Treason: Bush urges legal immigration

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Apr 4, 2006
Bush urges opening up legal immigration

International Politics

Saturday, August 5, 2006; Posted: 10:13 a.m. EDT (14:13 GMT)

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) -- With 6,000 National Guard troops deployed to Southwestern states, President Bush said Saturday he has fulfilled his pledge to help beef up border security and challenged Congress to give him legislation that will welcome more foreigners into the country.

Speaking in his weekly radio address, Bush said immigration law can only be successful if the get-tough border security to keep people from sneaking in is combined with opportunities for more immigrants to enter the country legally.

"By passing comprehensive immigration reform, we will uphold our laws, meet the needs of our economy and keep America what she has always been -- an open door to the future, a blessed and promised land, one nation under God," Bush said Saturday.

He recorded the remarks Friday from his ranch near Crawford, Texas, where he is on a 10-day vacation from the White House.

Bush wants to provide more temporary worker permits for foreigners willing to take low-wage jobs and allow illegal immigrants working in the United States for some time to become citizens. But Congress has been unable to agree on such legislation.

Conservatives in Bush's party have stood firm against his plans and say the U.S. should instead strengthen security along the border to keep illegal immigrants out.

[complete hokum here:]
You're new here, I take it?

If the actions of anyone in authority do not fit with one individual's pet interpretation of the Constitution, it is Treason. Duh.

Mike ;)
What good is having a well-defended border if everyone can invade "legally" via self-defeatist laws?

The current immigration laws are fine. They need to be enforced.
I don't get all the hoo-hah over this immigration thing.

If people want to migrate here from Mexico or Central America or whatever legally then by all means they're welcome to do it. If you trace your bloodlines back far enough everybody migrated here, even the "Native" Americans who started off as offshoots of East Asians and wandered over here during the ice age.

But the key point here is legally. Christ, just ask the Irish and the Italians that migrated over here via New York.

If people want to swim across the Rio Grande or hop the fence to live here illegally and worse still want to raise a stink about getting government handouts and equal treatment as other citizens - I have news for you: You guys ain't citizens. You go through the hoops like everyone else, no special treatment because you happen to like burning American flags and erecting Mexican ones in their places.

I'm recalling some sort of saying about biting the hand which feeds you or peeing in the water near your house...

If I remember correctly we had a couple of wars over this issue and America eventually won 'em all. So unless the flag burning crowd is feeling unusually froggy and would like to try again I don't see how there's any debate on this issue whatsoever.

Instead of everybody crying about it, we need to work on rounding 'em up and sending 'em home. And if they want to get violent over the matter, shoot 'em and ship the carcasses back over the border.
I have no problem with people coming here LEGALLY. Thats how my German great-grandparents did it.

Its really annoying that illegal Mexicans feel that they should get preferential treatment, just because their country of origin happens to be our next door neighbor. They think they should be exempt from the immigration laws that all other foreign nationals are subject to. :banghead:

I dont understand why Bush wants to change up the laws. The problem isnt the current laws... the problem is that the current laws are not being enforced. That needs to change.
Last time I checked, legal immigration was good. Our country is founded upon immigration, open immigration. I'm all for easing SOME of the requirements for citizenship, like the history test. From what I've heard, the test is ridiculously hard, and most AMERICANS couldn't pass it. Literacy is a different story. If you wanna live here, speak the language. If I were to move to Russia, how unrealistic would it be for me to learn their language instead of forcing a whole country to speak my language?
Last time I checked, legal immigration was good. Our country is founded upon immigration, open immigration. I'm all for easing SOME of the requirements for citizenship, like the history test. From what I've heard, the test is ridiculously hard, and most AMERICANS couldn't pass it.


LOL, I read the same thing somewhere, that a group of high school seniors were given it and most failed.
Of course, that might be viewed as a statement about our public school systems as much as it is about the test.

(recovering public school teacher)
I say OPEN the immigration gates, and make it easier for people to come here looking for jobs. Lets just tighten the flow of freebies to those that acctually need it.

The Fink's Immigration plan:

1. Reopen Ellis Island and open similar centers on the west coast and along the border.
2. Required to enter: A background check, a workable mastery of English (for the head of the household), proof of means to support yourself (i.e. able to work) or the dependent of some one, and able to pay a small fee to help fund the immigration process (less than $100).
3. This gets you a 6month pass at the end of which you must show that you are (or have been for more than 4 months) gainfully employed and paying taxes.
4. Immigration centers would be federally staffed for essential positions, but would be supplemented by volunteer groups to help immigrants find Jobs, housing, and vocational/language classes.

