The things I do for friends.

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Dec 25, 2002
Poulsbo, Wa
So, a buddy of mine is trying to apply for his concealed pistol permit in Connecticut, and asked me if would do up a reference letter for him. :what:

Yeah...seems he needs something like three refernces.

This is what he sent me to sign:

To Whom It May Concern:

I have personally known Daniel XXXXXX XXXXXX (SS# You wish!) for the past 8 years. During that time period, he has demonstrated outstanding character and integrity. I personally feel that he will responsibly store and handle a firearm with the attention and respect that a firearm requires.

Okay...I signed it, printed it out, and then went to wash my hands.

Then I printed out another version, with this added:

However, as a resident of Washington State, I feel the need to inform you that what you are doing is wrong. I could go into the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, but as a proponent of States Rights, I will instead quote from the State of Connecticut Constitution:

Article I, Section 15: "Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state."

Strange. I see nothing in that statement about NRA classes, or ‘Letters of Reference’. Simply a statement about all citizens having the right to bear(which means to keep at home, OR carry) arms in defense of himself and the State.

By requiring the citizens of your State to jump through the kind of hoops that my friend is doing, you have corrupted the intention of your States Constitution, and turned this ‘Right’ into a privilege controlled by the State.

I then printed out my version also. I am sending both of them to my buddy...I hope he sends them my version. :evil: :evil: just chaps my hide...

And my wife laughed at me when I said one reason I wanted to work at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard instead of Electric Boat was the gun laws...

About half of my neighborhood works for the Department of Defense as either a civilian employee, or for a company with contracts with the DOD. You should hear some of the crap we tell the investigators about the neighbors when they're trying to renew their security clearances.

One of the guys told the investigators that I was living way beyond my means (one of the biggest no-no's for a security clearance), driving an expensive looking (when it was new, 10 years ago) truck, buying lots of guns and computer stuff and only working 5 months of the year while attending an out-of-state college full time. (It took them a few days to figure out that my college fund was in my parents' names)

I got him back by telling the investigators he handed off a briefcase to some foriegn looking guy. (The ethnically-Chinese guy in our carpool forgot his briefcase in the other guy's car and stopped by to retrieve it) He had some fun times explaining that one. :evil:


"You should hear some of the crap we tell the investigators about the neighbors when they're trying to renew their security clearances."

And people wonder why we get so many vague and unsubstantiated terrorist alerts.

Kharn, right on! Those blue blood Ba:cuss:***** need a good dose of reality.
Problem is, the people there will not get together to upset there precious little apple cart in the east.

The Constitution state is on their license plate too.
You sure that wasnt ment for Priv8ter?

Those were two of the more extreme ones, mostly its stuff like "Well, he doesnt make his son cut the grass like a normal father does, I think there's something wrong with him. You might want to watch him more carefully." The investigators have long since figured out we dont like talking to them for hours on end. (they dont like doing it either, but its part of their job)

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