Those who serve

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navyretired 1

Dec 19, 2009
Ozark, Missouri
My Wife and Myself like to go to movies(not war movies) and lately they've been showing very patriotic Army National Guard Leader on screen. At the end of that Leader I stood up and clapped. It embaresed the heck out her, but within 5 seconds half of the theater was standing and clapping. I was so pround that there is patriots out there It brought tears to my Eye's.
Because I'm handicapped I must wait til the crowd thins to get up and walk out, and this day a dozen people stopped and said they had been wanting to do that every time but was afraid at being laughed at.
I say standup and show your support for our people who represent us in defence of this wonderful country. I'l always standup and clap from now on even if they laugh or don't join in. Thank You All
thanks man. here in colorado springs we dont get much credit in my opinion. i guess since its a military town and the locals are use to it. thanks allot. you dont see that kind of thing much anymore.
I think we need to remember that there are still people out there fighting a war and when we see them or their representations we need to honor them as much as we did in 2002.
OP, thank you for that. Mutant is right that Co. Springs is a very military heavy town, but I do occassionally get suprised by someone telling me "thank you". Sometimes, I get downright embarrased, but it does feel good.
After New Years I was sitting waiting for my son to check in at 6:00 am at the small local airport for his return to Iraq and was touched by the strangers who came and shook his hand and wished him well.
Just remember guys we still regard you all in the highest manner.
I agree with your opinion, but the music on the video sounds like something out of the Old Soviet Union in the 1960s! The Guard deserves better. :)
Hats off to navyretired 1 !!!!

...all it takes is one with balls to wake up've done more in those lives than you know!!! Thanks for being the one....
Yep, its amazing how alot of people take those in the military for granted, but it is always nice to be recognized. Me and another guy were at a Wendy's after our lab (ROTC classes) and were still in bdus, and a guy bought us a pair of gift cards. very touching even just the people who take the time to say thanks or anything.
I get thanked a lot because everywhere I shop I ask if they have a military discount. A lot of places do and just don't advertise it. My Air Force Retired license plate doesn't hurt either.
When I was a kid in WW II, it was common on Memorial Day or Armistice Day for there to be a parade through downtown, with military units including tanks. The crowds on the sidwalk were standing-room-only, with flags all along the way. When the US flag came by, it was hats off and hands over hearts.

Looks like the national blood has thinned a bit too much...

And, unfortunately, this is the Legal forum--but thanks to all who have served and to those who are serving.
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