Threatned by my neighbor

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Erik M

Jun 14, 2009
Hails from Parts Unknown
Afternoon all. I have lived at my current residence for several years. My family owns 4 acres of land that lies on the side of a ridge. This is very rural country, at least 30 minutes from a town of less than 2000. Basically we have an abandoned mineshaft that we use as a range. Myself and my brothers have plinked, sighted in rifles, and whatnot for more than 15 years. We have recently had some neighbors move in down the road, setting up an old single wide trailer on a lot that they have rented. They are in their late 20’s. The husband works on a coal strip mine. As I have measured it from my driveway, they are .3 miles away.

Long story short my youngest brother and myself have acquired a couple of cheap m44's and a 400 something round tin can of ammo. One day last week the wife from the family down the road appears through the woods to where the clearing is for our range. She is open carrying some type of revolver. To get to where we are, she would have had to have hopped the 4-foot rough lumber fence (that has no trespassing signs every 25 yards or so)that runs the length of the property that borders the county road, or came down our driveway and walked through our back yard. We turn to face her As soon as we notice someone has approached us from behind and she asks, “are you the ones shooting?” and that we “have to stop shooting because we are upsetting her daughter that is trying to play in her yard”, a third of a mile, through a stand of trees, directly behind us. She tells us that what we are doing is illegal since there is a small child in the vicinity and that she has already called the Sheriff's office. I tell her that she has trespassed onto my family’s property carrying a weapon which is definitely not legal. She leaves without saying anything else.

Sure enough about 20 minutes later a deputy whom I know arrives. he is our neighbor and lives roughly the same distance from my house in the opposite direction as the new neighbors. They called 911 and reported that someone was shooting near their home, and that they were scared for their lives because "bullets were ricocheting by the windows". He told me that they also said if the police couldn’t make us stop shooting that they would seek to sue us for disturbing the peace. The deputy took my statement and told me to call his cell if they tried to start anything else. They have since called the state police twice, who have attempted to give me safety lessons about shooting anywhere except an indoor range.

In the last 2 weeks we have heard our new neighbors firing what ever weapons they own after midnight, some semi-automatic weapon empting magazine after magazine as fast as possible. We have also found 4-wheeler tracks on our land towards the end of the property closest to where our new neighbors are. So in short, they are trespassing on my land, shooting their guns in the middle of the night, and threatening me with legal action. Obviously they are bluffing. What would you guys do?
Document, document, document. Write down every single instance of suspected trespass. Also check out local or county ordinances regarding what constitutes disturbing the peace. I know where I live if people are making an inordinate amount of noise or having loud party going on, especially after 10 PM, it constitutes disturbing the peace.

Call the police at night EVERY TIME you hear a bunch of shots fired. You don't have to say you know who is doing it because if you don't see them doing it your DON'T know. Just tell them what direction it came from. ;)

You might also buy or borrow some game trail cameras that the hunters use. Camoflage them well and position them along the areas where you have seen the 4 wheeler tracks. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Other than that, a Claymore mine comes to mind. :evil:
If you can hear the racket, so can a video recorder. Take video every time you call the police (which is every time they start up after say 8pm, your call) and show the cops the video. The gamecam is also a good piece of advice. Make sure you have a good backstop when you are shooting and you should be covered.

OR, you can let it go and invite the neighbors over to shoot with you. Less tension in that case and you never know, they might be nice... uneducated on the laws of your locality, but nice none the less.
I work 4pm-1am so when most of this goes on its just my brother at the house. I like the idea of a game-cam that hadnt crossed my mind. We have tried to limit our activites to afternoons and weekends so its definelty inside the time periods that the law states we can 'disturb the peace' legally. Unfortunately the neighbor has decided that he will now operate his dirtbike up and down the county road in front of our house. I can't see how a drunk on a muffler-less 250cc dirt bike wont upset a child but a rifle a third of a mile away will. Thank you guys for your input.

We keep a notebook by the phone and document every time and reason the sheriff is notified. Lately it seems like they want to be loud when they feel like it but dont want to be disturbed during thier quiet time.
invite them to your range, sounds like they may have some interesting firearms which would be fun to shoot. also they could see how your rounds are safely stopped in the mine shaft and they could reassure their daughter there is no danger coming from the range .3 mile away.
The actions mentioned are consistent with folks who are using some controlled substances. Quite a few people move out of the cities to the country, where they plan to grow something other than spinach and do some cooking that doesn't involve a barbeque grill. They are always armed and in some moods, they are aggressive and nasty, so watch out.

I would ask the sheriff's office or private security company to do a stake out and arrest them when they are caught trepassing, file charges and prosecute them. Since it sounds like it is illegal to enter anothers property armed without permission their guns could be confiscated by the sheriff's office.
Game cameras are cheap and don't require people to operate them. Document the trespassing and press charges.

