Ted Nugent - Thread Closing in 3..2...1....

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Jul 21, 2006
Chilling Out in the Valley of The Sun
Since the other threads were closed, (thanks Justin) I just wanted to add my quick $.02 to the topic of his latest outburst.

Yes, Ted is loud, somewhat abrasive, and can come across in a negative light. However, if you have ever seen an interview with him, he is extremely educated on the subject of the 2nd amendment and is very well spoken. Obviously his rock concert was a lively event and he chose to add to the liveliness.

That being said:
1. He is passionate about his and our gun rights, and I think we are lucky that someone of his fame is willing to speak out for us.

2. For those of you that say he reflects badly on our cause. I would simply ask you to think about one thing: Does it make a difference with the anti-gunners who the message is coming from, how it is stated, or with whatever frequency?

Nothing Ted says, or how he says it, is going to change the mainstream media and most every liberals mind in this country regarding gun issues. We could have the most peaceful, logical, handsome, well spoken person in the world explaining the real facts behind guns, their use in this country, and the 2nd amendment, and it still wouldn't make a lick of difference. I'm pretty sure every one of you knows this deep down.

So I would say lighten up on the guy. He isn't perfect, neither is his presentation on guns, but at least he is fighting and doing what he can.
Not taunting, I just think Ted gets a bad rap from some gun owners, sometimes deserved, most times not. Given the other threads are closed, I'm sure this one will be as well.

I just didn't have a place to post it, and obviously it was important enough to me to start another thread.
I know the Nuge. He is rough, but a good man! His daughter attended the high school that bordered our high school (where I was a principal). Sure, the thread was over-the-top...that's just Nuge on-stage. In daily life, he's a guy that would give you the shirt off his back.

What we have here is a case of "person" versus "persona".

I didn't follow the other Nugent thread, but I'll say this.

If a moderator closes a thread, it is considered bad manners to open another just to get a last word in on the subject.

Lights out.
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