This Will Make Your Blood Boil!

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One if the first lessons I learned as a police officer was NO ONE, even police are above THE law! A few of our officers were smoking pot on duty! Were busted them ourselves & they were prosecuted & kicked out! More police should stand up &do the same! Crime is wrong &the police should arrest the police & any government agent that breaks the law!

When I was searching up the story about the Jersey Police stopped doing 30+ over speed limit in Virginia I happened upon a police forum and the discussion was talking about how awful and disloyal it is to ever cite another officer of the law.....some in the thread disagreed...but the overall sentiment was that first responders should be given more leeway....needless to say as a rabid egalitarian I was less than impressed.
Reminds me of the testing for the local PD, in the first part, you take a battery of standard tests, about 5 are specific, one is actually do you show police ID when pulled over for rolling a stop sign (you stop for a stopsign, then immediately pull out and turn right....)

question is how to combat it, very 'us/them'
That is a ridiculously unnecessary statement.

No, it is not, but yours is!

Folks post things that are sometimes obtuse to some, but clear to others. He was simply accentuating absurdity (the subject of this thread) by posting absurdity. A clear form of communication for abstract thinkers. Thanks for your understanding!

Hope there is some remedial training required for this field worker for Social Services on how to treat those that pay your salary. Her visit may have been necessary but her attitude and behavior were way out of line!
when i was in 3rd grade my parents had a social worker come to the house because i missed 12 days of school in one semester. IIRC 3 were for a death in the family and 6 in a row were because i was sick with a nasty flu bug i couldnt shake. it happened again my freshman year when i got mono...(hush) its stupid
I've had something somewhat similar happen with my godson. Tiny bit of history, Loch got to be my godson because I was the only person that stood by his Mother when she was gestating. Everyone else was pro-abortion. (I told her "You have 3 options. It isn't my place to tell you what to do, but regardless of your choice I'll do whatever I can to help." Mostly she just needed a ride to and from her prenatals and some cheering up on a couple occasions.)

Anyhow, Loch's parents were never together, it was a "friends with benefits and breeding privledges" situation that didn't last through the gestation period, much less the first couple years of the kid's life. Fortunately, however, both parents want to be part of his life. And both are pretty much idiots. (Of the no-common sense kind, not the low-IQ kind.)

Now this is in Alaska. Everybody has guns up here. Except the mother, who moved up from Chicago. She realized that Loch was going to need to know firearm safety; when he was with his dad, there were guns in the house, and no gunsafes or locking cases.

She did not trust the father to teach him firearms safety, and she couldn't do it herself. So she gave me her blessing.
He had a blast, followed every directive flawlessly, and can quote the 4 laws backwards and forwards, as well as making judgements on various scenarios as to if they comply with the laws or not. He's 7.

Unfortunately between the mother giving me her blessing and me actually taking Loch out, Daddy got into her head and started chanting the "guns are evil!" line. And she always was a daddy's girl. So fastforward to the most recent custody hearing. . .

". . . took him out to the gun range, and even gave him his own REAL gun! Here's a photo!"
"Looks like he's wearing eye protection, I assume he had hearing protection as well?"
"Yes sir."
"Sounds like it was done right. I approve."

Gotta love Alaskan judges. :)
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