To our Vets on Veteran's Day

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Thanks. My boss , who I respect immensely , came up to me and thanked me for my service and told me to take the day off tomorrow. I like her more and more every day. Daughter of a Marine!
Thank you very much, Sour Kraut. I will enjoy the day tomorrow, reminiscing about those old times in the 1960's and early '70's.

They are so long ago but still vivid in my mind.
Well said, Sour Kraut. I hope our vets know how much we appreciate what they've done for us.
Great post, OP.

A heartfelt thanks from me to all of our vets. You head into harms way to keep the rest of us safe - it is not forgotten, nor unappreciated.
One of my Dad's (a WWII vet), favorite t-shirts had the saying "All gave some...some gave all" on it.

My deepest gratitude to all those veterans who have served our country on this Veteran's Day.
Thanks to all who served, and to all their loved ones, who supported our nation's defenders in choosing duty to country above the comforts of home.
Sincere thanks to those who served, and their loved ones, who also sacrificed, for our freedoms. And a word of thanks for those serving now.
Thank you vets, for making this country as great as it is. Cheers to all who gave some, deepest respects for those who gave all.
One of those exceptions to the gun rule. :)

To all my fellow veterans thanks for your service. To my Marine Vets a belated happy birthday and Semper Fi.

USMC 1969 - 1978
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