The incredible shootable egg

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
Subtitled : Dawg farts are the worstest

I did not do nothing - honest!
Heck I was not even there!

I have been a good wittle boy all day, and when I was not, the most perfect eldest son assisting mom with some stuff she needed done.

This bunch I hang with had mentioned they were going to go shoot today...
I was not in attendance as I was , like I said, being a good wittle boy.

Evening rolls around...
I tried to call Lee Lapin and his line was busy, again.
So I called and spoke with Dave McCracken, we had a nice visit and I get back on the 'Net since I am on dial-up.

I get a "You are in trouble again" notice from Thunderbird.
Does anyone else get Email notification like this using T-Bird or is it just me?

"Uncle Steve - run and hide as you are in trouble again!" was the gist of the first email I read from one of the kids, on behalf of the other kids.

"Get your skinny butt in here!" - was just the subject line of the email from one of the mom's.

I do what any guy does, he hits "New Posts" on THR and procrastinates. :D
I may be dumb, I ain't stupid.

See not long ago Eggs were on sale, and it just made sense to just buy that box about 3/4 full of medium eggs at the time.
I mean we all like a boiled egg by itself, in a salad, to make tuna fish and all...
Egg salad sandwich and of course Everybody Knows I make the bestest scrambled eggs, and omelette's.

Eggs also make great reactive targets, raw or hardboiled, and naturally biodegradable.

I *might* have conversed with the kids about some fun targets ideas...maybe.;)

Being a bit "egged out" there were plenty of targets today. Some were challenging.

Golf tees are a big hit with us, great for shooting old cut up golf balls off of, mentioned to the kids the time we did eggs on the tees.
"Yeah! That would be really cool!"

Or the See-Saw idea, first shooter has it easier , second shooter has to be quick and shoot before the egg falls.

One mom figured out why kiddo got the hose with a run out of the trash...
Get a piece of hose, tie a knot to keep raw egg in, attach a cord to hose and with hose suspended, and cord going around a pole and back to safety near shooter, get this hose to swing.
"Mom, put the shotgun up, get the pistol, how are you ever going to shoot Humpty Dumpty on the run, if you don't practice? :p

Markers and all make interesting "monsters" to shoot.
Especially when they wear hats made from spoiled onion rings , tomato and other food stuff.

Did I mention the dawgs were out with the folks today?
Anyone ever mention dawgs like hardboiled eggs?

I reminded the kids about what happens when a dog eats a hard boiled egg.
"Phew! Just like when they eat Beef Jerky and Slim Jims- right?" - they said.
"Right" - I said.

You know, moms are not always smart and know everything. ;)

"It was the mom's letting the dawgs have hard boiled eggs.
It got worse Steve, they let the dawgs have Beef Jerky and Slim Jims too".

"Oh it was funny! Mom put down a raw egg down on the ground to see what the dawg would do.
She thought she would just paw it, instead went after it like a tennis ball...breaking it , when she bit into into it...

Then mom grabbed a Wet Wipe to wipe off the dawgs face *giggle* and the dog licked her but good on her face and glasses and got dog slobber and egg on mom..." :D

One mom survived the ride home, she was driving a truck and Dawg rode the short distance home in the back of the truck.

The rest of the moms?

"Oh gross me out with a spoon! What is that smell?" One mom said while rolling down windows, the kids with bandanna's over nose and mouth.

'MoOm! Dawg farts are bad, eggs make it worse, eggs and Beef Jerky and/or Slim Jim's are the worstest! *cough* *ack* *cough*

My advice?

Get more Golf Tees,cut up golf balls, .22 ammunition for the kids, and somebody puh-leeze keep the mom's in line.

Sounds like a fun day at the range. I hope the dogs got it out of their systems before bedtime. Nothing worse than a being on the verge of sleep and one of the animals lets a rotten one go.
ooooh, my head!

Every time I read one of sm's stories I get a massive headache.

But at the same time I get a through and complete picture of what is going on

It's weird man, weird I tell ya.

good story sm, glad ya had fun.
But you forgot to tell them about the cars, boats and planes...:( - kids email

Whups! Uncle Steve did not hear about this until earlier today.

Poster board either set onto plywood on the ground, or about 2 feet off the ground.

The kids took blue poster board to represent water, and had taped down boats they made from paper.
Eggs were torpedoes. :p
Shoot the torpedoes to protect the boats :D

A runway with airplanes, and shoot the eggs...

Street and "cars" and again shoot eggs to protect cars.

Hit the eggs without hitting the cars, boats and planes.

Rubber band powered balsa wood airplanes from firing line "took off" to
"It was pretty cool having to stay focused and not get distracted".


Sarah Brady,
Eat your heart out! This is what these kids do with their hands. :neener:
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