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Trigger Techniques and Tips....

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Dave McCracken

Moderator In Memoriam
Dec 20, 2002
All those gun shows on The History Channel got me going the other night.

A re-enactor was shooting a Pennsylvania Long rifle. Like many bad shooters do, he had his index finger shoved as far as possible into the guard and was firing the weapon with the second joint.

If the muzzle on that long barrel moved less than 2 inches at launch, I'd be astounded.

One can see the same atrocity in the field, with folks who cuss out steel shot, the birds,dog,etc, never realizing that their incompetence is the cause.

Using the tip of the index finger means better leverage, better control and better results. A good way to develop better trigger control follows...

With a shotgun KNOWN to be EMPTY, stand in a relaxed ready position. Trap the stock between your love handles and forearm of the firing hand. Remove your firing hand completely from the weapon. Lay the tip of your index finger on the trigger, with the first joint from the tip serving as an index just touching the trigger metal. Now, without disturbing the finger, grip the shotgun with the firing hand, sliding the hand up until it had a firm grip and is comfortable.

IOW, the grip conforms to the best position of the trigger finger, and not vice versa.

Practice this some, and use whatever aid to memory needed until it's ingrained.

Remember the finger pulls gently straight back.

And only the index finger moves on the hand. The convulsive clenching of the whole hand and yank of the trigger oft seen in conjunction with bad triggers and shooting is what this remedies.

Also, a trigger can be made to feel lighter and be better controlled by pulling at the tip, not from the bottom of the curved part.

The makers can help here, lighter triggers are much easier to use correctly. Wider triggers mimic lighter pulls, and many recreational shotgunners would benefit from a trigger 1/8" or more wider than those currently sold. The best clay gamers have cleaner,lighter,triggers, many with trigger shoes.

Hope this helps, sing out if there's anything unclear....
Master Dave

Any tips on weak (left) hand manipulation of an 870? What's the best technique on working the safety?
See the second post in this thread for Dave's method.

I prefer rotating the other way (outward, palm up), reaching under and around the trigger guard with my middle finger. My hand gets less out of position that way; in fact, I can almost reach it without moving my hand at all.
Buzz, my method may work best ofr me because on largish hands. More normal appendages may be best used with DTJ's way.

I just lumbered downstairs and tried both. Mine requires a bit of rotation of the weapon for fastest use, but then it's much faster for me. Of course, I'm used to it, so that's a factor also.

Best advice, IMO, is to try both ways, decide on one, and practice it 25 reps each day until it's ingrained.
Dear Dave,
Many thanks. Just tried it out with snap caps in my M1014. Unfortunately 10 to 12" of snow today... Can't wait to see what it does for my long range shots... Was using first joint of trigger finger on left hand... Will move to tip from now on. Like the grip being determined by the position of the tip of trigger finger. Truly outstanding... Again, THANKS!

Carter, oldpaladin, out...
Glad to help, Carter. One small aid may be a piece of tape or stickon velcro used as an index mark until one gets that muscle memory AKA chops down solid.
Dear Dave,
Another great idea. Mucho thanks again! Now, should I use cammo or silver duct tape? Hmmmm, one of life's big decisions...

Carter, oldpaladin, out...
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