Teenage hunter under fire for posing with dead animals on Facebook

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A member of my hunting club shot a coyote while on a stand deer hunting .

He went up to a country store near our club , while we took a lunch break and gather up for the second drive . He had the coyote on top of the dog box , where people could see it and a woman getting gas at the store verbally laid him out .

It was kind of funny because his girlfriend ( the first time he brought her with him ) then got into it with the woman .
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She is getting exactly what she wanted…publicity. Nothing more to it.
Interesting that I can go to Dallas Safari Clubs Facebook page and see men posed with their kills. Their pictures didnt command petitions and removal from FB.

That's great, but exactly how many "friends" or "likes" does their facebook page have compared to this girls?

You could be talking about exponential gains of people "networking" to see her facebook page.

An average of 245 friends per person multiplied by the 88,000 compared to The 6700 the club has. Do the math...

One more thing


"The auction has sparked a contentious debate over the best way to protect the species that has been brought to the edge of extinction because of man's appetite for its horn, which is used for daggers, ornaments and, in Asia, traditional medicine"

looks like even the Dallas safari club has detractors.
"The auction has sparked a contentious debate over the best way to protect the species that has been brought to the edge of extinction because of man's appetite for its horn, which is used for daggers, ornaments and, in Asia, traditional medicine"

looks like even the Dallas safari club has detractors.

Yep of course they do. The animal rights folks are bent on saving animals to death.
Finally, someone around here that gets it. Facebook is nothing but left wing group think.

No it isn't. It is used by every gun manufacturer, gun rights group, major gun retailer, right wing and conservative organization out there. Not to mention all the classifieds where you can buy, sell, and trade guns.

It may become a left wing group think vehicle if we let it and become too scared to voice our opinion publicly. The idea that we shouldn't use the most popular tool to share information is counter productive. Use it to our benefit. Which we do.

The claim that it is left wing shows a lack of knowledge about it. Here are some numbers

The NRA has 3,744,480 likes on facebook. The Brady campaign has 78,299

The 2A site has 1,312,544. Moms demand action has 190,150

The national association for gun rights has 3,807,449. Mayors against illegal guns has 705. Yes 3.8 million to 7 hundred

Hunting (group devoted to hunting) has 4,636,007. PETA has 2,691,599. Think about that for a second and tell me who uses facebook more. Redneck country bumpkins, or left wing animal rights extremist? If you answered hillbilly can't use a computer folk then you are correct (BTW it was a joke with the redneck hillbilly stuff, I am one and surprise, surprise, surprise I use facebook)

There is a group for shooting that has 2,545,000. Combat Handguns has 371,000. Conceal Carry Nation has 241,000. There are dozens of reloading groups. Every state and city has their own gun related groups. The list goes on and on and on. You can find more pro 2A stuff on facebook than you can find anti gun stuff, and it isn't even close. Pro gun out numbers anti gun 10-1 easy

Ruger has 450,039. S&W has 929,019. MidwayUSA has 244,000 Field and Stream has 545,000

Your claim that it is a left wing group think is flat out wrong. Just the opposite to be honest. Do some research and don't be afraid of new things
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Thanks for posting some facts TennJed. I appreciate that you took the time to look those stats up to counter some of the emotional hyperbole we are seeing here.
I just don't understand the objections based on here economic situation or objections based on any sort of religiosity.

Nothing she did deserves death threats.

I don't consider her posting of pictures to be any more boastful than those who are vehemently making their outrage known.
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We are looking out for her and the city, county,and DPS are checking the threats out. I hope some our Legendary Texas Rangers pay some of those FB nuts a visit.
I guess those anti types have missed the part about her being fairly proficient with weapons, at least to the extent that she has pursued and killed dangerous game? So they might want to rethink their thoughts about launching a physical assault on her, huh?

The claim that it is left wing shows a lack of knowledge about it.

Perhaps they are only friends with liberals so thats all they see in their feeds..
TennJedd, thank you for your post. There are plenty of reasons to both love and loathe Facebook, but the idea its a "left wing think tank" of sorts is extremely misguided, and shows very little understanding of what Facebook is really about. I understand everyone has an opinion, but my personal pet peeve are opinions that are completely baseless. To make such a statement about Facebook only underscores the poster's lack of knowledge regarding it. If you don't fully understand what it is, how can you be sure its so evil, or at least left-wing?

