THR Vitual Match - Should I bother?

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Dec 24, 2002
NY/TX(don't ask!)
Hello?......Hello?.....thump.....thump......Is this thing on?

Is anyone out there? Sure doesn't seem like it.

The participation in THR monthly virtual matches appears to have dwindled significantly over the past few months. It is now the 23rd and there has not been a single score posting for the May match.

In the past there was significant interest expressed and lots of posts haggling over the rules, asking claifications, etc. This month it is a ghost town.

So, I put it to you....should I even bother putting together a match for next month? ROTR, El Rojo, and I do put some time into making and administering these matches. At least, we did in the past. But, if no one is interested maybe we should just let this idea die.

I would hate to see that happen. I have never participated but always intended to. It is a great idea. I even printed up some targets for this match but never got around to shooting it.
I hope things change for the better.
The March match killed it for me ... This is (was) an on line match and someone forgot ... k.i.s.s.
R.O.T.R. had nice matches, simple yet interesting.
I found it ironic that the person who had the MOST questions about ROTRs matches, put together the March match. Just reading those match rules took up more time than the match was worth.
BTW ... many indoor ranges won't let you shoot closer than 10 yards (April match was 10 feet I believe). I dont have the luxury of stepping out on my back-porch ... popping off a few rounds, and going back inside for breakfast.

Let the idea die?
Sorry, it's been dead ... it just didnt lay down yet.

PS ... Thanks for the time and effort, I realize it takes a lot to run these matches.
I like the matches and participate as much as I can but I'm so busy at work I barely have time to log in to THR and lurk a little and read, let alone post or go shooting. I haven't been shooting in going on three months now.:(

I got no problem with how or what the matches are, you play the hand you're dealt.

All you people need to go change your A/C filters and give the poor A/C men a break. And you don't really need that custom home done by monday do you? My tin bender wants the day off, my supply house is closed, and it still has to be done. Probably wont happen today but maybe I can organize the week after next's work today.
I'd say keep em up.

I even shot last month's match twice, once with a handgun, but didn't submit the last score coz I technicaly did it after the end of the month.

This month, I've been just too dang busy, and range restrictions are a real killer for a lot of people I think. I love the imagination that goes into these, and the creativity you guys have used in coming up with them.

That being said, anything that requires a very free range (shooting at 10 feet, from a draw, etc) can't be for me where I live.

I'm still goign to get this month's match done, but it might not be till last minute, because I was diagnosed with pneumonia yeasterday, and I'm laying low for a little while.

I think if the matches become simpler, no one will be accusing the creators of a lack of imagination, quite the opposite.

(cough cough)
First I'll appologize for not participating in the last two matches. My life around the house has taken precidence over any shooting actvities lately (septic tank troubles, water leaks, etc). The only shots I've fired in three months were semi anual qualifications and killing two snakes (one was a rattler my eight year old found). I keep hoping things will improve but it doesn't look better yet. I still get some time to look in on the forum before bed but even my computer time is limited.

As for continuing the matches, sure. I'd love to get back into them. However I would understand if they were discontinued. I have been amazed that a web site that has the membership of THR and specificly supports gun rights has had so little participation. I've often wondered if any of these fun nuts actually shoot the guns they buy. Is everyone so internet security concious that they actually fear posting that they shoot their guns. If it has come to that the battle is lost already.

Perhaps you guys should just take a few months off. Maybe plan to have one in July or August, or when everyone starts missing them. :)
I already shot the May match, but I didn't bother to post the scores because it looks like the virtual match is about done. It's been interesting reading why guys won't or can't participate. No draw allowed, can't shoot faster than one shot every two seconds, can only shoot in increments of 10, 25, 50,...and the list goes on.

What I really don't understand is all of those hot shot gunslingers in the other forums, handgun discussion, tactics, automatics, etc. who shoot thousands of rounds a month at the speed of light, but they never manage to punch a few holes in a target for entertainment purposes in this forum???
Ankeny, am I supposed to resemble that remark? I frankly don't have the time. My targets and stands are different than the ones used for these matches, and I don't often "practice" as much as I do shoot matches. When I do practice it's down at the Olympic Training Center downtown which is Smallbore 3 Position only.
Ankeny/Steve - Calm down guys. Let's not make this into a name calling contest where one doesn't need to exist.

