ted nugent's camp

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Dec 26, 2002
my daughter went to ted nugent's 'kamp for kids' yesterday; it is a 1-day expo designed to introduce youth (8-18 years) to some outdoors activities.

my daughter spent the day covering: air rifles (she hit all her targets), 22's, slingshots, shotguns (she missed all her pigeons), 3-d archery, olympic archery, first aid, fishing (she caught a fish), gps/geocaching (she found her cache), and probably a couple of topics i forgot. at the end of the day ted spent an hour with the kids discussing conservation, hunting, and a very strong anti-drug message. the kids then went thru individually and met ted and spent a couple of minutes talking to him. he autographed shirts or hats for the kids, and then the kids were given a 'goodie' bag w/ a hat, t-shirt, fishing pole, and all manner of patches and stickers. the camp cost me $37.10 and included lunch.

the kids came out of the event, especially my daughter, absolutely energized. they seemed to really connect with ted and universally enjoyed the camp. and while i think ted is a weirdo and find watching him on tv a little painful, and his music not my style, this camp did more for kids in a single day than what i am able to do for my daughter in a month or more - and my daughter is a big game hunter and competitive rifle shooter. the hunting and anti-drug message was well delivered and every kid there seemed to really eat it up. he sure has a way with kids.

i reccomend this camp for anybody that has a kid that might even show a tiny bit of interest in the outdoors. i would also like to publically thank ted nugent for putting on this event for the nominal cost. what a great service and use for his celebrity.

last note... i am heavily involved with youth in my community, volunteering for time in classrooms, coaching soccer and softball, etc etc. i see a ton of kids and get to know quite a few of them pretty well between my volunteer activities and daughters' friends. there were kids at that camp who have never shown an inkling of interest in the outdoors that came out of that camp excited about the outdoors and wanting to learn more. anyway, if you get a chance to send a youngin' to ted's camp you won't go wrong.
Man, that is too cool! I do like Ted for his tenacity and being a front leader for gun ownership and hunting. I love his music and enjoy watching his vid's. Some on this forum might not agree with Ted's ways, but I like 'im. I am glad to hear your daughter had a good time and like to hear positive things come from it. Thanks for sharing, Dakota.
I would have loved to run my kids through a day with him at camp. To be exposed to so much in one day. Sounded great. When i was little we had JR. Deputy's camp for a weekend and got to learn abount bows, 22's, 410's and swamp buggies but not with his enthusiasum. He is a bit over the top but we need more to be like him and there just are any. Liked his early music. And at 61 and to have that much energy, GO TED.
from my understanding the camp is conducted in different towns and states. it came thru here via the nfaa (national field archery association), so i would refer you to bruce cull (president of the nfaa): archery AT iw.net . Also check their website.
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