The joy of plinking

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Jun 10, 2006
Most of my range time is consumed with shooting paper targets and working on form and accuracy. It's not that I prefer that type of shooting but it's generally what's available since I shoot at an indoor range most of the time.

This weekend though while we were down at the farm deer hunting we did a little plinking in between the morning and afternoon hunts. I had planned on walking down to our "range" and shooting some paper targets...but on the way there I noticed that there was a huge pile of scrap lumber in the burn pile right in front of the barn.

I walked over to the burn pile and grabbed a few sawed off ends that were perhaps the size of a brick...then I tossed them out in the grass next to the barn then I had the kids round up some soda cans to add to the mix too.

We were now looking at a bunch of soda cans and brick-sized chunks of lumber arrayed in front of us at various distances. To sweeten the pot I grabbed an old iron disk off one of the farm implements and we set it up about 40 yards away. It was essentially a big gong.

With the targets set, I began pulling out pistols. I had several hundred reloads for the 44 mags and the 41 mag as well as a new 10mm to shoot and my son just got a .380 for his birthday and we wanted to run that too.

For the next hour we shot and laughed as we watched cans flying high through the air and wood chunks being slammed around with splinters flying. Any miss with the 44 mag was obvious as the 240 grain bullet would leave a deep un-missable gouge in the earth about 12 inches long that let you know if you had missed high or low. The iron disk would sound off with a satisfying "GONNNNG!" each time you made it jump with a hit.

At one point I set out a short piece of circular piling intent on seeing if I could make it roll. The big 44 shattered it on the first shot, sending one chunk rolling down range to the left. I shot at that rolling piece just as it was coming to rest and rolled it again sending an even smaller piece down range again which gave me another opportunity for a shot at a moving target. Most of these guns are new to me and it was a great way to get familiar with them.

It's been a long time since I had so much fun shooting the pistols. I'm going to have to do more of this.

What do you do for plinking?
Many years ago we had access to a private dump my good friends Father owned. Our main focus was big dump rats, talk about reactive targets!! There was all manner of targets, and you could shoot .22's all day long for about half your weekly allowance.

To a bunch of 13-14 year olds it was the most fun you could have with your pants on...:)
We all had been taught gun safety and there was never a firearm mishap. It was one of those things a kid would look forward to all week long. I still would rather shoot anything than a paper target to this day.
i shoot about 500 rnds of .22 a week. Just plinking. Shooting random things i see, twigs, flowers, branches with snow on them. The most fun i have ever had shooting.
Grew up on a farm. Mom had a charge account at the local general store. (remember those?) I used stop by on the way home from school- every day - and charge a box of .22 shells. I used to sit at the end of the house and shoot at timothy hay heads. Used to actually hit one once in a while. life was good...
I grew up with a Daisy Powerline 880 air rifle. I'd spend hours sniping at the plastic army men I'd outgrown. Also there were dozens of Tulip Poplar trees nearby whose seed pods would burst apart when I hit them.
Hello all,
At the outdoor revolver range I go to people shoot shotgun and leave the hulls. I like to take golf balls out, stack up the balls on shells and see if I can shoot the balls off of or shoot the shell out from under the balls.

When I take people out with me or I haven't shot in awhile I start up close then back up to 50 feet.

I makes for a real fun time.
At my grandfather's we had a "cut" in the hillside where we, ( all the cousins...and uncles ), could shoot. We killed lots of tin cans, pine cones, walnuts and sycamore balls. They're about the size of a quarter and make a good puff when hit. Empty shotgun hulls work real good.

Lets face it...almost anything we can set up is good plinking fodder! Have fun!

I always enjoy things that explode in some way shape or form. Cheese in a can is pretty cool to watch, 12 packs of cheep cola, can's of corn. Not the cheapest targets, but if I got into this hobby to save money...
All I really do is plink and small game hunt. I grew up on air rifles and finally graduated to .22 rimfire in the last year. I just really enjoy reaching out and touching something.
When I was growing up my cousins and I would spray paint a pile of gravel with Blaze Orange,then throw them down the dirt road and shoot them.
When we got some cheap scopes for our 22's,we then would shoot the gravels with a sling shot,locate them with our scopes and shoot them.
love to shoot limbs poking out of the pond. Lots of trees lying on thier side at ranges from 10 to 100 yards make great targets
I don't plink... even though that would be the greatest thing in my opinion. I would love to be able to do that... but even if you shoot your airgun out in the woods or fields here in the Netherlands.... unless it's your own property and you don't 'scare' anyone..... You WILL get arrested.... and if you have a gun license (as a sportshooter) you can kiss that goodby and hand in your guns.... So no plinking for us... only (mostly) indoor ranges with paper targets....

Unfortunately, Hickok45, God of plinking..... life is not good.... hehehehe
As my .22 rifles have become more and more capable, my favorite plinking has become increasingly more precise. A local casino gives away their decks of retired playing cards. I've got half a milk-crate full of card boxes. My shooting buddies & I have become fond of cutting edge-turned cards in half at 25 yards. If we're REALLY after each other, we shoot M&Ms off the top of golf tees...but you can't break the tee. Most fun with .22 pistols is equally unique. We have some old, off-road RC trucks. In a gravel pit we string three helium balloons (two red, one green) to a RC truck. While the shooter tries to pop ONLY the red balloons. The driver (running the truck) starts, stops, turns, jumps, backs-up and generally does EVERYTHING possible to make the shooter accidentally hit the green balloon. When that happens, we trade places. It's a hoot!
Few things in life are as much fun as a .22 rifle or pistol, a brick of ammo, and a summer afternoon. Brings back memories of 50 years ago. My favorite targets are vegetables I don't like, esp. green peppers and cucumbers. We have a farm that backs up to the Daniel Boone National Forrest so I can shoot about anything I like.
I'll plink at about anything, but my favorite is hard boiled eggs.

I only get to do this when I can find expired eggs in the fridge though.
Store brand charcoal provides a few dozen cheap reactive targets.

I will also put some golf balls out at the bottom of the 100yd berm and walk them up over the mound.

Shotgun hulls at 50yds make good targets as well.

We play a lot of drinking games at my place, and as such ruin a fair number of decks of cards sticking them under tabs of cans and soaking them in beer, so I save the unusable decks and play poker with them at the range alternating shots.

Lastly, orange clays that you can get for 100/$5 are fun also.

For $30 I can get 500rds or .22LR and a variety of the above mentioned targets and kill 3-4 hours with friends.
Plinking - shooting questionable sized targets, at unknown ranges, teaches you more about practical shooting than anything else, IMHO>>>
I agree 100%. Plinking is FUN shooting. The whole family can plink. 500 rnds for $20. Shooting orange clay targets is fun and cheap. Balloons, little baby food jars (when glass was allowed at the plinking range), old phone books to see how far diff calibers would penetrate.

I just recently picked up the SR22 for this purpose and to teach the family how to operate a semi auto without the flinch factor.
I love plinking shooting paper is ok but gets boring pretty quickly. One of the most fun things to do is putting out candles at nite with the .22's. The object is to do no real damage to the candle which makes them easier to relite some survive and some are not so lucky. I started this as a kid with an old pump up Crossman air rifle things havent changed much I now shoot mostly cb caps to avoid the need for earmuffs.
90% of the time, by choice, it's a river bottom, which some Deputies assume to be inside city limits but it is outside.

Being an impatient guy regarding access to targets, when some retired guys are so focused on their scopes at the private club range (with no awareness of their surroundings-or other people), I never step out of the car, and drive five more minutes to this river area.

A local ICE agent also plinks there above the bottom with his Saiga 7.62x39 etc, and he gave me his business card.
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