Ted Nugent schools CNN’s Piers Morgan on gun control

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Originally posted by feedthehogs:

He's certainly not part of the self grandized intellectual crowd that likes to pride itself on high school debate tactics to make a point.

Civility, facts and figures don't mean a thing to anyone who wants to take away 2nd amendment rights. If you believe it does then name one instance of a rabid anti gun politician who switched their position once presented with FBI crime stats.

I've been in this game for over 25 years presenting facts and figures even going as far as to debate John Shanks from the Brady Center on NPR after the assault weapons ban sunsetted on renewing it.

I presented every crime stat that the FBI put out that showed the AWB had no effect on crime what so ever and it didn't even make a dent with him.

People that know me know I'm not some drunken red neck gun owner shooting up street signs. Those that don't know me I could care the less about what they thought of me as a gun owner.

If gun owners maybe got just a little more louder and bolder, we'd be a little better off.

And yes I imagine if Ted were a poster here, he'd be scolded at every post but that goes with the reputation of the forum and it's moderators.

And yes the POTUS is a pos. You can respect the office, but that doesn't mean the person filling that office deserves the same.
Well said, my friend.
Civility, facts and figures don't mean a thing to anyone who wants to take away 2nd amendment rights. If you believe it does then name one instance of a rabid anti gun politician who switched their position once presented with FBI crime stats.

I am starting to agree with this. I was having a discussion with an anti-gunner today. When they started getting rocked on their heels by facts they pulled out, "what about the kids."

It started with "if parent's didn't have guns then Columbine would never have happened." I tried explaining to them that the guns and ammo were black market goods supplied by their friends not their parents. Their friends knew that these kids were dangerous and that they were stockpiling weapons. They failed to report what was going and decided to aid them. That didn't matter. They kept on about how if guns were outlawed then it wouldn't have happened. They completely ignored the fact that these kids were willing to break the law to aquire guns. A further ban would have done nothing to stop them.

Then it became emotional. "Well it just tore me up inside when I heard about this fifteen year old kid running around shooting up his school." After that no statistic or fact worked. The argument kept falling back to their emotional reaction to one news story. It didn't matter that more people have been killed at school by teachers, professors, and parents than underage students. They also didn't care that everything from an axe to dynamite had been used.

It became "well think about the kids" repeated at louder and louder volumes untill the discussion just ended. Sometimes we are going to have to respond in kind.
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Like it or not, Ted has the ability to get his message across, publicy.
For his detractors on this thread, you obviously do not.
I am not a fan of his music, but I like the message he brings.
To do it on CNN, exposes a lot of liberal anti-gunners to some common sense..something sorely lacking on that network..

Ted was pretty tame in that interview compared to normal Ted.

He cranks out some good rock and roll but I still think he's an idiot.
I think Ted Nugent is a guy that the hunting/shooting crowd can appreciate and ignore any of his "stranger" side. The show he ran (don't know if it's still on) for awhile about hunting was actually pretty good I thought.
However, I agree he's just not the guy to represent us hunters and sport shooters. Charleton Heston and Ronald Reagan are the kind of symbols we need, but remember, the media likes to portray things in their light, to make their point. What may look like objective reporting is rarely so, you can bet that Morgan and CNN chose Nugent purposely. There are lots of very responsible leaders in our country that could have done a spot like this demonstrating how to hunt, shoot and own firearms responsibly, and show that "normal" people that the anti-gun crowd comes into contact with are of reponsible gun owners too. The media, and CNN, love to manipulate the view of things, and know how to go to the source, and they like to draw you in like a friend if you are the interviewee. When I was in Iraq, CNN imbedded a team and one of their famous anchors to do a piece on our brigade. They convinced the brigade commander they would show the hard work and success that we had while there (2004-2005). The bit they did was contrary to what he was told and he was furious, justifiably so. Even CNN is willing to slant and even use a little misleading in order to make a story. Morgan also did a very slanted story on an NCO that I served with that was accused and convicted of executing insurgents, but the whole story wasn't told (imagine that).

