Totally politically incorrect

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It is not odd in any way. I practice on little stuffed animals with my recurve bow a bunch. Makes one very good at hitting rabbits at any range! I thought that was what stuffed animals were for anyway, right? :)
Thanks guys, I had a good chuckle watching this one, :)
THought I was going to bust a gut laughing at the thought if the PETA people going ballistic
ROFLMAO, now we're talking.

I have 2.5 rooms full of those critters & I just so happen to have a few good pieces & some broadheads that will make short work out of em.
Time to thin the herd.
Good grief, Mike - that's the funniest YouTube vid I've seen in years!

Would share it with my son, who loves to go out to the range and "shoot something" as much and as often as I do.

But then he would ask if 'The Li'l Missus' has a teddy like that "Protected" kind; and there's just some things a 15-year old DON'T need to know about his Momma! :p

(Oh, and "The Li'l Missus" is a better shot than either of us. So, I'm sure you understand, I'm just concerned about the kid's SAFETY!)
Someone brought a large stuffed black panther to the clay pit/shooting range where everyone shot their guns in Alexandria La. in the 80's. With my 357mag nothing happened, but clean pass throughs/thought I was missing til I put a target on it. Someone brought a 12ga with birdshot and it proceeded to go to pieces quickly.
I'll send this to my daughter and son-in-law with the stipulation that they NOT show it to my 3 year old grand-daughter. Although my 15 year old grandson will probably want to go hunting when we get there this spring.

Well done Mike.
That was GREAT!!!:cool:

It reminds me of that old song "If you go out in the woods today, you'd better not go alone, when Teddy Bears have their picnic." But then again, I guess you couldn't shoot them over a picnic basket used for bait...:scrutiny:
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