Thoughts on Australia’s gun laws

The FUDDS in the US— allegedly pro Sec Amendment gun owners— are too self-centered to care about losing more of our gun rights.
That's the Divide et Impera -principle. Divide and conquer. The term "useful fools" was coined by Soviet regime that used it very effectively, by finding a group of sufficiently ignorant people who were scared stiff of losing their specific rights who wouldn't shun throwing their peers (of somewhat different interests) under a bus, and using them as a propaganda tool to exclaim "what people want".

Beware them. They're effectively traitors who really think that by parroting the regime narrative they'd be entitled to preserving their status, which eventually never happens. Eveyone lost everything. They're every bit as bad as prohibitionists, often even worse as they have propaganda value to the regime in terms of silencing all opposition to totalitarian legislation.

These useful idiots contributed greatly to gun laws in Finland going to utter $#!% between 2008 and 2019. The left wing forces in the government tried their best (worst) between 1999 and 2008 but got nowhere until they managed to turn some "fudds" against all other gun owners and launching a relentless propaganda campaign that these groups represent "pro gun" side of the debate. Effectively silencing and deplatforming anyone else.

Treason. At its very worst.
I agree with Riomouse; for the most part, politicians are "the monied class", or at least the visible part of it. And their goal is disarming the "unwashed masses", minus a few outliers in the political system that actually still believe in the United States Constitution.

^^^ Very true. This is why they are far detached from the average American. This is not just with the RKBA, but with healthcare and being provided for after retirement. Neither of which they have to worry about, unlike the Average American. Hard for me to believe, that any hard working American, that has worked hard all their life, paid taxes and positively contributed to life here in the states, has to worry about getting sick after retirement, or how they can live out their years with respect. Social Security and Medicare in this country is a joke, but both would be much different if the politicians had to depend on them.

As for Australia and their gun laws......their house their rules. Since they, like us, are a representative democracy, it must be what they want. This should be a vivid lesson for us.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This sentence applies to every person on earth. Not just the citizens of the United States.

....apparently not.