Wellfare benifits would reduced to people who acctually need them and cases would be audited regularly.

I believe that, just like generations before, people should be able to come to America and work for a better life. Wether they make that life or not is up to them and their abilities.

I know a lot of people may not like that, however, I don't think that, as a nation of immigrants, we have a right to say "Sorry, you missed the boat. If you had come 50 years earlier it would be fine but now is no good."

Edit: My Grandparents and Father waited 10 years in a war-torn country to immigrate to the US LEGALLY. I don't like all the Mexicans thinking they should get a cut to the front of the line, but I have no problem with making the line shorter.
I think I have a solution for this. We take all the hate-America liberals who don't like the country and undermine our efforts in the war on terror and other matters and have a "cultural exchange" with those immigrants who want to be here. That way we balance the US population and get rid of all the liberals at the same time! The liberals would most likely be sent to south-american countries with socialist political systems so it would be a win-win situation for all of us! :D
Bush wants to provide more temporary worker permits for foreigners willing to take low-wage jobs and allow illegal immigrants working in the United States for some time to become citizens. But Congress has been unable to agree on such legislation.

obiwan kenobi// these aren't the immigrants you're looking for// obiwan kenobi

someone ought to tell jorge that it aint the stupid unskilled immigrants we want, it's the ones that will contribute to our country that we really want.
"The only difference between legal and illegal Mexicans is the legal ones have a piece of paper that says "I am an amelican". Geographic boundaries don't change a persons loyalty.
There are plenty of good Mexicans but there is also plenty of room for good Mexicans in Mexico. These folks don't identify with our Founding Fathers." -Thirty Thirty

Whoa there. So legal immigrants are bad guys too that are only loyal to their home country? I better tell that to Oleg (owner of this board) and Marko (one of the other mods).

Or is it just brown legal immigrants that are the problem?

I'm not defending illegal border crossers at all. But if somebody has jumped through the ridiculous hoops to legal immigration, where is the problem?

And I know plenty of Mexican legal immigrants that would get along with the founding fathers just fine, thanks.
If they start letting in Haitians, who tend to already speak a beautiful King's English AND start immediately working two jobs, instead of sending them all back, I might listen to the arguments.

As it is, with only the Mexican border wide
30-30 is correct. this is treason.

The US is being invaded. It isn't tough to see. just analyze the demographics. Notice how the Mexican government is doing everything politically expedient it can do to get their citizens to come here.

Why, because their corrupt joke of a government is in league with equally duplicitous allies in Washington.

On the statue of Liberty it says "Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor, your teeming masses yearning to be free."

Americans are tired, and we're poor, and we are hungry. We work 2 or 3 jobs just to maintain a harder and harder to maintain middle class existence, and decent future for our children. Meanwhile, international corporations get cheaper foreign labour into the US using HB-1 visas they lie on. And illegals take the lower level jobs that the poor use to move up the income ladder.

This is treason, but instead of to another government, it is to international corporations, and their funding orgs, the WTO, IMF, and Worldbank, and Bank for International Settlments.
"Whoa there. So legal immigrants are bad guys too that are only loyal to their home country?"
The "Legal" ones are mostly illegals that were given amnesty. That was another case of treason.
Whoa there. So legal immigrants are bad guys too that are only loyal to their home country? I better tell that to Oleg (owner of this board) and Marko (one of the other mods).

Or is it just brown legal immigrants that are the problem?

Hit the nail on the head :)
"I read a recent report that 50% of aliens are unemployed.

If that is that case, then why do we need to liberalize our immigration laws?"

With everything being made in China now (thanks to the globalists) the collapse of our economy is inevitable. Of course we won't be needing any "guest workers" since there will be few jobs. The globalists just want them here to get us used to world religion, one race, one world.
Treason has always been defined as giving aid and comfort to an enemy during a time of war. That's war in the classic sense, an armed conflict involving declarations by Congress and all that happy stuff.

The casual and ultra-sloppy thought in today's usage is a cheapening of the word. It's as foolish as cheapening the horrors of the Holocaust by calling Hillary Clinton "Hitlery"--along with other Low Road appelations.

The only appropriate word I saw in the opening post was hokum, which the premise certainly is.

Take it to APS. It doesn't belong here.

Thirty-Thirty, most of them? Got a cite for that?

And back to my question. Is it just Mexicans, or any legal immigrant that you take issue with?
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