That moment when..

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I got this timer several years ago from Amazon.
Looks like they still have it Timer

It has 4 preset values: 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours and 8 hours as well as On.
Quick and easy timer for tumbling brass.

If you guys really want to get all technical about controlling your tumblers(I don't use my system to do so) .... but if you do ... X10/SmartHome makes light switches and receptacles that can be "controlled" by your computer or they can be controlled by cell phone from most any where .... including setting timers ....

My tumbling is done in a shed out back. You can just imagine how long you can forget it out there.

That's funny stuff.

This may seem from out of left field, but your post reminds me of an SR-71 pilot's anecdote about his in-flight map reading: "You've never been lost until you've been lost at Mach 3."

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

While ordering two of the digital timers linked to in this thread (thank you!), I was also able to purchase more of Jeff Cooper's writing. I have some of his work (and always enjoy reading Cooper's Commentaries) but I ordered C Stories and his Yukon Journal. Great stuff! Thanks again.

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