than that and I might as well sell all my guns and reloading equipment and take up curling.
sorry to hear you kind of got burned, but it happens all the time. my old redfield scopes warrenties aren't honored, my charles daly lifetime warranty rifle isn't honored, it happens.

And to be fair, I get totally see the company's position. Take redfield for example, why should leupold be on the hook for some shoddy scope manufactured during the dark times for redfield? But it's still aggravating when your warranty isn't honored.
It sucks, but it's kind of unfair to fault new owners of a business that was ran into there ground by there prior owners.
I'm afraid I have to disagree. I'm sure the new buyers took a good look at Tasco's past business obligations and could only get their acquisition plan to make sense if they could figure out how to detach themselves from early buyers. They probably saw the quality rate and the $10 obligation and together realized that this big obligation would prevent them from making money going forward. So they sold off that obligation to someone else who could raise the price without the obvious sullying of the Tasco reputation.
So in fact it is exactly the new owners who decided to void the old owners warranty and in doing so, is taking the risk that there are more all-new owners out there than repeat buyers who got burned by this change.
I know that if I was an old Tasco owner, I'd never buy their product again.
Tasco update, Today I recieved a phone call from Bushnell customer service, as in real person, stating they wanted to make this right. They offered and I accepted a Bushnell Trophy XLT pistol scope for basically a shipping and handling charge. I thanked the Bushnell rep and told him I understand the tough spot it puts his company in. He said he was glad he could help and they were always interested in being on good terms with their customers. So I guess some companies do care....renews my faith in Bushnell.
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