TX Campus Carry is Again Dead

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Moderator Emeritus
Apr 11, 2004

Just as before. Doesn't get out of committee. I note that the Gov. and Lt. Gov. blustered a bit but did little. Not being a legal expert, I do think they could have used some abilities to get it out for a vote, but didn't. This was the pattern in the past.

Very disgusting - well, I did go to Whole Foods and have a Gelato after testifying and some other fun Austin Shopping. :eek:
Mmmm... gelato.

On a serious note shame on them. Students should not have their rights removed by an educational institution.
If I was a student at a 'gun-free university' I would make a point of trying to enroll in online classes and write the student newspaper and college administrative board and inform them of my choice to do so, given that you feel the security of individuals isn't up to police officers.

Case in point: Look at how many people were cowering in their homes and in the MIT campus buildings at this last Boston attack. Bad guy shoots police officer, everyone is at their mercy. Individual rights should NOT be denied on public university grounds. If some private institution wants to have their own policy, that's their choice, but tax-payer funded institutions shouldn't have their rights stripped like that.
I'm also disappointed, but having taken TX Constitutional Law (university requirement), I understand our weak executive separation of powers makes "blustering" about all a TX governor can do a lot of the time.
. The office ain't called "cheerleader in chief" for nothing. (And yeah, he has good hair :p )
I am at one of those gun free zones in Texas and am thoroughly disappointed in this. But, my organization did set up a CHL class on campus (minus the range portion) so that more students would get their CHLs and hopefully we will be able to continue to get more students each semester and push to finally get campus carry; even though I won't still be a student when that finally comes around.
Case in point: Look at how many people were cowering in their homes and in the MIT campus buildings at this last Boston attack.

Case and point, the homes were not gun free by outside mandate. Many of those people you claim were cowering in their homes were barricaded and armed. Also, don't confuse campus lockdown with cowering. Just because students were ordered into a lockdown does not mean they were cowering. Plenty of people are comfortable and brave unarmed and/or do not fear without a known and present threat.

Bummer on campus carry not passing. I still use the university for research and have to ungun when I do.
Yes, there were citizens armed and hunkered down, but many, and I mean many, Bostonians were not armed when all this went down. MIT is a gun-free zone. When the chaos broke out, the very first set of people that could have used a gun for self-defense were the ones restricted from doing so. The first-responder was killed. Due to the campus being a gun-free zone, there were no responsible civilians able to exercise their rights.

Unfortunately, those rights were not present in Boston on MIT, or Virginia Tech, or Columbine, etc. All of these places are 'gun-free'. All of them have had deadly shootings. My post above is by no means a knock on those who live in Boston, rather, pointing out that some people may have chosen to have a CCW if it were an option on the MIT campus, there just may have been a chance that some of the ensuing manhunt and shootouts could have been avoided.
Well, you can thank Senator Whitmire again for this.

BTW - At lunchtime on August 1st, 1966 I sure was cowering behind a car while Charles Whitman did his evil work from the University of Texas Tower. He was pretty effective with that 6mm Remington bolt action rifle.

Sure was glad to hear a LOT of return fire start up from students who were using their deer rifles they kept in their dorm rooms & apartments. Sounded like a "Nam firefight we saw on the TV news.

Undoubtedly those armed students saved many lives because it pinned Whitman down so he was restricted to shooting out of the drain spouts in the stone parapet around the observation deck.

Before that, I watched him casually lean over the parapet to pick off a few unsuspecting & clueless people on the ground. All the police had were .38 Special revolvers and a few shotguns.
Afterwards in the mob scene below the Tower I saw a Texas Ranger with a Thompson submachine gun. Never did hear it firing during the 90 minute gun battle.

"Gun free zones".... my butt.
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Sorry for your woes! What I don't understand; Arkansas passed a College/University faculty concealed carry law, and we have Colleges and Universities advertising on TV that they are opting-out of this provision? They were never opted-in!

They might as well have a banner at the gates that says, "We are a gun free zone, we have no means to protect our students from madmen and terrorists!"

If these ads are meant to allay fears of the parents of college kids who attend those universities, they have sent the wrong message!

If I were an administrator, I'd certainly not advertise the fact our campus is unprotected!

I wouldn't say anything at all!

I realize they may say/not say anything regarding their stance on anything, but this seems to fly in the face of student safety.

Liberal leaning philosophy. Sometimes, I just don't get their thinking?
Well, you can thank Senator Whitmire again for this.

BTW - At lunchtime on August 1st, 1966 I sure was cowering behind a car while Charles Whitman did his evil work from the University of Texas Tower. He was pretty effective with that 6mm Remington bolt action rifle.

Sure was glad to hear a LOT of return fire start up from students who were using their deer rifles they kept in their dorm rooms & apartments. Sounded like a "Nam firefight we saw on the TV news.

Undoubtedly those armed students saved many lives because it pinned Whitman down so he was restricted to shooting out of the drain spouts in the stone parapet around the observation deck.

Before that, I watched him casually lean over the parapet to pick off a few unsuspecting & clueless people on the ground. All the police had were .38 Special revolvers and a few shotguns.
Afterwards in the mob scene below the Tower I saw a Texas Ranger with a Thompson submachine gun. Never did hear it firing during the 90 minute gun battle.

"Gun free zones".... my butt.
Armybrat, I remember that atrocity like it was yesterday, even though I wasn't there. I had an incredible sense of helplessness even as an 11 year old; this madman walking around that tower balcony with impunity, picking-off helpless souls.

I also remember Kent State. And couldn't believe my eyes that a military faction was gunning down students in that incident.

I remember a lot of atrocities, present day included, and have to wonder aloud, "what next? What the hell next"? And hoping I am close enough to lend an arm for the common good.
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Sometimes, I just don't get their thinking?
Gun Free Zone... or Thought Free Zone? :)

I have heard it said...that knowledge without wisdom is what Universities impart.

Edited to add: my "thought-free zone" comment was originally intended to refer to Universities, and their near-Universal opposition to self-defense...but upon further reflection, the quote may also apply to our Texas Legislature. Very disappointed...yet again.
Gun Free Zone... or Thought Free Zone? :)

I have heard it said...that knowledge without wisdom is what Universities impart.

Edited to add: my "thought-free zone" comment was originally intended to refer to Universities, and their near-Universal opposition to self-defense...but upon further reflection, the quote may also apply to our Texas Legislature. Very disappointed...yet again.
Excellent points! Denying we have a sick society, then taking steps to allow members of that degenerate subculture free access to a campus that advertised on TV they have no protection, seems to me the epitome of ignorance, and may border on stupidity.

There are quite a few bills/acts "relating to the carrying of concealed handguns on the premises of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education."

Some might be dead, but I've been following HB 972 and it will be up for discussion at a public hearing tomorrow.

Edit: The title of that article... "Senator declares campus carry bill 'dead'" makes me think of Michael Scott on the Office... "I! Declare! BANKRUPTCYYY!!!"
Just because this Whitmire guy "declares" that it's dead, doesn't mean that it's dead. It's just want he wants to happen, and him saying it out loud makes him feel that it's the truth. This seems to be not unlike those other anti-gun politicians on the macro scale... ("we just want to institute these 'common sense' gun laws." "90% of everyone that ever existed thinks that these gun laws are awesome." ...Yeah, I might be paraphrasing a bit...)
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