Three 3-screws...

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Hahaha... chich, those danged lanterns photobomb every firearm picture I take, don't they! One day I'll have a neat photo set to shoot pictures of my guns. Think Craig C, Bob Wright, etc... those guys know how to take a gun photo!

Thank you, doc!
Thanks again, fellers.

bannockburn, that .41 was a very serendipitous acquisition. I was in the right place at the right time. And it is the gun that got me started handloading.

I have owned a Browning 92 .44 Mag for years. They are the best Mdl.92 carbines made. I cast bullets for the 92. These rifles have Winchester Micro-Groove rifling. I size the bullets to .434 in order to fit the over sized throat and bore. :)
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