Truth and Lies of 9/11

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No thanks. We've been through this baseless, paranoid arm-waving, crap from Mr. Mike Ruppert et al. about the WTC collapse before on THR. His crap theories just don't stand up under any kind of scrutiny.
Baseless and paranoid? Wow, you're such the enlightened one aren't you? When you have 23 years invested in research as well the background of Mr Ruppert, I'll make sure to listen to you.

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Baseless and paranoid? Wow, you're such the enlightened one aren't you? When you have 23 years invested in research as well the background of Mr Ruppert, I'll make sure to listen to you

And Mr. Ruppert's expertise in structural analysis, building systems, etc.., is evidenced by his University training in Architecture? Civil Engineering? former work as a building inspector?

And his training in explosive demolition was received at the Colorado School of Mines? The US Army? as a former employee of Explosive Demolitions Inc.?

And the vast experience he has in digital image analysis, that would be as a result of his dual Computer Science - Electrical Engineering Degree he received from MIT? Training he received in the USAF?

Nope, from his webpage his educational background is indicated to be a political science degree from UCLA (1973).

He's a paranoid nutjob and/or another cockroach trying to make a buck off of the 9/11 attacks.
Is that the link where it gets explained that the Gnomes of Zurich ( temporarily allied with the Bavarian Illuminati and the Trilateral Commission) flew black helicopters disguised as jetliners (using technology from the UFO wreck at Area 51) into the WTC?
Jesus you guys, this is how the world works! How can you be so ignorant?

We're after money, and we've been that way for a while now...

It's all about the $$. If we weren't deep in Saudi oil and drugs we wouldn't be the superpower we are today.

Jesus you guys, this is how the world works! How can you be so ignorant?

When I was your age, I knew how the world worked, too. However, I usually refrained from calling strangers who were old enough to be my parents "ignorant" for fear that they might point out the disparities in our education and experience.

Is that the link where it gets explained that the Gnomes of Zurich ( temporarily allied with the Bavarian Illuminati and the Trilateral Commission) flew black helicopters disguised as jetliners (using technology from the UFO wreck at Area 51) into the WTC?

Don't forget the Pope, I'm sure he was involved in it too seeing as how the Taliban wore funny looking hats, as does the Pope. :scrutiny:

Gotta get my own website up to get this important info out. :fire:
When I was your age, I knew how the world worked, too.

Ah, but you see there's the trick. As we get older we lose intelligence. After all, when we're young we know everything. The older we get the less sure we are of this fact.

Now where can I get one of those Illuminati Time Machines? I'd like to travel back to a few specific points in my own life, pop in, smack the living !@#$ out of the younger me and yell "Shaddup, ya might learn something."

And hey Jitsuguy, N3rday, guess what? It's all a conspiracy. And we're in on it. The black helicopters are on their way now.
With all the banking and securities connections being mentioned, I wonder why he left out the five jews that rule the world's financial institutions...or is it up to eight jews now? :confused:
And Mr. Ruppert's expertise in structural analysis, building systems, etc.., is evidenced by his University training in Architecture? Civil
Engineering? former work as a building inspector?
And Mr. Ruppert's expertise in structural analysis, building systems, etc.., is evidenced by his University training in Architecture? Civil Engineering? former work as a building inspector?

And his training in explosive demolition was received at the Colorado School of Mines? The US Army? as a former employee of Explosive Demolitions Inc.?

And the vast experience he has in digital image analysis, that would be as a result of his dual Computer Science - Electrical Engineering Degree he received from MIT? Training he received in the USAF?

In all honesty, I have no idea what you're talking about. This video speaks nothing about explosive demolition or digital image analysis... Just what video did you watch? Definitely not this one.

You're free to have your opinion, but if it's at all possible for you, pleas keep your opinion related to the subject. This video is about fore-knowledge of 9/11 not explosives or digital image analysis. :confused:

If you'd like to start a discussion based on those subjects, start your own thread instead of hijacking this one.

With all the banking and securities connections being mentioned, I wonder why he left out the five jews that rule the world's financial institutions...or is it up to eight jews now?