In the end, however, I don't believe the girl did anything wrong, don't believe this to be a moral/religious issue (any more than to think most religions would condemn death threats against an innocent party) and don't believe that everyone who has ever posed with a game animal is marked for the fast track to Hell. Her life is being threatened because she promoted something many of us do, would like to do, or at the very least, support. The fact that someone would feel the need to threaten her life over a photograph should leave no doubt whatsoever as to who is in the wrong in this situation. The fact she happens to come form wealth is wholly indifferent to me, and has nothing to do whatsoever with how I see the situation. How anyone could argue that she deserves to be threatened or that she should have seen his coming only reinforces that old saying "it takes all kinds" I guess.

and then there's this

Short Barrel said:

I say without preaching that posting pictures of oneself with animal carcasses is never pleasing.
I think you forgot a phrase key to your statement...."in my opinion". I have many pictures of myself with "animal carcasses" that I DO find pleasing. Judging by the number of "likes" they get on my Facebook page, my friends(the only people I allow my posts to be viewed by), who largely share a similar mindset, also seem to find the dead animals "pleasing" just as I often do theirs. You think looking back at a picture of my first deer doesn't flood the mind with fond memories of that special day?!?! When I look at that lil 2 lb bass I caught when I was 5, and see the smile on my face in that old Polaroid picture, I'm reminded of why I fish, what I enjoy about it, and where that love originated. When I look at that 5x5 rack mounted in my childhood bedroom at my parent's ranch, I don't think God would have any quarrel with the emotions that are felt, nor did I feel the least bit bad calling my grandpa to tell him all about it("bragging" as I'm sure you'd call it), or any number of other poeple, for that matter. That first deer was the source of many fond memories, and I don't regret the mount made or the pictures taken that day one bit....and on that same note, I feel the same way about pictures taken of my last deer, taken 23 years after the first.....or any of the 20+ deer I've taken between the two animals. Each one provided me with memories, and if a photo or mount helps keep those memories alive as I age, so much the better
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It seems the young lady can learn a valuable lesson from this, about the trials and even dangers (however unlikely to be realized) of a public life. She's clearly looking to parley her experiences and other attributes into at least minor celebrity status, and such a life has benefits and detriments. (Just as a more modest, private, circumscribed life does.)

Setting aside that her acts and public displays have been lawful, and her detractors unreasonable, vitriolic people, this is certainly part of the path she's choosing to walk and the buffeting she's getting out of this is likely to be simply a continuous facet of her life if she chooses to live it in the spotlight. Best to get a taste of it now and learn to ride it, and use it.

Re: "using" the moment -- To be sure, while a bunch of safari photos and some professionally-done "action" shots and headshots may have helped her get an interview with outdoors shows producers, appearing in the role of a strong young woman standing tough in the face of our dastardly anti-hunting foes and even living under death threats :)eek: how dramatic!) for pursuing her family's tradition of killing game ramps up her appeal as a compelling and sympathetic character greatly. As others said, the more publicity the better, if she's going to win that TV spot she wants.

As so many in today's society have discovered to their extreme displeasure, making your personal story open to the public at large can have really unpleasant results -- regardless of how "unfair" or "not right" it may be to have to live with others' opinions of you once you've let the cat out of the bag. But I think in this case the young lady and her people are in control of the message and the debate is likely proceeding in a manner that will work out favorably for them.
Now that this is over, it's time to post pics of myself whaling, strip mining, fracking, deep sea oil drilling, deforesting a rain forest, working at a slaughterhouse, training animals for a circus and open carrying in a McDonalds...the one with the playroom.

Just to get this straight. You are upset based on your religious values that she posted those photos and you felt that was being boastful which is a sin? That she deserved what she got due to the fact that her activities are not deemed politically correct therefore should be kept quiet?

Does that about sum it up?
Apology not required, I don't get personally offended by anything on the Internet.

Even if that was directed at another poster ha!

I don't mind what this girl is doing, in fact I think it's kinda neat-o.
But to expect that what she is doing is going to be agreeable with everyone contains a certain daft ignorance.

....but she already knew that

...and rebutted.

Yep, still sticking with that "publicity stunt" angle.
It will probably work out well for her.

As for the Internet death threats.....if I had a nickle for every death threat that resulted in no death, I'd make bloomberg and buffet look like paupers.
Yes, I am bringing up class. This woman and her family are better off than most of the people in the world. She has the freedom, money, and the leisure to do things that many people only dream of doing. In a world where people starve or live under tyranny or a Christless huge number of other really, really bad things, I find the expectation that anybody should feel bad for this privileged lass absolutely ludicrous. You feel bad for the poor little rich girl, if you like. For my part, I have no quarrel with her family having money or her going hunting; but I don't think I am ever going to have much sympathy for people who publicize their lives and then are dismayed to find there are yahoos

Most of the folks I know are quite wealthy, and I am blessed as well to have all I need. I find that most of these folks are hard working, honorable, and exceptionally charitable. I admire them, and I have at least enough common sense to know if I do what they do, more often than not I can get what they get.

The folks that take issue with them for their bounty I find to be the most covetous among us. They are the truly greedy ones, consumed with what they do not have, lashing out at some self-made injustice.

The only difference between these folks and you my friend is between your own ears. I pray to God above I will be able to provide such opportunities for my kids, and I am in fact working towards that very goal. To have someone find evil in that quest is pitiful.

If you do not mind, I will be just as angry at anyone lashing out with petty attacks on one of your children. I won't even ask to see your bank balance first.
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