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TID head on Surefire

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Dec 24, 2002
Eastern CSA
Anyone tried this little gem yet? Received one late last week and it makes the little Surefires a real dissuader to poor behavior.

Looks like you can do damage with one of those... certainly not lethal but for compliance or demotivational attacks (rake across grill, etc) it would be great. I was thinking about getting one for my X5T but decided if it would mangle skin, it would do the same on my pockets.
I've got an M-3 combatlight I'd like to put one of these on, but it would be just like the glassbreaker tool on my S&W EMT tool, it would give me almost overpowering urges to try the thing out :)
The TID was designed by Lance Harris, a well known Security Professional that works out of Southern California.. it was designed to give you an implement for "De-Fanging" the snake, as Lance puts it.. if you wuold like to ask him some questions about it directly, he hangs out at www.tacticalforums.com quite a bit (in the Executive Protection forum mostly). One thing that i have found interesting abou the TID is that Lance has flown numerous times (one particular trip took him from LAX to Reagan International, to Heathrow, to Afghanistan and back) and has yet to have anyone question him about it.. he takes it on every flight...

you can buy a rubber cap for the TID to keep it from eating pockets, etc..

Ive got one for my 6p.. pretty neat "alternative" impact weapon... il be getting another for my 2z here pretty soon...

the one being sold through GG&G is relatively tame by comparrison with the one that was originally designed... the first prototypes had longer, more aggressive teeth...

in my opinion its a pretty good piece of kit.. fairly inexpensive, and when used correctly (on limbs, and other soft tissue) it makes an excellent implement that offers little liability (doesnt dig all that deep) but creates GREAT pain... Nice little covert weapon..

Stay Safe and Win at All Costs!
That is a cool little idea. But its probably not a good idea for anyone who will have to be in a court. Also, when would you use this thing? If I were going to face any kind of BG I would probably have my Surefire in my off hand and a weapon in the other.
Yes, they do make one for the M2 Centurion. I just order one for my Centurion.

Now I wish they would make one for Mag-Light 2 AA size lights. My daughter carries one of these when she walks home from work. I've shown her a few defensive techniques with it but a TID would sure "kick those up a few notches" :what:
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