Unintended Consequences - John Ross

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Staff member
Oct 23, 2004
uhh, what's going on with this book? amazon wants $211 for it? B&N claims to have 6 used copies starting at $99?! Most online stores have it for $32 but don't have it in stock
Accurate press' link is busted

Is this book no longer being printed?
I think the hardback is out of print, but I've recently saw mention of a softback edition in the works.

I liked the history of the gun culture stuff, but some parts were kinda "odd".

For prices like that I'd sell mine.

Did you want to borrow a copy for yourself, Tom? Or are you just wondering what the deal is in general?
Prices are across the board. I found a new HB on-line for $32.00. (probably $100 shipping).
very high prices, few hard copies..

if you liked UC, read the Matthew Bracken trilogy (Enemies, foreign and domestic and sequels)
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I just read the first of Matthew Bracken's trilogy, one of the best of that type of story I've read.
Maybe we could have a THR book exchange section. It's a great book, I've read it a few times.

He was writing a sequel and last I talked to him heller was still in the SCOTUS and it sounded like he was waiting to see what happened. We won that but now that we've got antis in the white house, senate, and house, i'm sure there is quite a bit a creative mind could come up with about things coming to a head.
Could it be demand has skyrocketed because of a new wave of gun buyers?? and now they are being scalped.
Could it be demand has skyrocketed because of a new wave of gun buyers?? and now they are being scalped.

The author talks about that on his web page. He says that as long as it continues to sell fairly well in hard back at the current price we won't see paper back cheapies. They're not printed at mass market speeds so demand outstrips supply at times. First editions of the book are quite expensive, accounting possibly for the high priced used ones the OP saw.

Check out John Ross's website here and Unintended Consequences FAQ here.
huh. The exorbitant high price for hardback must be why it is so easy to find digital copies of it online for free.
Resurrecting a rather old thread in case anyone has fresh leads where this book might be found at a modest pricepoint.
I'm going to check local libraries to see if any of them have this well-recommended book and/or if they'll share between library branches.
Don't know but if it were available as an electronic publication, it'd be a whole lot easier; Kindle Version Mr. Ross?
I'd be more than happy to sell my hard back copy for $100. I honestly didn't care much for the book after the main character got older.
I think you have a couple of things happening.

1. The seller either does not know the market value of what they are selling.

2. They are trolling for an impulse buyer.
Don't know but if it were available as an electronic publication, it'd be a whole lot easier; Kindle Version Mr. Ross?

I have heard that Amazon does not pay a royalty to publisher (and eventually the author) for providing the book via their Kindle product. I hope that is not true. It doesn't sound right. Amazon supposedly pockets the entire revenue. Maybe somebody could straighten that perception out??
The same thing was going on with Monster Hunter International before Baen published it. I pulled it up on Amazon before it published and I saw used copies of his self published book going for over $300.
Amazon does pay a royalty for Kindle sales. As a Kindle author, you pick the price and how much you want/sale.

Don't want to see Mr. Ross cheated out of his money, but the book is available as an electronic PDF via torrent download for those who know how to do it. I have a print copy but I just tried out the torrent download and I think it's a true copy.
I have heard that Amazon does not pay a royalty to publisher (and eventually the author) for providing the book via their Kindle product. I hope that is not true. It doesn't sound right. Amazon supposedly pockets the entire revenue. Maybe somebody could straighten that perception out??

It isn't true. A friend of mine is a published author, and his current book is on Amazon for hardcover or electronic (Kindle) download. He get royalties on both.
As with anything else in the world, it is worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for it. We sold this book along with TEOTWAWKI in our gunshop back in the 90's and always at a pretty good discount. Hopefully reprints will be available soon.
Last week, I finally put Enemies Foreign And Domestic into Kindle. We'll see how it sells, and I'll probably put my other books on Kindle in a month or two.
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