Thanks to L&P Moderators

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Dec 24, 2002
I wanted to take a minute to thank Moderators on Legal & Political section'of THR, its a tough spot. One of the things I appreciate here is the moderators tone when they shut something down, I have found this not to be true on other gun boards. My special thanks to Art Eatman I wish most Americans had his wisdom.

I swear I was not paid by moderators for this post. :D
Seconded. Y'll do a good job of keeping things civil without getting heavy-handed or restrictive, and that's a fine line to walk. And I wasn't paid, either (although, if he wanted to <ahem> thank me, Mal H. foolishly admitted to having a nice bottle of Scotch... :evil:). Seriously, though: thanks, to all of you who keep this place running smoothly.
Yes, I would add a hearty "Well done" here.

That the L&P Moderators in particular have allowed certain threads to continue past the point where I would have shut them down (were I a Mod.) is testament to their intelligence and maturity...and God-given patience.

And, every time I begin to think that perhaps a Moderator has slapped a hand too quickly, I'll visit another forum* and realize just how well THR maintains the spirit and intent of its name.


*Not named for reasons of protocol.
If you don't want to get into a discussion on abortion then maybe linking to an article on it isn't the best way to go about it?

a subtle jab at my intelligence, with just enough humor to make it "OK"...
yep, great tone. rock on.
I'll pile on.

I especially appreciate the warnings that allow us the chance to catch our breath, regain civility and get back on topic.

There's a lot of threads with great information and dialogue that occurs AFTER the mods have spread oil on the waters. All that could have been lost had the hammer dropped too soon.
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