The treachery of the French

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Dec 25, 2002
the city

The treachery of the French

Posted: February 1, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003

Ever since Charles de Gaulle turned over French Algeria to the communist Arabs in 1962, forcing an exodus of over a million Europeans to metropolitan France, I've had nothing but contempt for France's foreign policy. That act of betrayal has had a profound effect on France's body politic – which has lacked integrity ever since.

It should be remembered that France conquered Algeria in the 1840s to stop the depredations of the Barbary thugs. Europeans then settled there by the hundreds of thousands, turning Algeria into a peaceful, thriving and productive part of the French empire.

And while Europeans took to the boats and fled Algeria – leaving behind farms, businesses and homes, Algeria became another socialist hell-hole. And so, Algerians have continued to migrate to France, finding it impossible to live in a country where Islamic terrorists slit the throats of children asleep in their beds.

Prior to de Gaulle's betrayal, France had been a strong ally of Israel, but when it surrendered Algeria to the Arabs, it then became pro-Arab. Thus, the French not only betrayed their own people in Algeria, but also the Christian Maronites in Lebanon as well as the Israelis.

It was the French who helped Saddam Hussein build the nuclear reactor, which the Israelis destroyed in 1981 in an amazingly skillful attack. "The central building is entirely collapsed," said one of the French technicians who flew back to Paris after the attack. "The atomic reactor is unreachable and the anti-radiation shield has disappeared." The Frenchman also reported that one of the bombs did not explode, thereby making it impossible to rebuild the reactor without first destroying everything that remains.

The technician complimented the Israelis on their skill. "The precision of the attack was stupefying. The Israelis chose their hour perfectly to avoid the maximum loss of human life."

Of course, Israel was condemned by the international community – the United Nations, Arabs and their sympathizers – for sparing the world a decade of nuclear threat from Saddam. When John Phillips, a Princeton student who had written a paper on how to build an atomic bomb, was approached by a Pakistani who wanted to buy his plan, he reported the incident to the FBI. He had no doubt that Iraq was building an atomic bomb with the technical help of the French. "France is the whore of nuclear proliferation," he said.

So it's no surprise that France, as of this writing, opposes President Bush's intention of getting rid of Saddam Hussein once and for all. Why? Are they actually helping Saddam build an atomic bomb in a clandestine way? Its chief use would be to threaten Israel. But that wouldn't bother the French. Their government has become a master of betrayal and it cannot be trusted because it has no moral standards, no moral backbone.

The glory of France is a thing of the past. Its brief period of great benign advance in the 19th century, when it built a brilliant colonial empire which liberated millions of Africans from disease and backwardness, came to an end when de Gaulle jettisoned the whole fabulous enterprise. And the result is an Africa in ruins and disease. De Gaulle, the destroyer, set France on its present path of wholesale betrayal of Western values. The country is now overrun by Muslims, and its philosophers have contributed the last chapter in the descent to philosophical insanity: deconstructionism.

France has become irrelevant to the great tasks that confront the Bush administration. Apart from providing us with fine perfumes, wines and cheeses, the French are incapable of saving Western civilization. Nor do they really want to. That job has been left to us.
I don't think the French ever got over not being the superpower of its day. When was that? Why, when Louis XIV was the king. L'estat, c'est moi. (Boney doesn't count. That island upstart couldn't speak the lingo without that Corsican accent).
From the standpoint of having her own way in many of the world's more important affairs, France has done quite a credible job. What seems to stand out is that no matter the political philosophy of any of their leadership, they all work within a long-term framework for "The good of the Nation".

Would that our own so-called leadership had this sort of view.

Came across this post over at Tactical Forums:
Was watching the news last night and heard the best line so far regarding France not willing to back the Iraq attack. Since the program was on the CBC here in Canada, I was even more surprised that they left it in. It was made by Jed Babbin:

"BABBIN: Well, going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. You get to leave a lot of useless noisy baggage behind. "
Here's the link:
Tactical Forums
M1911, as I've commented elsewhere, France is presently the largest seller of goods to Iraq. Elf Oil, a French corporation, has more "deals" going with the UN in regard to Iraqi oil than any other oil company.

As usual, cherchez le $$$. Or, in this instance, the Franc.

Art: Doesn't surprise me. Lots of folks point fingers at the US claiming we created and armed Saddam, when in reality pretty much all of his arms came from the Soviet Bloc and France.
France is probably more responsible for the making of more nuclear powers (contries) other than the former Soviet Union. I also wonder how many of our wars or 'encursions' since WWII have been directly related to the doings of France.

Money whores. No offense intended to or directed at our French-American members.
Cratz: who did they supply with nuclear technology besides the Israelis?
Always, always follow the money in seeking explanations for state behavior.

--We have not clue, yet, as to the extent of French origins of the nuclear and oil infrastructure. French nuclear industry is all over the Iraqi re-build. They do not want the world to see how far along Iraq is with French complicity.

--France's national oil company as exclusive rights to develop an Iraqi field IIRC of 30 billion barrels. They stand to lose it all if the US does its thing.

--9% of the French population is Islamic. A sufficiently high percentage to give leadership pause when considering something like an invasion of an Islamic country; never mind Iraq is secular. I can imagine the social chaos created by a sizeable number of Islamists who decide to go to the streets.

