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Traveling CCW help - FL>NC>VA>NJ

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Dec 30, 2008
Starting in FL.
Passing through Georgia.
Going to Asheville, N.C.
Passing through Virginia.
Stopping at New Jersey.
Back through VA, NC, SC, GA to get back home.

Every place is reciprocating except NJ and of course DC. I just have to separate gun and ammo and keep it in a locked box in the trunk when we get there, right? So far so good.

Here is where it gets complicated or maybe not. We are camping in N.C. so I'd like to be carrying then and while we drive on the way to our final desination. When we are heading to New Jersey we wanted to stop in D.C. and look around at the sites.
Is this just as simple as putting the gun in a hotel safe in VA, (or leaving it in the car outside DC) and then crossing into DC by train (or a gun free car) and then when we are done back to the hotel or car where the gun is and just continue on around DC?
My advice, having made a similar trip to NJ/NY?

Leave gun at home, bring pepper spray. Enjoy vacation without worry of incarceration.
If your final destination is NJ, don't bother even trying to legally keep a gun with you.

You might find somewhere that will store your gun for you in a free state like VA, but I wouldn't consider it worth the hassle.
Enjoy the trip but leave the gun at home. That is pretty much it...........


"Covington VA --(Ammoland.com)- A Virginia CHP holder, Guy Ackerman, inadvertently brought a handgun with him into NJ.

He discovered the gun in his car and rather than leave it in there with valet parking, he took the unloaded revolver to his room and locked it in the room safe. The valet had noticed the gun when it was in the car and told the police, who arrested Guy and charged him with unlawful weapon possession – a felony in NJ.

The prosecutor is refusing to allow Guy an option to avoid jail time, an option that is normally available in such cases.

Guy is really in a tough spot. If he takes the prosecutor’s current “deal,” Guy will spend one year in prison before being able to apply for parole. If denied, he will have to serve up to three years. If he rejects the idea of a “guilty” plea and is found guilty in a trial, he then faces a minimum jail sentence of between five and ten years.

Of course, if he wins the trial, he would be free. However, we are talking New Jersey.

This is why I avoid New Jersey, preferring not to leave America."

Read more: http://www.ammoland.com/2014/04/vir...-bringing-a-gun-into-the-state/#ixzz355CLt3gA
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My advice.....

Check www.handgunlaw.us or get the 2014 ed of www.gunlawguide.com .
To secure your firearms at home during your extended trip is smart too. ;)
If your plans include areas like DC or New Jersey which have strict gun/carry laws, an arrest or traffic stop hassle isn't really worth it.
Cops & state troopers on I-95 & the "beltway" are trolling for gun collars and drug arrests.
Don't risk it & don't be stuck on the side of the road playing Judge Judy at 230am.

Safety & security are another factor. Keeping your weapons secure in a vehicle or preventing thefts are a issue. If you do plan to pack any weapons, have them insured & document the serial #s/descriptions. This may help LE find them or ID them if recovered.
You'll be safe in Virginia with or without a concealed carry permit. We have reciprocity with Florida but even if we didn't you can carry openly without a problem here. You can also conceal your handgun in your glove box or center console without a permit if you wish.

As others have said, avoid DC, MD, and NJ like the plague. While the FOPA will theoretically protect you as you pass through DC and MD, that city and stat do have a reputation of being quite belligerent to those who do abide by that federal law. And ending your visit in NJ is not going to be covered since you probably cannot legally possess your arms in that state.

Best to either leave your firearm(s) at home or if you can leave them with someone or someplace in Virginia, do that.
The good news is that pepper spray is allowed in NJ for self defense purposes. The requirements are over 18, non felon and the spray cannot be over 3/4 ounce. No FID (Firearms ID card) is required.


"New Jersey: Non-felons over the age of 18 can possess a small amount of pepper spray, with no more than three-quarters of an ounce of chemical substance."

My advice?

In all seriousness, if you have choices, choose not to go to NJ at all.

It is a dark and fascist place and you should not dignify it with your presence, and leaving your dollars behind will only encourage them.
Spent brass will get you locked up in Washington DC. :what:
That is correct and thanks for bringing that up! We have thread here on THR that discusses that very topic.


"Mark Witaschek, a successful financial adviser with no criminal record, is facing two years in prison for possession of unregistered ammunition after D.C. police raided his house looking for guns. Mr. Witaschek has never had a firearm in the city, but he is being prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The trial starts on Nov. 4."

So leave the gun at home and leave the ammo at home.

Florida to New Jersey leave your guns and knives in Florida. Maybe even the pepper spray, too.
Personally I'd avoid Maryland, Delaware, D.C. and New Jersey. Passing thru Maryland to get to Pennsylvania would be my route. Stay in PA and visit NJ without weapons.
My much older sister (85) and 20 some cousins live in New Jersey. I visit them every year. With a gun. Something happens on the road( never has in 50 years ),I'm passing through to Pennsylvania or Delaware.

Life is way too short to worry about all these quibbles. I am not gonna be disarmed. Pepper spray?Tell that to Timothy Treadwell in Alaska. I am gonna have a rod on me. For sure.

Way too much anxiety here. Way too much. And if I end up in a Jersey cell? Que sera. sera. As said ,life is short. I am very strong and my relatives are dear to me. So is my life. You have to play the odds and you have to be tough. You take some minor chances. Or you don't! :evil:

We can work it out. :D The Vegas odds are always big in your favor in this type of scenario. But.... I admit...... anything can happen! :cool:

My advice?

In all seriousness, if you have choices, choose not to go to NJ at all.

It is a dark and fascist place and you should not dignify it with your presence, and leaving your dollars behind will only encourage them.

Poor Geek! No Pine Barrens or Cape May Ferry for you! ;) My condolences. :)
It is a dark and fascist place and you should not dignify it with your presence, and leaving your dollars behind will only encourage them.

I beg to differ. I have good friends in NJ and visit often. The Jersey Shore is a lot of fun and the people are very nice. It may not be friendly to 2A interests, but neither is Australia or California and I'm not about to cross those off the list if offered to go there.
I beg to differ. I have good friends in NJ and visit often. The Jersey Shore is a lot of fun and the people are very nice. It may not be friendly to 2A interests, but neither is Australia or California and I'm not about to cross those off the list if offered to go there.

Exactly, more to life than just this stuff
Odds are....

I wouldn't tinker with the carry laws or gun statues. :uhoh:
In 2007, I considered driving my late mother's 1997 Cavalier from PA to Florida without all the required travel docs(insurance, vehicle reg, tags, etc). I though, who will stop me?
In Winchester VA at about 1130pm at night, I drove right smack into a DWI check-point. :eek:

I had set everything up prior to my long drive & got out of the check point without any problems. The PD didn't even question me about my CCW or .38spl revolver. :cool:

Don't take chances. Mr. Murphy will be with you the whole time. ;)
What does a DUI checkpoint have to do with carrying a gun either in your car/trunk or on your person? Did they strip search you? How are they going to find anything locked in your trunk unless they have reasonable cause?

Right! :D
Some small town PD could get bored or ansey then you're doing a lot of talking.

I had a valid CCW & the firearm was for protection so I was not concerned.
The hassle over my title/tags/insurance was a bigger concern.

The cops had me in/out in about 3min.
Once in the mid 1990s, a small town cop saw my security uniform & told me to take off. ;)
Posted by: Shovelhead
One bored officers says "I smell pot/alcohol/whatever he can dream up" when you have your window down.
"Pull over to the side".
This is why it is a good idea to record police encounters. In Virginia, you do not have to tell police they are being recorded. Only one person need know this and that would be you.
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