Time for a rant

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People seem to be forgetting something about all those annoyning opinions and post hijackings...

You can't tell me there's no entertainment value to be had.

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This is a discussion forum. How boring would it be if someone posted their new baby and it was followed with 27 posts of "nice", "pretty", "Envious", etc? Yes, you get those and you also get the people who were not happy with their purchase. That's what I look for. Yes, some take it to the extreme but you have to look past that. There are serious Taurus bashers, Kahr bashers, Hi Point bashers, etc. You just glaze over their opinion because they are crude, rude and obnoxious. They come from sour grapes.

However, if I post a picture of my newest member and I get several posts of how this gun had this issue and the factory said "it's within our specs" and don't fix it, I want to know this. There will be interaction and there will be the goofs who think their opinion is the only opinion. Some people did get jobbed and are unhappy. Some people love their purchases. Why bring it up if you don't want to read anything negative about it?
Specifics ?

You are correct. We all benefit from the "specific" positive and negative comments. Not just "I like (or don't like) it". Tell us "what" is good or bad about it.:)
I don't go looking for reasons to dislike a company but there are certainly people who have very valid reasons for not liking a particular company. Let's talk about the SKS for a minute. It was used in 2 wars to kill GI's. If you were in one of those wars I can very much see how you could hate Norinco with a white hot passion. They were used in Korea to great effect and they were used in Vietnam especially early on by the VC. If your best friend got killed by one I can see where you might have a very strong dislike for them.

There are other less drastic cases too. Let's talk H-S Precision stocks and the support the company gave to one of the most notorious Americans of all time, Lon Horiuchi. At one time H-S hired him as a spokesman for the company. We're talking the guy who shot Vicki Weaver while she held her 10 month old baby. Then he went on to be highly suspected of shooting up the compound at Waco as it was burning. The reports were that he shot people trying to leave the building. I don't know if that's true but I have seen evidence that makes it look possible.

Those two incidents were among the very lowest things our government ever did. I'm certainly not a Tim McViegh who would set out to get even with the government over those atrocities but I do have reason to dislike H-S Precision. A lot of people refused to do business with them over their support for Horiuchi. I bought a rifle with one of their stocks on it before I learned about these issues and I still have the rifle. But that's only because H-S fired Horiuchi.

BTW I certainly don't hold anything against Ruger at this point because Bill has been dead and gone for quite a while. But at one time I didn't like them at all. I have one of their pistols now and I'm actively seeking another (very hard to find).

So there are some very valid reasons for not wanting to do business with a company. I'm not trying to force any company to do anything. I just don't want to do business with a very few. I can only think of the one actually.

20+ years ago during the heyday of the BBSes, the IGNORE LIST on Mail Readers was called the TWIT FILTER

I remember people being "Plonked" in those days. We usually called their new location a kill filter or a bozo list on the Fidonet newsgroups (which actually still exist but on the net of course). That was our only way to reach people around the world in those days. It was slower than snail mail though.
I don't mind actual comments, those being defined as fact or opinion with some substance. I may disagree, but if you have some logic behind your opinion, that's fine. If, however, you just want to make the "just because" argument out of fanboy-ism, I find that annoying. Glocks are the most infamous for this, but there are others.
Last I knew guns did not have opinions, did not vote and are just tools. The people that make them may vote and have opinions that, gasp, might be different than mine. Yeah it get annoying that some people hate certain brands or have stars in their eyes over another brand or caliber and can't resist posting it on every thread they can. Sometimes just to troll.
But it is part of what we have to put up with because we are on a gun forum, where opinions and passion about them abound. I am sorry for the bashing I have done and I will try not to even though some guys seem to ask for it.
If a person says "No XYZ" that's what they mean, the -why- really does not matter. If some of the guys with the XYZ are insecure, offended and feel the need to spoon feed XYZ to the "NO XYZ" OP... they are the ones with a problem.

