Thank You THR for posting about Colorado

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Jan 7, 2004
Colorado Voters: Recall Vote is At Hand!
Outside money turned Colorado into test case for state-level infringements on 2nd Amendment rights. Now the country gets to see whether Colorado will hold its elected officials accountable. John Morse and Angela Giron both supported firearms restrictions in March, and both are up for recall on Tuesday, September 10th. Be heard. Vote. (Our apologies to non-Colorado members who are seeing this message; there is no way to display notices based on geographic location, and this vote is important. Click the red 'X' in the corner to make this go away.)

Anyone who can vote tomorrow and doesn't should be at all surprised the see more of your rights vanish. Living in California I can't even begin to tell you how horrible it is. Colorado is positioned well the make politician pay for their votes and pay they should.

Thank you to THR for supporting this very important cause.
Keeping Finger Crossed

May both Morse and Giron be DECISIVELY thrown out of office.

That'll pretty much end the politicians enthusiasm for new gun control laws, and eliminate the heat from senators who opposed the last round of laws. :evil::evil::evil:
I'm glad, We (this site) are getting off the sidelines on the obvious issue we all care about here.

It matters. If you are in Colorado, please go vote! I'll be watching.
I'm a CA resident but I am sincerely hoping these senators get recalled. It might help us (oh so very little) here in CA.
I'm a native Coloradan, and I've been in CA for work for the past year and now I finally may get to go back, but it's been agonizing seeing what's going on and knowing I can't help in person, just financially. Regardless, I'm proud of what everyone's done to get the recalls started and made the nation aware of our intent. Keep it up everyone, we're all counting on you!
I live here in Colorado, but am not in the districts involved, so I cant vote. I did donate some money to the cause. What is peculiar is that I get ads to vote No on the recall on this very site :). Wouldn't happen in a million years....
I am glad the powers that be at THR put that message there, and I never close it. It is a good reminder of the clout the 2A has over politics, as it should be. After all that is why it was placed second in the Bill of Rights, because it is an important right.
I am glad the powers that be at THR put that message there, and I never close it. It is a good reminder of the clout the 2A has over politics, as it should be. After all that is why it was placed second in the Bill of Rights, because it is an important right.
Yep, not a CO resident but leave the message open and have been following closely.
Also there is a thread in Activism that's been going for quite some time that is worth going through to see the progression of how we got to this point. Started with some determined grassroots folks :)
So, what's next? A reversal of these laws, with threats to do the same to more lawmakers if the reversal doesn't go through? How hollow is this victory?
Yes. So now, what's it going to take for that to mean something? What's it going to take to get rid of those laws?
I was jumping for joy when I finally heard those idiots ware voted out! I don't live in the areas able to vote, but during general election times, any Dem on the tickets gets scratched on my ballot! I've lived here all my life, 64 years, have hunted since old enough to walk behind my Pop, have been involved in shooting sports since 8 years old, so glad to see folks have finally gotten sick and tired of all the rhetoric,and done something about it ! Pop's in Heaven now, but know he's probably hollering as loud as most of us Coloradans are ! Thanks to all who've supported us here, your monies, time and feelings help at this time. Thanks too, to THR for allowing this forum and folks like we have here !
No he more than likely will only focus on the narrow minded views he holds close to his heat, like telling folks where they can go what they can do, and when they can do it. A supersized soda is more important to him, than a sensible approach to a free society.
And don't eat a hot dog or smoke a cigarette in the dirty City where he presided as Monarch, much like our President, who was called out by his "friends" as not being able to make decisions, yesterday, after having dinner with the 2 Senators the night before.
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