--Last Thursday on FOX and Friends, Oliver North clearly and unambigiously stated intelligence briefs were being made all over Capitol Hill on intelligence the US had which had Jacques Chirac (Prime Minister of France) had received direct payments from Iraq. I have not seen any other reports. If true, it would explain a lot, and would not really be that inconsistent with Sadaam's behavior.

The French have everything to lose and a lot to gain by pitching in on this military endeavor. Whatever is driving French politics is strong. Time will tell us what is going on.
Cratz: who did they supply with nuclear technology besides the Israelis?

Most of the middle east, north africa, southeast asia.

I guess I should have said "...the providing of information and knowledge on how to make nuclear devices..."
And the (Vichy) French fought so bravely, too-
- to repell the allied landing in North Africa in 1942.
My understanding, from watching the special on the History Channel about the Iraqi scientist who was in charge of their nuclear weapons program, that Iraq's reactor was built in France and shipped to them. Actually, it was damaged, mysteriously, shortly before its completion; Iraq suspected Israel.

From photos from the last rounds of inspections, it looks as though the French supplied the necessary equipment, at least, to produce the biological weapons. Bio-Lafitte, specifically.
Over rated food. Over rated wine. Over rated as being cultured.
Women don't shave pits. Men don't bathe regularly. Jerry Lewis is a national hero. Military could not beat a girls volleyball team. Good at blowing up unarmed Green Peace boats.

Need I go on? Who cares what they do or think? The French are an irrelavancy!:D
I agree. The French and let me include the Irish as well, are one of the most rascist groups of people I have ever studied. Unlike the Germans, they can't be converted. I think, it is that Celtic thing. The round heads are butt heads.

If I can remember properly, there is an old joke, about a European hell. I think it goes like this:

In European hell, the Germans are the policemen, the English the chefs, the French are the lovers, and the Italians are the auto mechanics. Well something like that.

I think one of the most interesting emerging European areas are central and eastern European countries. When it comes to weapons and women anyway. Check out that new Croatian XD! Quite the handgun. Czech CZ products are true quality. And Kyla Cole or Sylvia Saint, my goodness, what lovely women they are.

My mom is from Ireland! You are right about people not converting. Never have and never will. I don't see the Irish as racist and as snobby as the French. Ireland is a friendly place to visit. Go visit France and see how you are treated.

The Irish are not butt heads just a bit contrary at times.:neener:

I am told that 65% of all the Medals of Honor awarded in the US were awarded to Americans who were from, or whose descendents were from, that Isle of Saints and Scholars.

By the way the girls of the Czech Republic are probably the best looking on average. They make great firearms too!;)
Ireland is a friendly place to visit.
So long as you don't wear a kippa (yarmulke). A man and his wife had reservations at a bed and breakfast type place and when they got there and the manager of the place saw that they were Jewish they were kicked out. They were told something kinda nasty that I won't repeat here either. It wasn't a very isolated incident from what I hear from Jews and Israelis who have visited over there recently. Still, better than France where people are being attacked- in fact a rabbi who was stabbed after receiving death threats is now being harassed by the police who want to make it look like he stabbed himself multiple times (and who decided that when his synagogue was burned down after months of arson threats that it was not arson).

Perhaps racist is a hard word, and I probably should have chosen a different term, but Celtics, I have found, have a certain type of hard headness that makes them a pain in the ***. There are, as well, Celtic enclaves, particularly in Poland, that reinforce this belief.

But I will second the emotion about eastern european women, wow! They have a unique genetic mix of classic northern european features with a bit of the steppe invading hun in their almond shaped eyes and high cheekbones. Lovely.

My dear departed wife was a round head Welsh strawberry blond Celtic. She was the biggest pain in the *** I have ever met. Great cook though. Great lay as well, but she was as bull headed as the days in June are long.

God I miss her.
Ha! I noticed that some sort of silly software on posting *** the word arse in the American english spelling. So funny as they are censoring a word that is common in the Bible.

Hey, Jesus road an *** into Jerusalem the week before he was crucified. *** ***. Hey, software censor, *** is not a cuss word.

An *** is a stupid animal. A genetic cross between a horse and a burrow (donkey) that can not breed. And often described as a vain and stupid person, sort of like the person that decided *** needed to be shown as ***.

I am appalled by the treatment those people recieved. It is the height of ignorance to behave in that fashion. The founder of the Mossad was born and raised in Dublin and the mayor there a few years back was Jewish.

The early Irish even invented a story about themselves being the lost tribe. The Irish were very comfortable with the Old Testament.
I don't know why anti-semitism is on the rise but it is, as ia any form of bigotry, repulsive. I have several friends of the Jewish faith who viited Ireland and they were not treated in such a hostile fashion. I hope episodes as you described are the exception rather than the rule.

mussi: Yeah, I know. Did you buy any Euro-denominated CDs a year or so back, using US dollars for the purchase? :D

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if, inside France, they referred to the Euro as a franc...Or say "Euro." and spit.

By the way, folks, don't sell the actual fighting units of French forces as wussies. They're some pretty tough folks. The Paras all think they're supposed to live up to their press releases, so they work pretty hard to be able to do that.

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