Inviting over people who live in a trailer on rented land is not a good idea. They sound like trash and should be treated as such. You should find out who owns the land and tell them that their renters are causing trouble, being threatening and may be involved in the drug trade.

You've got the cell phone number of that deputy, right? Next time they start firing in the middle of the night, just call him up, put it on speaker and ask if he can hear the racket. Insist that the county charge them with disturbing the peace.

As far as their threats go, disturbing the peace is not a civil issue - it's a criminal one. Anyone living in a singlewide on a rented lot isn't going to have the money to initiate a lawsuit, anyway.

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Not sure how they do things down there...

Go to PD, tell them that you don't want a pissing contest, just one thing, a "blanket trespassing complaint". You fill out the complaint, stating that anyone on your (posted) property is considered a trespasser and that you will press charges. Tell them to stop & ID anyone seen on your land.

Up here, the case number is posted on the sign, so any officer can readily see it and speak with anyone standing on a lawn, wandering around a rental property, etc.

When you have a problem with a particular individual it's best to have the PD there & witness you telling the person not to come back. The trespass laws vary a little, but when a property owner has told someone to stay away, it's a pretty simple arrest.
I like the game camera idea. I would also save a google maps photo of your area in relation to theirs in case anything comes up legally (if they have maps of your area yet). You could also let your Sheriff's Office know when you're going to shoot so they already know next time they get called. Good luck!
There's nothing wrong with threatening to sue someone. They can threaten to sue, or actually sue, all they want. Just document what's going on, but don't obsess over it. Do not make friends with them, and make sure your fencing is sound and property well marked. From the sound of it they're likely to be out of there one way or the other. Low-income renters in rented trailers are like tumbleweeds.

Also, alert the lessor to any problems you're having with them.
This brings to mind the old saying 'good fences make good neighbors'. The thing I keep in mind is that the neighbor is (most likely) going to be living there regardless of whether or not you get along. So, if you start some really flaming accusations and turn a bad relationship into a really bad one, chances are you will still have to live in close proximity to them.

I have found with some neighbors the best policy is 'the less contact the better'. If you start something that really goes south, it could make things much more uncomfortable for you.

I don't think I'd invite them over, myself. Probably your best bet is to limit contact as much as possible. But, whatever you do, remember that they could be there for years, and you could have to live with the consequences of your actions for that long as well.

They're probably ne'er do wells, as mentioned by other posters. And, they very well could be up to some illegal activities. You'll want to be careful how you handle all of this, as you don't want to pick a fight with an armed meth-head.

Seems like 4 acres would be big enough to solve these kinds of problems, doesn't it? ;)

Edit: One more thought. You know, since you have a friend who is a deputy, maybe you suggest that they check the criminal history of these people. Just tell them what they are doing, and say 'geez, I wonder if these people are up to no good, do you know if they have a record?' If it is a slow town, and if they have a record, maybe you can get the police to keep an eye on them. This might help push the problem out of your hands.
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I would keep the Sheriff's Department, especially your neighborly Deputy, informed without being a pest. I agree with the game-cam idea and would also have a regular video camera available, and I'd document things as much as possible. I wouldn't call police too much, but would do so when appropriate. I expect the Deputy will take an interest before long and hopefully take appropriate action - that might mean talking to them and telling them that their own actions are disturbing the peace and could result in their arrest, or it could mean a drug raid if all the facts warrant. I don't envy your situation, but it could be much worse.
If they are renters, I would contact the landlord and find out if he's willing to evict them. Sometimes a good landlord can be quicker than going through the courts.
Do as many irritating things as you can think of that are perfectly legal but still annoying in an attempt to get them to move.............ya'll probably think I'm joking.
A couple of you had mentioned this behavior being consistent with substance abuse, well It is a matter of public record that there is an arrest record for a member of the household but i wont go into detail here. I will say that the 'level of involvement' that the individual had to force the arrest makes me not want to overly provoke the situation.

This is just how odd thier behavior has become since they moved in. Just after these people moved in the the elderly lady that lives on the other side of the road from the new neighbors called my father who has done some plumbing and electrical work for her in the past. She said she awoke around 7am to the sound of a large diesel truck running. when she looked outside she saw the man across the street had pulled his truck in front of her property and was taking photographs of her car and house. She told my father to tell me and my brother to be careful and watch out for suspicious stuff. she said she reported it to law enforcement. Shortly after what i mentioned above occoured. I seriously think im going to come home and find everything I own has been stolen and packed off to a pawn shop.

Its not the first group of people to move into the community and think that they can push people around because we are in the middle of no where.

I think I have found a use for the couple pounds of spare roofing tacks I have in the garage. I also found out that my aunt has a digital cc-tv system she bought for home security that she never used that she is willing to let me have.
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