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The Great State of Louisiana is working on it!

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Sep 9, 2004
House panel OKs concealed weapons on college campuses
by Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune Thursday May 01, 2008, 1:45 PM
BATON ROUGE -- Despite opposition from student government leaders and top state education officials, a House committee Thursday took the first step toward allowing authorized concealed weapons on college campuses.

Members of the Committee on the Administration of Criminal heard emotional arguments on both sides for three hours before voting 11-3 for House Bill 199 by Rep. Ernest Wooton, R-Belle Chasse, a former sheriff and the panel's chairman.

The panel rejected an amendment to exempt private colleges from the bill. The measure heads to the House floor for debate.

State law now bans guns from being carried onto college campuses as well as other sites, such as the State Capitol, police stations, courts, churches and governmental buildings.

"We are not going to have 20,000 students lining up tomorrow morning to get a concealed weapons permit" if this bill passes, Wooton said. He said it is designed to give student a more secure feeling in light of recent violence on campus. The bill requires that the gun holder be 21 years old and have a valid concealed weapons permit.

Joseph Savoie, president of the Board of Regents, the agency that oversees all higher educational institutions, said that similar bills have been killed in 15 states this year; only two states are still in play: Arizona and Louisiana.

"Colleges have a legal duty to provide a safe environment for their students, employees and visitors," Savoie said. "This legislation takes away our colleges' discretion over this crucial safety issue and greatly expands the state's liability."

"What are we opening up our colleges to?" asked Rep. Barbara Norton, D-Shreveport, one of the three lawmakers who voted against the bill. "It looks to me like we are getting ready for war."

The panel also rejected a hostile amendment by Rep. Roy Burrell, D-Shreveport, another opponent of the bill that would have allowed guns to be carried where state law now bans it, including elementary and high schools and churches. Burrell's amendment was rejected 10-2.
So, what, students will be allowed to carry on campus, but the state police and National Guard will follow them around and confiscate their guns because "only the police can have guns here"?

It seems strange that LA of all places is at the forefront of the concealed carry on college campuses.
Panel OKs guns on campus in Louisiana

Panel OKs guns on campus

By Mike Hasten
[email protected]

BATON ROUGE – College students should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus to protect themselves and others, a House committee said today.

Students on both sides of the issue said they were concerned about safety.

Supporters of the proposal said if students were allowed to carry guns on campus, they could have helped stop some of the recent shootings on college campuses around the country.

College student leaders, campus security officers and Commissioner of Higher Education Joe Savoie argued that allowing guns on campus could lead to more violence.

Over objections that it could lead to “the wild, wild west,” the committee approved House Bill 199 with an 11-3 vote and sent it to the full House for debate.

Didn't yall listen too him? Our schools are gonna be a WAR ZONE!!!!


Yeah, happy this passed, now just have to get it past the full vote.
"What are we opening up our colleges to?" asked Rep. Barbara Norton, D-Shreveport, one of the three lawmakers who voted against the bill. "It looks to me like we are getting ready for war."

I've got news for you Barbara, we already are at war.
"What are we opening our colleges to?"


"What are we opening up our colleges to?" asked Rep. Barbara Norton, D-Shreveport, one of the three lawmakers who voted against the bill.

um.....a very civil dialogue? Do ya think?:)

IN POINT OF FACT, it is a fact, that colleges and universities were never CLOSED to violence. That delusional idea should be quite evident now.

Wasn't it Chicken Little's viewpoint that because he believed the Sky was falling, the sky was in fact, falling?

So, somebody THOUGHT the schools were safe, therefore they were?

[somebody ring the bell, willya?]:what:
Keeping my fingers crossed for the sake of my friends and a few family members.

I have a few friends that attend New Orleans University and a couple that attends Nicholls State. All of them would start carrying on campus if they were allowed.

So, what, students will be allowed to carry on campus, but the state police and National Guard will follow them around and confiscate their guns because "only the police can have guns here"?

It seems strange that LA of all places is at the forefront of the concealed carry on college campuses.

The gun-grabbing mayor Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin's power only reaches 199 square miles of dry land in Louisiana. The confiscations only happened in Orleans Parish. The state police (As far as I know) did not confiscate any firearms. NOPD did. National Guardsmen who were under orders from Mayor Ray Nagin did. Not the State Troopers who are under orders from Governor Kathleen Blanco.

I have heard this comment before, that people are sort of taken back that Louisiana would be in the forefront of pro-gun laws. If you lived here you wouldn't feel that way. I am taken back that we aren't in the forefront of gun-laws. Louisiana is a state filled with hunters and sportsmen. Most politicians (even the Democrats) were raised around hunting and firearms so most of them are at the very least a "bit" knowledgeable when it comes to guns.

Louisiana is also home of one of the most dangerous metro area in the United States... (Hold on, your thinking New Orleans right? Don't get ahead of yourself.) Shreveport, Louisiana is the 8th most dangerous metro area in the US. Louisiana politicians know that concealed handguns lower crime rates, which explains the 13-2 vote.
+1 I think what the problem people have with Louisiana is thanks to the morons in New Orleans with their gun grabbing ways has hurt our reputation here. What many do not know is the rest of the state is extremely pro second amendment and do not view hunting as the only reason to own a gun. Just walk into any gun store, Cabelas or BASS Pro store down here and watch the dust collect on hunting rifles while handguns and AR15s, well you have to wait in line to get one while the salespeople try to handle the crowd.
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