In the end, the problem is that people who can represent and tell the story for something best are rarely interviewed, either because the media doesn't want them heard, or because they don't trust the media to represent their true position on a subject.
Vietnam vets

Need to get over it. The draft during Vietnam War was not fair. I went to OCS in 1981 and did my 20+. If I was born 10 years earlier I am sure I would have used any method legal or possibly illegal to avoid the draft. Sorry if you didnt have this available to you or you didnt have flat feet. Any if you never saw real combat in Vietnam shut up.

As a junior officer I owe my life to quite a few Vietnam era chiefs who looked out for me on the teams.

Decisions you make as 18yo are quite different then ones you make as 40yo.

Ted may not be the perfect spokesperson for 2A but he is better then most and he gave Piers all he could handle and then some. Not Piers best moment. If you watch his body language at the beginning he thought he was superior to Ted and would send him down for the count. His body language changed quickly and he was on the defensive. Also remember Piers is getting help from his producers via his ear piece. Ted isnt. Kind of like your favorite high powered pass oriented team winning the SB 7-3 on a rushing TD.

Now be happy we have Ted. For a musician or Hollywood type he is reasonably articulate and can actually speak in sentences. Find me someone else with Ted's stature who is pro 2a who can do a better job who isnt a draft dodger. Tom Selleck would have had a more difficult time with Piers.
Don't like his music but I must agree with the song he was singing. I was drafted in '64 and didn't think much about protesting it, guess I am a "dumb redneck" as I have been called before. The man tells it like he sees it and comes down to his strong support of the 2nd amendment in sometimes ways I don't agree with. Maybe today one needs to be loud and brash to be heard, evident by current events.
I guess we are just a majarity of uneducated redneck idiots because we like Ted, we are just not smart enough to know any better. A little sayin in the south goes something like this, " more power to you Ted"!!!
I find it interesting that so many pro-gun people think Ted Nugent presents a positive image of gun owners. HGUNHNTR is right in that Nugent is a turn off to fence sitters and anti-guy people and that Nugent comes across as a jerk.

It is like the pro-gun folks are just so excited that somebody famous would share the same view that they can see any of the reality of the associated baggage that comes with that person. Look at all the posts here about how excited people were that Sarah Palin was going to given John McCain the Presidency because she was pretty and pro-gun. So many people could not see beyond the lipstick and images of Palin (mis)handling guns to see that she was such a poor choice and would do absolutely nothing to draw in votes. All the Republicans who loved her so much were already voting for the ticket anyway.

Nugent may sound cool if you are a hard core pro-gun person, but that doesn't mean he presents a positive image to those that we need to convert to our cause.

Gotta love uncle Ted, thats one Yankee that speaks the truth.

A draft dodging poacher that lies is a person you categories as "speaks the truth"??
What do you do with a guy who talks about hunting ethics and gets caught poaching?

http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=567667&highlight=nugent post#18
Why does a guy need to make up bogus information to make gun owners look better?

Also see post #21 there on why the Constitution really isn't Ted Nugent's carry permit as he claims.
Frankly we need rock stars on our side.

The more "alpha" types we have advocating for us the better.

Read roissy.wordpress.com for a better idea of what I'm getting at.

Penn/teller and Ted Nugent are some of the best advocates we have.

Playing on emotions and making the other side look pathetic and weak is how to win.

Look at how effective that episode of Bull***** was...
Frankly it takes all types and we need all types. It was great when we had Lou Dobbs on the air backing us but CNN shut down his show and he doesn't get the air time he should. Frankly I'd rather watch Lou Dobbs than O'Reily any day of the week(seriuosly why does anyone like O'Reily). We've got Glenn Beck from time to time but now he's on the Muslim vs. Israel thing which some may think is important or not. Yes we have the NRA but how often do they hit the mainstream televised media.

So Ted is a loudmouth, a bit of <expletive deleted>, and has a dirty past. He's on our side. He can shout down the weak, useless, dangerous anti-2nd Amendment minority in this country. The antis got where they are at and where we are at by being the loudest, being the most aggressive, and being prepared to lie and paint pro-2nd Amendment folks as murderers and criminals while said gun owners abided by the law everyday, went to church, held down a full time job, and sent their kids to college.

