UPDATED: Prayers for Labgrade's son...

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
UPDATED - Prayers for Labgrade's son...

Hello, High Roadsters. I received a telephone message this evening that our colleague Labgrade's stepson is being admitted to hospital for a very major - and very risky - surgical procedure. I won't give further details at this time (that's for Labgrade to do if he sees fit), but the surgery is probably under way as I write this. Labgrade has asked for our prayers for his stepson, and I think we should also include his stepson's wife and their children, Labgrade and his wife, and their extended family. This is very much a life-threatening situation, so please put your praying hats on! Thanks to all of you on behalf of Labgrade and all the family members involved.

UPDATE - 3 P.M. CENTRAL, 12/27/02:

I spoke with Labgrade this afternoon. He informs me (and has authorized me to tell all of you) that his stepson underwent a heart transplant this morning. All your prayers must be working - the doctors say it went very well indeed, as well as can possibly be expected under the circumstances. His stepson is now resting, and has seen his wife and mother. Labgrade and his wife haven't had any sleep since yesterday, and will be trying to get some this afternoon. He says he will get on-line as soon as he's able and post his own message and update. He asked me to thank you all VERY MUCH for your prayers, and says please don't stop! This is a long-term recovery that will need ongoing attention.

Please also remember that for Labgrade's stepson to receive this heart, another person had to die... There's a family somewhere out there mourning their loss. Please keep them in your prayers as well.
Been praying for him for awhile now. Glad the surgery is finally here, after the waiting. Hope all is well...

Thanks for passing the word along.


Pray, and let God worry. -- Martin Luther
Att: Labgrade-

My thought's and prayer's are with you and your family
as we speak. I'm a little late getting on-line this A.M.
but very sorry to learn of this news. I hope everything
works out well; and that the family receives some very
good news soon! Trust in the good works of the LORD;
he is great, my friend!

May GOD bless each of you, and keep you all safe-
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Sure I'll include him in my Mincha and Maariv prayers tonight along with another TFL, um, Highroad member I put in my prayers 3x a day.
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