No...this was too big for the Pope alone. A job THIS big is obviously the work of a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as "The Pentavret"...who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado known as "The Meadows". Made up of the Queen, the Vatican, the Yettis, the Rothschild, and Colonel Sanders...before he went tit's up.
"This video speaks nothing about explosive demolition or digital image analysis."

That's a really big problem. The video should address that aspect of a building collapse in the context of the 9/11 event. Unless, of course, one is merely attempting to foist off a preconceived notion with some specious "proof".

:), Art
That's a really big problem. The video should address that aspect of a building collapse in the context of the 9/11 event. Unless, of course, one is merely attempting to foist off a preconceived notion with some specious "proof".

Like I stated before, this video is about prior knowledge... What part of this are you not understanding? Let me again state the purpose of this video... It's NOT about the physics of the attack itself, but about prior knowledge of the attack.

So Art, you're wrong, not addressing this information in this video is not a problem at all.

If you want to discuss the pysics of the attacks I'm sure you or Cool Hand Luke are perfectly capable of starting your own thread. Until then, It's like you're bringing an Amway presentation to a Tupperware party.

What I would like to see is a survivor of 9/11 WTC kicking the feces out of this idiot.

Now that my friends is a great approach to refuting arguments presented in this video. So good in fact, I really don't know what to say.

Leaving the Pentagon the morning of 9/11, I had no doubt---none whatsoever---that there had been an impact by a large jet aircraft. Just the fumes of Jet A-1 alone were nearly overwhelming. And I seem to recall a few thousand reruns of film clips showing an airliner impacting the WTC that day. And what about that wreckage in PA? This idiotic argument has been propounded before, and it holds no water. Bah. :barf:

TFL Survivor
Not to mention the huge number of jet parts show in "at the time" photographs of the Pentagon.

"Prior knowledge" is a funny thing...

With the propensity for America's many intelligence services NOT to talk to each other, it's not surprising that September 11 was missed.

When you take the whole body of evidence and consider it at the same time, yes, you can normally see a definite pattern emerge. Start removing chunks of that evidence, though, and you're not going to get the same picture.

For almost 60 years investigators have tried to piece together the "smoking gun" that would prove that the highest echelons of the United States government knew that Japan would strike Pearl Harbor, on what date, at what time, with which forces, etc., and yet did nothing because Roosevelt wanted the United States in the war.

Nice try, but it's simply not going to happen.
The video is wrong. Clearly, the WTC attack was done with a UFO piloted by Elvis. It was all arranged, back when the King visited Nixon at the White House, and also the very reason Elvis had to "die." They were making plans, even then, to kill Americans in order to setup Bush and the Trilateral Commission for world domination. :rolleyes:
I don't think that the official story, as was clearly demonstrated in the video evidence availiable to anyone, is anything less than the truth. Planes flew into buildings that day. But my only problem with the whole situation is the neo-conservative think tank graduates who are running the country.

tax free fund investigations =

Dodd sent out questionnaires to many of these foundations and received an invitation by Joseph E. Johnson of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He invited Dodd to send someone to Carnegie headquarters in New York city to research the minutes of the meetings during the foundation's beginnings.


Is there a way known to man more effective than war, to so alter the life of an entire people?

which led to,

When Mr. Dodd visited the then president of the Ford Foundation, Rowan Gaither, he asked Dodd why Congress was interested in the operations of foundations such as theirs. But then answered his own question with a blatant, open admission:

that being

The substance under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to so alter life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.

Ok, so great, now we have all this tax free money being thrown at the problem of how best to turn America, land of the free, home of the brave into some mutant socialist state.

I know alot of you will never buy this, but you should remember that you are, I'd imagin for the most part, a product of this effort.

Next we have the 'Project for the New American Century' report on rebuilding americas defenses which twords the bottom reads,

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

the very next year we had just such a 'catalyzing' event,

Anyways, if you don't buy it, or have a better explanation that's great, I've been looking over this material for a few months now and at the very least somthing smells fishy.
"After the first 5 minutes, you won't be able to stop watching it."

I won't? I sure enough stopped watching it.


P.S. - I'd bet the Pope's big hat is lined with tinfoil.
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