Trying on shoes with a gun

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I tried on several pairs of boots and shoes 3 weeks ago with my regular edc(belt gun, and pocket gun), and last night I even went to pick up a new pair of running shoes. I was running up and down the sidewalk to test several different pairs of shoes, with no issues. If your wearing a good belt with a good holster, its a non issue. Id just stay away from ankle holsters when buying new shoes :D
tell the red headed SO that she has to comewith, she does have a ccw doesn't she, have her carry yours for a few minutes.

or wear a big baggy shirt, untucked, no one will know,
tell the red headed

In order to tell the red-head ANYTHING, you need to get her to stop talkng. That hasn't happened for years. She even does monologues in her sleep.

I haven't actually spoken the Imperial Red-Headed Scorpio for years. She's on a roll and I can't seem to interrupt her. Chocolate cake slowed her down a little in 1998 but she started right back up and hasn't stopped.

Death comes unexpectedly!!!

In order to tell the red-head ANYTHING, you need to get her to stop talkng. That hasn't happened for years. She even does monologues in her sleep.

I haven't actually spoken the Imperial Red-Headed Scorpio for years. She's on a roll and I can't seem to interrupt her. Chocolate cake slowed her down a little in 1998 but she started right back up and hasn't stopped.
If SWMBO (Red-headed) reads this you had better have ALREADY bought those running shoes!
:D :what: :D :what: :D
Buying Clothes

The only time I have had any problem shopping with my carry piece was when I went into a Syms store in the DFW area to buy a new suit. When the salesman brought me the suit, I simply handed him my CHL, explained I was armed, and asked how he would like to proceed. He handed back my CHL and said it was no problem, so I took off my cover garment, and bought two suits from the man. Nobody in the store batted an eye.

Syms normally has an off duty cop working security, and he was in the store that day. In Texas, open carry is illegal, and the cop could have made a fuss if he had seen me. I figured I was OK since the salesman was with me, and he had given me permission to expose my weapon in his store. The cop would have had a hard time articulating that I was careless or reckless about exposing my weapon which are the elements of the offense.

Since it worked out so well, I got the salesman's card, and I plan to shop there some more.
For years I worried that by bending to tie a shoe lace or pull on a pair of boots, my CCW would print. I tried sitting with my back to the wall, repositioning theb weapon before sitting, wearing a heavier cover garment, (not an easy choice in FL in summer) and last but not least, leaving the weapon in the truck. Since being unarmed is a non acceptable condition, I only tried that one once.

What I have found to work best is simply to go about your business, try on the shoes and if the weapon prints, assuming carry is legal, don't let it bother you, cause chances are it won't bother those around you. As has been stated here often, if you act with confidence, you could probably walk through the shoe store Naked with your sixgun strapped to your side and few would even notice.

That lump on your side could be a Tumor for all the public knows, and if you call no attention to it, niether will JQ Public.
well i thought this was really funny, but man you guys this thread is almost all comedy!
Its damn near impossible to try on new Nikes while carrying a gun. Lots of assaults occur in shoe stores; don't kid yourself that its safe in there.

Here is how I would do it:

Go ahead and get ready just as you would for any other trip to the mall. Strap on some Kevlar, your Leatherman, Sure-Fire flashlight, and Pepper Spray. If you have a large fanny pack, I would add Nun-Chuks to that list also, to handle close combat.

Then get several of your friends who have gun permits to go with you. Friends who say they are ex-Special Forces would be best. One of them can carry a couple of extra guns on his belt. They can lay down cover fire til you can fight your way to them with your chuks and get your guns. Problem solved.

You think someone is gonna mess with you if you go in prepared like that? Heck no!
SM - is you method of carry Thunderpants, er uh, Thunderwear?

LG - Just make sure your buddy that holds your bow staff while you try on shoes is qualified to use it. From the Dojo of Rex-Qwan-Do or something...
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