So should some of us play nice, play civil, and play fair, absolutely. But I'll play dirty plenty. I'll look at the pathetic worthless antis who only have platforms because of their television stations in New York and other media platforms in California. If major televison and media stations were in say Vermont, Georgia, or New Hampshire then the tone would be a heck of a lot differet. But these (New York and California) self-aggrandizing states that some feel are uber important to the social critique of the nation are where the major media outlets are so for the time being we have to play on their terms.

Now yes we have the internet and the internet is swiftly putting an end to the mainstream media and making newspapers irrelevant(read "Rise of the Anti-Media), but if loud mouths like Ted can get on CNN and make them look like the sniveling little punks they are then all the better. The fence sitters won't jump one way or the other because of Ted, the antis might be "emboldened" to hold fast and piss themselves a little(because again we are better off without them), and Pro-2nd Amendment crowd will hold fast.

We meet the antis where they step, we shout them down where they speak, we abide by the law, we insult them, we point out how worhtless and dangerous they are. We don't back down, we don't play nice(all the time), and we don't care what they have to say, we should speak louder and more aggressive than them at evey point. Look at the new oncoming generation of young men and women. They've got that MMA nonsense, but they are looking to be men again. Looking to get into the gym and pump their muscles. And guess what more of them are getting into gun ownership. I know this because I'm an NRA Certified Pistol instructor and have taken a good sum of guys from my gym to the range and we talk about guns at the gym quite regularly.

On the end note, I love Ted. I hope he stays as loud and aggressive as he is, and maybe he should get his own show on SPIKE.
I think Ted Nugent is an obnoxious loudmouth. He typifies extremism in the press, that turns people who dont care one way or the other, against the case he argues for. He is a less (thank god) publicized version of the rest of the idiot talking heads ala Al Franken, Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Keith Olbermann, etc etc. I consider myself an independent minded, apolitical individual... best classified as a moderate-conservative... "Suck my machine gun" is juvenile... It makes pro gun people say "stick it to them Ted", it makes antigun people say "This idiot is who the gun lobby wants representing their cause" and makes people who dont give a **** say "why would I want to back a cause who has this clown as a spokesperson?"
I find it interesting that so many pro-gun people think Ted Nugent presents a positive image of gun owners. HGUNHNTR is right in that Nugent is a turn off to fence sitters and anti-guy people and that Nugent comes across as a jerk.

It is like the pro-gun folks are just so excited that somebody famous would share the same view that they can see any of the reality of the associated baggage that comes with that person. Look at all the posts here about how excited people were that Sarah Palin was going to given John McCain the Presidency because she was pretty and pro-gun. So many people could not see beyond the lipstick and images of Palin (mis)handling guns to see that she was such a poor choice and would do absolutely nothing to draw in votes. All the Republicans who loved her so much were already voting for the ticket anyway.

Nugent may sound cool if you are a hard core pro-gun person, but that doesn't mean he presents a positive image to those that we need to convert to our cause.

Gotta love uncle Ted, thats one Yankee that speaks the truth.

A draft dodging poacher that lies is a person you categories as "speaks the truth"??
What do you do with a guy who talks about hunting ethics and gets caught poaching

When are you going on CNN so we can watch? Who else it saying this on CNN or any network for that matter? He is speaking the truth here in 2011,
Perhaps all of the hate and discontent can be saved for those that actually hate us. Allies in wars tend to be less than perfect, live with it. Is Ted the ideal ally, no. Would you prefer he was the enemy? I hope not. Everyone's idea of the ideal pro gun position is going to have differences. I'm sure that no one has ever met any other gun owner who pissed you off with their lack of clarity on this issue...
I'm gonna go look up "cognitive disonance" if you dont want people to understand you, just say so. While you were confabulating your retort, I went and read your rules and guidelines page. It explains alot more about this blog site than it says. I hope I haven't offended anyone,with rough language, or opinion, and I really appreciate the acronym glossary, I was about to start making my own. I'll try to do better.
Sorry for the assumption about vocabulary. That phrase would be easier to understand for someone exposed to music. Consonance is a stable sound, and dissonance is an unstable sound. Combined with cognitive, it describes a series of opinions/beliefs which are inconsistent or even contradictory.