Me not liking your favorite flavor doesn't make either of us wrong.
On this forum I am sure I have voiced strong opinions that annoyed people. Here is my strongest opinion: people should voice their strong opinions and be tolerated for doing so as long as they are not petty personal comments in the vain of “sub-human mongrel”. If you don’t support an individual or organization because of some activity they engage in I would like to know it. I fear more what I not told than what I am told regardless of how unpleasant the presentation, facts, or fallacies. More to the point, I am glad it was someone on a gun forum that informed me about the background of the founder of Kahr Arms because that is something that matters when I make a decision to buy. As far as anybody else deciding to buy from Kahr Arms, I whole heartedly support and will defend your right to that decision. Don’t like Ruger because of the AWB controversy, fine, I disagree with you but I am glad to now have a better understand of you and I support your right to that decision. It is the suspected secret prejudices and bias of others that make us suspicious and untrusting. I more trust a man I disagree with who openly expresses his opinion than the pleasant man who never ventures to express a strong opinion on anything.
This is me up one side and down the other. Thank you for posting.

I think the big thing the original post touched on that some people fail at is courtesy, tact and respect for others.

Let's say there's a thread about a new purchase and they are excited and are NOT asking for pros and cons of the purchase or the company. It's filled with fellow owners patting them on the back and sharing stories of experiences. Courtesy and respect says this is not a thread to come in and use your 1st amendment right to rain on their parade and wreck the thread slinging negative views and opinions of the gun and/or the company. People have become so self centered and discourteous that they would rather wreck someone's brief happiness just to sling crap and push their personal agenda whenever they seem fit. Everybody has agendas and opinions, but interrupting THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS just to push them is rude and oppressive IMO.
I have no problem with folks expressing their thoughts and opinions, just as I have no problem with expressing mine. The problem begins when folks want to claim or infer that somehow my intellect is much less than theirs or they are somehow highly superior to me because of those differences. What really gets my goat is when a new shooter comes to the forum all excited about their first firearm and before he even gets to the range with it, he is brow beat, belittled and driven away never to be heard from again by those same one or two Trolls that feel it's their duty to patrol every thread with the manufacturers name in it.
Do you mean the Kimber bashers?

They seem to be shills from other companies, don't they?
i know what you're saying. i don't like ruger but i like the 10/22; but wait, the 10/22 is a ruger.
i wouldn't say i don't like any particular manufacturer but rather prefer some over others. some companies make really good products and some of their products may be junk. not going to name any names but maybe that's why some people feel that way.
This may not be the place to say this and mods if you delete the post I totally understand, but I have to say this. I'm tired of people saying they can't support this gun manufacturer or that gun maker because they support this or that. They make guns and that's the facts. If you don't like it don't buy it. Should they not sell to you because they are christians and you are not. What if you support PITA and they don't. So many different scenarios you could throw in here but please quit bashing other peoples threads on guns or products they buy because you have a personal preference with their product or service.:cuss::fire:
Along the same lines, I am always blown away by some really brain-dead excuses why people won't join the NRA
I get where if a poster says "No XYZ" he gets miffed when the thread populates with reasons it's the only choice.

One side expressed their opinion, and so did the other.

"I'm looking for a pistol caliber lever action for HD . . ."
"I'm looking for a hunting rifle that can only be wood stocked and bolt action . . ."

I'm guilty of replying "Get an AR15 and like it." But, I give reasons. In most cases the OP has an emotional bias against the firearm (I sure did for 20 years,) but when you break it down feature for feature in comparison, you can show where one or the other does no only a better functional job, it does it working with the shooter, not against him.

Of course, a logical examination of firearms design is about the last thing anybody wants to hear. Facts and logic aren't what firearms are about. Most shooters enjoy firearms on a much more visceral level and aren't shy about saying so. However, that is exactly what antigunners like to parody about gun owners, and what we need are more dispassionate voices to level the playing field for honest unemotional consideration.

Truck gun? If there is one thing I consistently see in those threads, it's a complete lack of recognizing that storing a gun in a motor vehicle is about the same as leaving it in the bilge of a boat or garden shed. Most of the time we get that the OP wants something nice for immediate access. Most of the time, if it doesn't have synthetic furniture and an extreme military or salt water resistant finish, it will be toast in just a few months. Cars are horrible traps for high humidity and a firearm stored in them overnight will sweat and rust in an heartbeat.