I am very aware that there is a wide spectrum of shooting sports. There is plenty of room for all of them. Just because someone enjoys, and is good at, one type of shooting does not mean they should be forced to try another. This match is one type of shooting and it is not for everyone. Some will like it, others may think it is a waste of time/ammo. That's cool.

I appreciate all the comments. Many people seem to want the matches to continue yet they don't actually want to particapate or can't for various reasons. That is also cool. Life happens.

One of the problems with this format is the limitations of each of the prospective particapants vary greatly. Range limitations, gun choices available, equipment availability, and even skill levels are going to be all over the map. The trick, as I see it, is to come up with interesting matches that meet the "lowest common denominator" of those that are interested in playing this game. This is not an easy task.

El Rojo went out on a limb with the March match and tried to add some defensive handgunning and time requirements to the match. I honestly did not think it would work well in this format but thought it was worth a try. It appears the limitations in equipment, skills, ranges, etc. were too much for many. [I know that if I had never done any shooting from a holster under time pressure I would not have attempted it under this format either.]

I have been guilty of making matches a bit too complex in an effort to add some 'excitement' to the task given the limitations faced by a virtual match. That has turned off some people as well.

So....I think I have an idea for a match that will fit the format and 'lowest common denominator' limitations. I will put it together for next month. If we don't get eight or ten people who feel it is worth going out and shooting the match (and posting) then perhaps the virtual matches are really dead. I think the are just "mostly dead" and Miracle Max can help us out.

BTW - I think THR has some great people and I was glad to donate my time to help run a few matches. However, I am a bit dissappointed in one area. If you "like the idea and thought about shooting a match, but never did" or "shot the match but didn't post" then shame on you. If no one posts everyone thinks it is dead. By not posting you kill the enthusiasm and therefore contribute to killing the matches. Come November I hope you don't use similar excuses for not voting. [/soapbox]
I am calm too, and I didn't mean to come off like I was casting stones. What I am saying is some of these poor folks have horribly restrictive conditions at their ranges and that's really a crying shame. I have a tough time relating to their problems because I have it "made" around here.

The second remark was about the guys who talk about how they practically live to shoot and would have us believe they spend most of their life on the range, but we never see them in the competition forum.

Then there are guys who can and do shoot (Steve might resemble that) but they only have just so much range time and the virtual match just isn't a priority.

:) That'd be me ... I spend a gajillion hours a month on the range, and practically never post (nor even read) the competition forum. Including the THR Virtual Match threads (dunno how I stumbled across this one, but hey, here I am).

I like the idea of the Virtual Match. But I own only a few guns -- a Glock 26, my husband's subcompact XD-9, my kids' .22 Marlin rifle, a tiny NAA mini-revolver that we bought during a brief window of prosperity just because it was cute -- and I have access to perhaps a half-dozen more that belong to friends. Seems as if most times I've looked in at the Virtual Match, you folks were either doing a type of shooting that doesn't interest me much, or shooting types of guns I don't have access to or don't shoot well. This isn't a criticism, merely an acknowledgement that I have a fairly narrow interest in the shooting sports and a similarly narrow field of firearms to draw upon.

As for hours spent at the range, I don't need a lot of guns or types of guns in order to love shooting, nor do I need dozens of guns in order to help teach people how to shoot the ones they own. I'm fortunate that I have access to a really fabulous facility where I can do almost anything I want with the targets (close in, far back, somewhere in between). They've got moving targets, steel plates, pepper poppers, you name it -- and I can bring in my own whatevers as long as I let them know and (if it's messy) clean it up when I'm done.

Up until this spring, I hadn't missed a tactical handgun match at my usual shooting venue in a couple of years. I've managed to miss three in a row (ugh!) what with one thing and another. But I still don't post or hang out with you competition people. *shrug* I compete, but competition ain't really my thing. Hard to explain.

One more minor excuse for not participating in the Virtual Match so far ... sigh. I forget you guys are down here. I only look in at Competition when I have spare time.


Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself. -- A. H. Weiler
ABSOLUTELY let's keep the virtual matches coming!!!

I've shot some of this month's match already & I'm heading to the range Thursday to finish up. Gotta see if I can do better than my par 3 on the pistol range. :D Now it's time to break out the rifles. :)
Little Loudmouth, Thanks for your post. I'm betting that there are many 'lurkers' out there that may shoot the matches, and enjoy them, but never post their scores.
I can understand that someone might not want to post. Either they don't want to have their scores compared to others in public, don't think they do well enough, and/or don't see the point of posting.
However, please consider this: Some of the 'excitement' of the match is generated by the posts during the month. People who were thinking about shooting the match are motiviated to actually do it when they see the comments and scores posted here. It is self-perpetuating in a way.
Also, there are the people like ROTR, El Rojo, and myself, who put the matches together. We get nothing for doing it. Our only payment is the satisfaction of knowing we have helped some other people have a little more fun and getting people out to the range for some quality shooting time. If no one posts we have no input and must assume that no one cares if the matches continue or not. Even if you post complaining about the rules or asking about clarifications it sends us the message that this is worth the effort.

So....please get out there and shoot the matches and POST your results, comments, questions, and complaints. Otherwise we may just take our ball and go home thinking there is no one who wants to play.

NOTE: I have extended the deadline for the May match to 6/7 to give more people a chance to try it. I have also posted a new match for June that I hope will address some of the issues expressed by many people over the past year. June Match
I am definitely reading every month! I participated a few months ago (the shoot to 70 I think it was). May's was just plain out of my skill level so I decided to pass :) Just about to look at June's... but I hope to see it continue.
Lord Bodak, thanks for letting me know you are still 'out there'. I think you will find Junes match has many options and should allow you to get some decent scores.
I actually think you should take another look at the May match - It is not as hard as it looks. (Unless that :) meant you tried it and didn't do too well; in that case...never mind....actually it would be good if you still posted bad scores but I wouldn't force anyone to do so.)

Thanks... the June match looks great and I will hopefully have a chance to shoot it this month.

The problem with the May match... so far I haven't found a good outdoor range, which limits me to the Mini-Golf class. I haven't been shooting that long and I know I can't handle the fairway shots at 25 yards with my .22 pistol quite yet. Getting closer, but not yet :)

Now that my 10/22 has a scope... if I can find a good outdoor place to shoot, I'll have a lot more flexibility.
I gotta say that I really enjoyed the virtual matches because they all challenged me to do something different. And I post all my scores, even the embarrassingly bad ones, in part because I am hoping that other people won't be intimidated by all the good shooters when they see that I can hardly shoot worth beans (but I'm getting better ;) ). Last month was just a bad month for me, but I am hoping things will be better in June. Also, my PC is giving me fits right now. . . if it wasn't for all the new guns I wanna buy, I'd probably be in the market for a new PC :rolleyes: .
I was really busy last month and then with the Nick Berg beheading debacle over in Legal and Political, I just plain forgot! It was the first month I missed since the original match ROTR put together whenever that was.

Sorry if my matches got too complicated. All I can say is I tried.
I wouldn't say your matches were " to complicated" per se. In fact, mine tend to be a bit complex, actually. However, I am sure that many people just do not have the skills to tackle a defensive handgun type match. I know this because until recently I would have been one of them. I liked that you wanted to try some new shooting types in the match. It just doesn't fit this format well.
So, this is a learning experience. I have 'rolled back' the complexity of the match a bit for this month; hopefully it will be good enough for people to enjoy doing it. [That is THE POINT, after all.]

I hope you have time to get out and try this months match, Rojo. I think it is perfect for you.
I really enjoyed the ones i was able to shot in. but being self employed its tough to get away during the busy spring/summer season. i mean its rained non stop here so any sunshine im riding the motorcycle or castin a line.

I would thank those who thought them up but i understand if it dies.

I do think with this format you have to keep it simple. last years tiger and poker targets were great fun. i honestly didnt even make it thru reading the timed one's rules, no place to shot, and no interest in timing events. the simpler the better, oh and i have posted a zero score so no fear of embaressment here. :D

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