Also, look up the definition of confabulating. That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
Hunt480 said:
When are you going on CNN so we can watch? Who else it saying this on CNN or any network for that matter? He is speaking the truth here in 2011,
That is as irrelevant as the art defender who asks critics when they are going to make something better. If someone has criticism regarding a movie, is it only acceptable if the critic has made a movie themselves?
To do it on CNN, exposes a lot of liberal anti-gunners to some common sense..something sorely lacking on that network

Oh boy, what it does is expose the radical side of gun ownership to the general public, against the backdrop of a civil, respectable acting journalist. This was not a bone that CNN threw to the Gun rights crowd as some think, but rather an opportunity to compare and contrast a "gun nut" to an ordinary citizen. If I were an anti gun rights person, and I owned a media outlet I would invite Ted to interview with my reporters on a daily basis.
With Ted Nugent you know what you are getting and some admittedly not gun enthusiasts (Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations) appreciate his blunt outspoken honesty. They believe that he believes what he says, and that actually impresses some people. Especially those who run on feelings rather than facts.
Look we have to stop beating up our friends. The NRA was using Chuck Norris to push issues and people got upset. They did a commercial sith Chuck that was rather comedic and a lot of us (myself included) hit the roof.

Now Ted Nugent goes on CNN and people crucify him for not being a perfect represenitive. I tell you what. When you find the perfect person to represent us let me know. In the mean time I'm going to support the home team and be happy that somebody is on our side.

At least Ted has been doing it consistently for nearly three decades. Just look up Ted Nugent David Letterman on Youtube. He debated letterman about guns in the early 1980s. He might have a questionable past, he might be loud and obnoxious. However, he is consistent and he isn't scared to put his view out there.

Take what you can get and keep winning the little battles everyday.
Oh boy, what it does is expose the radical side of gun ownership to the general public, against the backdrop of a civil, respectable acting journalist.

To be honest this is the same network that has brought on Roseanne Barr to back up Anderson Cooper a few times. I think it is more of a ratings ploy than a shot at any anti-gun agenda.

Ted's people probably called up looking for a way to promote his book. CNN producers thought "we have this new show that is struggling a bit. If we put Ted Nugent on there the personality differences could be explosive. It might even become viral." Plus they new it would bring in a more conservative demographic than they usually atract and that would boost ratings. That in turn would result in higher add revenue.

I think sometimes we RKBA guys look for the conspiracy a little too hard.
I'm starting to think you guys really don't like Ted Nugent. For a bunch of guys that advocate a calm, classy and rational approach, it sounds a little like some vile ,vindictive, emotional based rhetoric has crept in.
Originally Posted by RugerMcMarlin

I'm gonna go look up "cognitive disonance" if you dont want people to understand you, just say so. While you were confabulating your retort, I went and read your rules and guidelines page. It explains alot more about this blog site than it says. I hope I haven't offended anyone,with rough language, or opinion, and I really appreciate the acronym glossary, I was about to start making my own. I'll try to do better.

Sorry for the assumption about vocabulary. That phrase would be easier to understand for someone exposed to music. Consonance is a stable sound, and dissonance is an unstable sound. Combined with cognitive, it describes a series of opinions/beliefs which are inconsistent or even contradictory.

Also, look up the definition of confabulating. That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Originally Posted by Hunt480

When are you going on CNN so we can watch? Who else it saying this on CNN or any network for that matter? He is speaking the truth here in 2011,

That is as irrelevant as the art defender who asks critics when they are going to make something better. If someone has criticism regarding a movie, is it only acceptable if the critic has made a movie themselves?

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
I don't think we need english lessons here at least I think I'm beyond that at my age. Maybe all of us irrelevant thinking people will see you on CNN as a speech writer for Ted so he don't offend all the pansies.
Perhaps all of the hate and discontent can be saved for those that actually hate us.

Apparently, you don't know who the enemy is, do you? Your enemy aren't those that support gun control, according to Ted Nugent. He says those folks are a joke. He says your enemy are folks like me, gun owners who support the 2A, vote, etc. etc. etc. but that who are not members of the NRA. If you aren't in the NRA, you are Ted's enemy.

Yep, old Ted believes what he says, even if it isn't factually correct.
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