Please send your truck gun money to me and I will spend it for whatever irresponsible thing I might like, sparing you the heartbreak of watching your beautifully sculptured blued steel and walnut expression of masculinity turn into a rusted piece of junk. Or, you could do it yourself, just bury it in the back yard for a month. It won't look any different.

That's why it's said "Get a Glock." Less about the brand as simply matching the severe storage conditions to something that will put up with it.

Now that we are all on the same sheet of music, go and sin no more. :)
For me it's primarily two things, one is first read the entire post slowly, half the time people are telling you to do something that you already mentioned you did in your post. The second is stop the personnel attacks, answer the question and move on. Making snide comments about something that the person didn't even say, like where they live, or how much money they have, is just nasty. And if you don't want opinions tat differ from your own, then don't ask for them.
When you ask a question, do you really think everyone is going to agree with you? If so don't ask.
one is first read the entire post slowly, half the time people are telling you to do something that you already mentioned you did in your post.

So true and I also suggest reading the answers as well, before replying.
Many times what you are posting has been stated several times over. Yes, maybe some threads are 2 or 3 pages. All the more reason to see if your answer is already there.

Truck gun? If there is one thing I consistently see in those threads, it's a complete lack of recognizing that storing a gun in a motor vehicle is about the same as leaving it in the bilge of a boat or garden shed. Most of the time we get that the OP wants something nice for immediate access.

Most truck gun requests are from guys who realize the decay and adverse conditions and want to know what others use that hold up reasonably well. That's why it's called a truck gun. I "love" when the anti-truck gun guys push their own judgement to a point of derailing the thread. Of course, their feelings are the only correct ones,,,, kind of like an anti-gun person's view of things. Their way is the only way.

Lastly, when someone asks about a specific gun for (____________). He states specifically "no Glocks" (or _________) for whatever reason. You then get 1/3 of the responses suggesting what he excluded because it works for them. I never get that. Not everybody is the same, has the same needs or likes the same things. It seems as though if you exclude a certain gun or maker, you are insulting someone who owns one. That is not the case but by some of the answers, you'd think he insulted his wife.
I just hate it when folks use 1000 words to say something that could cogently be expressed in 50 words!! Verbosity doesn't equate with intellectual gravitas. :evil:
We all have our preferences for gun brands as well as those we wouldn't buy. I know I certainly do. Smith and Wesson and Ruger are favorites, and I have no problem saying that I wouldn't buy a Henry because I believe their advertising is misleading (ugly guns too).

I sure don't mind others sharing their opinions and a bit of brand bashing doesn't bother me either as long as the reasons are articulated and given with some intelligence.

Lets face it, we all have opinions whether we share them or not. I say go ahead and share them. Just try to keep it sorta civil and intelligent.
Bene Dictum

We all have our preferences for gun brands as well as those we wouldn't buy. I know I certainly do. Smith and Wesson and Ruger are favorites, and I have no problem saying that I wouldn't buy a Henry because I believe their advertising is misleading (ugly guns too).

I sure don't mind others sharing their opinions and a bit of brand bashing doesn't bother me either as long as the reasons are articulated and given with some intelligence.

Lets face it, we all have opinions whether we share them or not. I say go ahead and share them. Just try to keep it sorta civil and intelligent.
Pax tecum .:)
ohioPosts: 270It's just in general. It does become a pissing contest when people highjack another person's thread. It didn't happen to me but I see it quite often. I am a casual poster but love coming and reading but get tired of seeing so many post bashing some elses happiness over a purchase they made because they had a bad experience. Yes we are all entitled to our opinions but be happy for the person..."Can't we all just get along"...but then again, if it weren't for stupid people we wouldn't have jokes.
Boo hoo. Grow a pair. We learn from diversity and not from compliance. Diversity = Individualism = Americanism. Compliance = Stunting of talent = communism.
We aren't raining on someone parade when we disagree with their opinion, we are representing another view in which to learn or teach.
My generation drank from hoses, your generation already had "Play Dates" arranged by mommy and her friends.
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