typeing from vacation

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Oct 12, 2005
belton texas
well i am on vaction in Del rio texas and do you believe that in a town this size tht there is no gun shop in this town and the only store that sales them and ammo is Russels true value hardware and they want 19.99 for a brick of remington thunder bolts.:banghead: :banghead: :what: and i still cant believe that this town does not have a gun shop this brings up a question what areas of study do you need to become a gun smith and to sale guns i know that there will be local laws and rules from the federal laws like getting ffl and what knot but jsut wantede to let yall know dont come here with gun problems unless you can fix them your selfs.

now back to my vacation i am going into mexico tonight and wont be back on here for a while and of course you know i wouldnt be on vaction with out a gun or two or maybee three so i brought my marlin 336 in 30-30 my 870 12 gauge and my ruger 10-22 and before i get flamed i am not taking them into mexico a freind has a ranch and i am going shooting some time next week brount 920 rounds of ammo any way yall have fun wit hout me on here

:neener: :neener: belton-deer-hunter:neener: :neener:

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

and i know i am not typeing with proper english or spelling but i am on vacation
Yeah, I never use periods either while on vacation.:confused: A couple classes in small business management wouldn't hurt the aspiring FFL.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but there are no less than 80 spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors in your post. That might be a record, even for someone on vacation.

Nobody likes grammar police, but there's a reasonable limit to what you can expect people to decode. You Sir, have exceeded that limit. The Language has rules for a reason: Other people have to be able to read it. If you ignore the rules, it makes it much harder for us to understand what you are trying to convey. This can be attributed to several causes:

1. You are ignorant of the rules. OK, this can happen. Buy a book and proofread your posts. It's not hard. I do it, others do too. Remember, whatever you post is a reflection on yourself and your intelligence. If my grandkids read one of my posts 80 years from now, I hope they don't think their Granddad was a retard.

2. You are too lazy to write correctly. There's no excuse for this. Suck it up and do it right. Your laziness makes us work harder, and puts wear and tear on our decoder rings.

3. Arrogance. I don't think you're one of these.
These people think they're clever.
No complete sentences.
They write like Haiku.
Post count and advanced age entitles them.
They suck.

Look, we have to work hard to figure you out, and that is simply not fair. We don't deserve that burden, and I have to assume that many people simply give up. They get halfway through a poorly written and punctuated screed; decide that it's too much work to read, and just go on to the next thread.

I worked through your post and I think I know what you were trying to say, but it wasn't easy.

I hope you have fun with your "freind in mexico and yall brount enough ammo wit yall to have fun wit".
I hate the grammer police. I think they are arrogant. Do like my momma said =========If you don't have something nice to say then say nothing. Plus this guy is on vacation. Maybe he has had a case of beer or many shots of whiskey. I saw a check I signed after a few beers and my signature looked nothing like the real one. He might be a man with big hands and someone who does not type well. And I know I did not listen to my mother with this post.:neener:
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